Part 30: Allen and Jacob.

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Note this is a side story! BxB. This about Allen and Jacob!

Jacob's POV:

I knocked on the door. I dressed in my pjs because well I don't think I want to get I his bed with my regular clothing. Or any clothing for that matter.
The door opened and I was hit with a delicious scent of cookies.
Then I saw him. Oh my goddess.
His body is unreal.
Why is he only in boxers?!
Wait I'm not complaining, just makes my job easier.
His v yummy...
"Hey Jacob, come in."
Shit! I think I was starting.
"Ya thanks..."
His bedrooms pretty nice. It's a bit of a mess tho.
"Go ahead and sit on the bed, did you know what you wanted to watch?"
"Do you have any Disney movies?"
He stopped to look at me.
"How old are you?" His tone was serious.
"I'm about to be 18." He burst out laughing.
"Thank god! I thought I was in love with a kid for a second." He said under his breath. In love?!?!?! I don't think I was supposed to hear that!
"Ever see spirited away?"
"No."I stuttered out.
He popped in the DVD and sat next to me.
"Please don't be nervous, I don't bite." His tone was very gentle. All I could think of doing was being held by him. So against my better judgement I sat in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me in response. I just meet him and yet I feel really close to him. Like I can tell him anything.
Even though he's barely wearing any thing he's as hot as a furnace and I couldn't be more comfortable.
He laid down and I was naturally laying on top of him. We watched the movie in a comfortable silence.
"Want to put in another one?" He asked after the movie was over.
"Um no. Actually I wanted to know more about you."
"Sure, what is it?"
"How old are you?"
"Why is your hair gray?" To be honest it's a little odd with him being only 18.
"I was born with it this way. You don't like it?"
"It's a little odd, but you're still really hot so.." I said the last part softly.
He had a big grin on his face.
"Was that it?"
"No, who are your parents? Do they also have gray hair?" He stopped smiling.
"I don't have parents. They left me in the woods to die. I was 3. Lucky for me teacher found me and look me in."
"I'm sorry Allen! I didn't mean to bring up bad memories."
"No its okay, I want you to know."
"Who's your teacher?"
"No last name?"
"If he does I don't know it. He a master assassin. Parts of his life have to stay secret. Though he's a good man. He raised me as his own."
Im at a loss for words. He's so strong his past seems so hard, and yet his so kind and sweet.
"Im sorry if that was a little heavy for our first time hanging out." He sounded apologetic.
"No! Its okay. Want to watch another movie?"
"Sounds good."
He turned on the lion king. As the movie went on we ended up spooning.
I started to drift of into sleep. Then I felt it. A snake! THERES A FUCKING SNAKE IN THE BED!!!!!!!!
"What!?!?" We both jumped out of bed. I looked under the covers but found nothing.
Allen rubbed is eyes, he must have been sleeping. "Thats not funny Jake."
"No! Swear I felt something." I turned to him to keep arguing my point but um I found the snake.
He is hung. Like wow, I lucked out with this man.
I must have been staring cause he followed my eyes. Then before I could say anything he ran to the bathroom.
He retured a minute later fully clothed. A t-shirt and sweatpants.
"Im sorry. Um I think I got to cozy."
"No! Um Its okay."
"What to get some lunch?"
"Can you carry me?" Allen gave me a big smile. Then he bent down and I hopped on his back. He walked downstairs to the pack kitchen. The guys that bullied me are standing around talking. They all look awful after the beating Allen gave them.
One of the guys was leaning on the refrigerator.
"Excuse me." Allen was very polite.
"Guard dog." He coughed under his breath. Allen growled.
"Stop it Allen there not worth it."
"Fagot." Another coughed under his breath.
"If anyone says another word I swear to goddess I will put them in a wall!"
They all ran out of the room.He sat me down on the counter. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in close. He was looking at the door angry.
"I swear Im going to get every last one of them."
"There not worth it."
"No. Its okay." Allen went back to growling.
"You have something on your face."
"What-?" I kissed him.

Many happy years later. (The present)

I opened up my eyes to see the love of my life still sleeping next to me.
-Jacob! Im staying over at your house to check up on you.-
-Mom! You don't have to do that.-
-Fine more like to check up on that 'mate' of yours.-
-Allen's a good man and he takes good care of me.-
-Hump, a man knows how to up a condom on.-
-Stop it!-
-I will be over there tomorrow.-
She cut the link. Ugh I knew it was a mistake to tell her Allen got me pregnant. Especially since I haven't even told him yet.
"Everything okay?" He had woken up.
"Ya." I kissed him on the nose. "Wait actually, my moms coming over tomorrow."
"No!" He whined. "She hates me, why is she coming?"


Real quick I wanted to do like a QandA for the characters of everyone's favorite alpha. So you ask a question to one of the characters and I answer for them.
Ask as many questions as you want!

You: Alice what's your favorite thing to eat for desert?
Alice: Jane. *winks*
*Jane punches Alice in the arm*
Jane: It's vanilla ice cream with sprinkles.

Later love!

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