Part 25 : Don't back down.

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The Wolf King...

Jane's POV:

I made Alice a little breakfast after I found her hung over. I know it's hard on her with being punished and all. I really didn't want to but its for the best.
She has to learn to stay away from girls that only want one thing. I mean I'm not blaming her, she can be a little ignorant to when people are coming on to her. My sweet puppy.
Just thinking about her makes me livid. Trying to take what is mine!
Plus after I gave you a far warning?!
Hell no! You are just begging to get a swift kick in the ass.
"Baby no don't go.. It's gonna be nothing but trouble." Alice said groggy.
"Just eat up okay baby? I'm going to be back soon."
"Can I have a kiss?" Yes of course you can puppy! But I can't say that. I don't want to be hard on her but I have to stick to my word.
"No kisses is apart of your punishment, so no. With that said I love you puppy."
"I love you too." She kinda grumbled it out, probably upset over not getting anything. I can't really help that now though so I rubbed her back then took my leave.

I asked Allen for the Love address through the pack link. He gave it to me but when he asked why I didn't reply. I actually don't know what I'm going to do when I get there.
All I know is I'm going to be VERY clear with my message.
It look a hour to get to the house. I mean mansion. The place just screams money and power.
I walked up the unnecessary amount of marble stairs and rang the doorbell.
In seconds the clearly imported oak doors opened. A maid was there and greeted me.
"Hello miss. How can I help you too day?"
"I'm here to see Ms.Love."
"Right this way." She polity let me inside and guided me to a room on what seemed like the top floor.
"Ms.Love! You have a visitor!" She then curtsied to me and left. After a minute Sophia poked her head out of the door.
She looked surprised to see me.
"Did you bring Alice with you?" She said hopeful. Gggrrrrr.
"No this is a you and me thing." She sighed and rolled her eyes a bit.
"Fine come in." She opened the door fully to let me in.
"Please sit." She pointed to a chair. I sat down and she sat a cross from me.
"Why did you come here?"
"To tell you to stay away from my mate." She started grinning.
"Oh she told you about the kiss?" Stupid bitch.
"Yes she did and I don't appreciate you coming on to her."
"It's not my fault she enjoyed it." My wolf howled with anger. "Oh she left that part out huh? Ya she was begging for mo-."
Before I realized what I was doing I had pimp slapped her. The sound echoed through the room.
She was clearly in a state of shock. Then she snapped out of it.
"You shouldn't have done that you bitch..." She took a deep breath and screamed.
"HELP SHE'S ATTACKING ME!!" What?! "I'm going have her."
Is all she said before she started to tear up and held her face where I hit her.
Her twin guards busted through the doors. One grabbed me forcefully and the other ran to the aid of Sophia.
"Are you okay Ms.Love?" She started sobbing.
"No! We were just talking then she attacked me! She's crazy!!!" That lying bitch!!!!!
A deep growl erupted from the twin that was talking to her. He turned to me with his fist clinched. Shit! I turned to get away from the man holding me be he was to strong.
The man punched me hard in the face and in the stomach.
I violently started coughing up blood.
Then I was roughly dragged out of the house and thrown to the hard ground.
"Don't come back or its your life dog!!" The twins barked at me.
God I feel awful... I've never been beaten this bad before.
I have to call someone...
Definitely not Alice who knows what she will do if she sees me like this.
-Allen come and find me.. I need help.-
I weakly asked through the pack link.
-Of course Luna.-
I blacked out.

When I woke up I was being patched up by Jacob in the back of a car. I tried to sit up but it hurt to much.
"Afternoon Jane. Do me a favor and stay still." He spoke with a smile in his voice. "Allen, hun she's okay. You can relax now." Allen must be driving.
"What happened Luna?" He sounds worried.
"Sophia's guards hurt me."
"Don't worry we are almost home."
"Did you tell Alice?" I asked a little worried about his answer.
"No. Alice is the type to kill the messenger when she gets bad news. And personally I still want to have kids."
"Wait can't you take her in a fight?"
"Not when she's fighting with a purpose."
We pulled up to our apartment building and Allen picked me up very carefully to take me inside. Jacob followed behind.
When we got to my apartment Jacob opened the door.
Alice was sitting on the couch watching Steven Universe. It's her favorite show at the moment.
"Hey Jane! How did everyth-" She stopped mid sentence when she saw me.
Her eyes were in disbelief. Allen sat me down on the couch next to her and took a couple of steps back.
She intertwined our hands carefully.
"Who did this to you?" She asked quietly.
"Sophia's guards." Instantly growl that seemed to shake the building erupted from her.
Her teeth were drawn and her canines were larger then normal.
Her eyes are now an electric blue.
She got up and went to our bedroom.
I've never been scared of Alice before but I'm glad I'm not the one she's growling at. I see why Allen didn't want to tell her.
A minute later she came back out fully dressed in her assassin uniform. She looked deadly.
She walked to me and gave me a gentle kiss. "Rest up love. I will be back." She turned to Allen and Jacob. "Protect her while I'm gone." They bowed in submission.
She left after those words.
Alice's POV:

They hurt her. No one should ever have laid a paw on my mate.
Now what am I going to do?
Make them pay of course.
I'm going in the wolf kings territory, knocking on his door and breaking every last bone in those guards body.
Hell I will fight the king himself if he says anything about it.
I parked a good distance away from the mansion and looked for anywhere I can sneak in.
My trained eyes spotted a half shut window or what I like to call it, asking the devil inside.
I made sure no one was around before I moved inside. I took a deep breath. I don't smell that many people.
Not like that really matters I only have two targets.
I pulled my hood over my head and walked around. The maids are obvious  to my presence which only adds to the ease of finding the twins.
"Man I'm gonna take a wazz."
"You don't need to tell me every time."
One of the doors down the hall swung open and one of the twins walked out. Bingo. I quickly hid behind the corner.
Once he was close enough I popped out and pushed him into a room and looked the door.
"Who the hell are you?!" He looked surprised.
"Me? No one really. In fact until this afternoon I had no reason to hunt you down."
"Then why?!"
"Because you hurt my mate." His eyes widened and I punched in the face. He was not a change at all to be honest. I guess I knocked the wind out on him with the first hit. I bet on him until I felt satisfied.
I left the room and entered the other one. The next twin didn't put up a better fight. Tho it made my wolf calm down seeing them in a bloody pulp.
My knuckles actually had a bit of their blood on them. I just wiped it on my pants.
Great now I have to get this thing dry cleaned.
I walked right out the front door. I usually don't do that but hell I've done what I came here to do.
As I got to the last steps leaving the mansion I heard a loud howl.
It was strong and unmistakably angry.
A man ran outside and looked at me.
He was 6'7 and built. He was wearing black pants and a white V-neck with a black hoodie over it. His hair was a midnight black mane and his eyes are ice blue. The wolf king!!!
He looked and me and growled. "You!" He stated to approach me. I was standing on his lawn.
"You come on my land and almost killed two of my most loyal soldiers! Why!"
"They hurt my mate. They got what was coming to them." I keep my tone steady, yet letting him know in no way was I scared. This seemed to interest him.
"Your not scared pup?" He asked is a curious tone.
"No and I didn't come here to fight you."
He chuckled.
"Well I hope you realize that I can't just let you stroll out of here. You hurt my pack members so that means you are picking a fight with me." Great now I have to pleasure of fighting one of the most powerful wolfs there is.
I took my fighting stance.
"Your really not backing down? Well you have real heart kid that's for sure." He took his fighting stance."But that doesn't get you off the hook with me."
There was an odd calm to this moment. That was until her ran at me claws drawn.
He's surprisingly fast for his size but then again I'm faster. I dodged one of his attacks and landed a punch of my own. I hit him square in the jaw and it was like hitting a brick wall.
I put some space between us.
I guess there's no need to hold back then.
He smiled. "Your good pup. But it's going to take more than that!"
I dashed to him and through countless punches. He moved gracefully and avoided all of them.
Like a trained boxer he punched me in the face before I saw it coming.
It hurt more than a bullet, luckily I was able to stay on my feet because I probably won't have been able to get back up.
He shifted his body signaling he was going to give me his final blow. I swept his leg and knocked him of balance. I pinned him down and wrapped my hand around his neck. Then pulled out my gun and put it to his head. Got you.
I heard the cocking of a gun. It wasn't mine.
"I'm king for a reason."
Hey again guys!
Big shout out to wolfram20 and fighting4us for being my biggest supporters! This chapter is for you two!!!!! Also 4K views!!!!!!
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Until next time!!

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