Part 15 : Allen and Jacob.

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Note this is a side story! BxB. This is how Allen and Jacob met! In current time Allen is 35 and Jacob is 33. Note this is the past. So Allen is 18 and Jacob is 16.

Jacob's POV:
I really hate the gym in the pack house. Haha but I'm to cheap it pay for a actual gym membership.
"Stupid ass omega!!"
"Why don't you just run back to the library! This is no place for you." The five assholes that are talking to me now are why.
"Look guys I have the right to train just like everyone else."
"Your a scrawny piece of shit. Come back when we are done. I don't even want to look at you."
So what I'm an omega?! I can stay here if I want.
I moved over to the shoulder press and decided to ignore them.
I noticed a wiry boy walk in the room. Salt and pepper hair and grey eyes. Wait why is his hair like that? He only looks 18. What ever it is he's super cute. I can see his definition though his Athletic shirt!
Goddess he's hot! He glanced over at me and smiled.
Wow and his smile is amazing...
"Get up omega." I looked up at the incarnation of shit looming over me.
"Now!" He said getting increasingly upset.
"Make me." He growled and picked me up by my throat and slammed me against a wall. I groaned in pain.
The boy with the gray eyes moved to us.
"Let him go." His voice was demanding. And honestly pretty fucking scary. The guy holding me by the neck tightened his grip. I started to struggle.
"Move on this isn't your business."
"I'm not asking you I'm telling you. Let him go now."
He dropped me and turned to the boy with the grey eyes. This caught the attention of the other assholes in the room. They all closed in on him. I tried to recover form getting chocked.
"Why don't you run along before this gets bad for you." Spat my attacker.
There were no signs of backing down from either of them.
"Fine have it your way!" He launched a right jab at the boy with gray hair.
If I blinked I would have missed it. He dodged and through a punch. It landed right in the stomach of the asshole! Then his body went limp with his fist still firmly in place.
Then the boy gently pushed him of and turned to me. The body hit the ground with a thud. He kneeled to eye level with me.
"Hi my names Mike Allen. Don't move, ok?" He smiled and gave me a wink. Whoa hot much.
Allen turned and stud to face to rest of my attackers.
"Look I think my new friend is willing to forgive you all if you apologize and walk away." He turned to me and I nodded.
"Who do you think you are, huh? We don't owe that dog anything. Now move before we kick your ass." Allen's eyes turned to a dark gray like storm clouds. He looked pissed.
"I'm feeling generous today. This is your last chance. I advise you to take it."
"Fuck you." He lunged at Allen claws drawn. He elegantly moved out of the was and tripped him in the process.
He guy fell head first into weights.
Allen calmly walked up to another. There was a clear look of fear and panic on the boy's face.
He through a hook and Allen ducked, stepped inside and delivered a deviating upper cut to the chin.
He collapsed.
Two left and they attacked together. He must have heard them coming because he turned around in the nick of time and smashed their heads together.
They also collapsed.
He took a deep breath and sighed.
"I'm really sorry you had to see that."
He ran his hand through his hair and strolled to me.
"Um there's no need to be sorry, I should be thanking you. You saved me."
He chuckled. If that wasn't the cutest thing.
"It's no problem anything for a handsome boy like yourself."
I started blushing, wait did I just hear what I think I'm hearing?!
"Awe and cute too? I didn't think people like you even existed."
Again with the complements?! I felt my face get even hotter.
He gently picked me up bridle style. I leaned my head in this chest. I don't know exactly why it just made me feel safe. He had a grin on his face.
"I will take you to your room so you can rest."
"What about them?"
"I only knocked them out."
He started walking.
"So what's your name?"
"Jacob Snow."
"I like it, so why were they bullying you?"
"Um because I'm an omega..."
"Don't be afraid to be yourself, your an amazing person I can tell." He's so sweet! And his chest is so strong... Whoa there we just met.
"Um thanks... Can I ask why your helping me?" Is it just me or is he blushing a bit.
"Well you um looked like you need help so I helped."
We arrived at my room. He pushed open the door. Then walked me to my bed and laid me down making sure in the process I was comfortable.
"So Jacob I will see you later?"
"Um ya." He turned to leave. But wait I want him to stay!
"Wait Allen!" He turned. "Um I was wondering if you wanted to watch movies later with me." I said overly nervous. His face broke out into a wide smile.
"Of course, I would love to. How about 7:00 in my room?"
"Yeah sounds great." I said holding in my sudden excitement.
"K bring the snacks!" With that he left.
Why does his smile give me butterflies? I never crushed on anyone like this before. Maybe he's my mate... I'm not sure. My birthday isn't for another week. Yet I still feel drawn to him.
Wait did he say 7:00?!
It's 6:35?! I have to get ready!!

Mike Allen's POV:

I met my mate today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank the moon goddess!!!!!!!
He's so ugh, I don't even know how to explain.
Green eyes and brown hair so yummy.
Plus he's fit not overly muscular just how I like.
And if he didn't just have the cutest face!
Everything about him is perfection. Plus I get to cuddle with him later, well watch movies.
I have to take a shower and stuff so if I want to make a move he won't smell my sweat.
I was lucky to met him today, teacher usually has me training all night.
I ran in the shower and shampooed. I have this Cologne that I've been told smells really good.
I heard a knock a the door.
It's 7:00 already?! I ran to the door and took a deep breath. At least I'm clean but I'm not properly clothed. Lol I'm only in boxers. Wait I kinda want to see his reaction. I had a devilish grin.
I opened the door. Jacob was on the other side and he was wearing a baggy shirt and really cute shorts.
Omg I just noticed this but he's all shaved. So hot... Lol I should have put on pants so it would be easier to hide the boner he's giving me.
Um dead puppies!!!
There we go.
"Hey Jacob, come in." He snapped out what I assume was a pleasant day dream. Lol I wasn't wearing a shirt after all.


Yoooo hope you liked this update!!! Leave a like or comment if you want more of Allen and Jacob! Shouts out to Fighting4us for being my first follower. I never really asked so that's pretty amazing of you.
Also shout out to Gabbycastro3914 and AlexandriaBonertz for liking most all of every part of this book.
You should have seen my face when I saw all the likes!😝 (it was that btw)
Well okay later ever one! Thanks for sticking with me!

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