Part 24 : No Buts.

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Alice's POV:

I feel like a dog. It's getting late and I just dropped Sophia home after our little *cough* encounter.
Ugh how could I let that happen! I said I was going to be loyal and ugh...
I could use a drink. I swung around to a liquor store that was close and picked up some Jack Daniels.
I will drink it later when Jane ugh... I don't even want to think about how she will react.
Anger, disappointment, sadness?
I don't want my baby sad.
Goddess why am I such a sucky mate?
She deserves better.
I pulled up to my apartment building, got out and started the million year odyssey. I know it's not that but it felt it. Jane has never really been mad at me before.
I gathered myself and entered our apartment. She wasn't in the living room but I could hear the bedroom tv on.
I can do this! I walked quickly to the half open door then stopped. I can't do this!
Fuck maybe I can lie and say everything was fine.
{Don't you dare! When she finds out it will make it seem like more than it was.}
I opened the door and walked in the room. Jane turned to me with that smile I feel I love with and spoke.
"Hey puppy! How was your day? Was she on her best behavior." She sounded angry with the last part. Shit.
"Um we went to the park, ate some sandwiches, she kissed me and we talked about how life was going."
I tried to stay casual in my tone. Her eyes darkened as she went from happy to lucid.
"What was that last part again Hun?" She asked in a fake happy wife tone.
"We talked about life?" I'm mentally prepared to jump out of my window.
"Alice!" She lost her cool.
"She kissed me..." I said in a hushed voice. Some alpha huh?
She got up from under the covers and approach me. I noticed she was just wearing a robe that showed of the fact she was barely wearing any thing, and what she was would bring any dog to heel. (Mainly me.) She is the embodiment of sexy.
When she was close enough she stuck out her pointer finger and put it in the middle of my chest. Then came the singular most sexy word I think I ever heard from her. "Mine."
Is it weird I'm turned on right now?
She then interlocked our hands and sat us on the bed.
"Your on punishment." Her voice was steady.
"But baby-"
"No buts Alice! Complaining will only make it worse. Now I'm sure it wasn't your fault but it is to teach you to keep your distance from her."
I could only nod.
"Your not sleeping with me. I don't know where and don't care where but your not sleeping in bed with me." What?! That's a little far! I love sleeping with her, she smells like heaven, she's soft and she's warm! Plus she's my angel and not sleeping with her is a sin!
"Jane no anything bu-"
"And no kisses." She cut me of and locked eyes with me. I opened my mouth to speak but she beat me to it. "If you want to keep going, your going to lose belly rubs too." I quickly shut my mouth.
"Good." She got up and went back to her original stop on our bed.
"For how long?" I grumbled out like a kid that wasn't getting candy.
"How many kisses did she give you?"
"Then a week." My eyes widened. I opened my mouth again to protest but she raised a eyebrow challenging me. I shut up.
"I'm really sorry Jane. I didn't want it to happen." I said after a minute pasted.
"I know puppy. I expect your apology."
She said with a smile. It filled me with a bit of hope. "But your still on punishment." Shit.
"If you want one last kiss before your punishment starts however, go brush your teeth I don't want to taste her on you." I rushed to bathroom. What? I gotta get while the getting's good.
After I made sure to brush my teeth well I walked back to my Jane. This is my last kiss for a while so I have to make it count!
As I approached her I noticed she was wearing candy apple red lipstick. Goddess...
I straddled her and gave her a deep kiss. She returned the favor by returning the passion. Sadly it didn't last long.
She broke the kiss and bit her lip. I wanted one more after that so I leaned in for more but she stopped me. "I said one."
"Okay..." It hurt but I leaned away from her.
"Now I'm going to get some shut eye. Remember your not sleeping with me. And don't sneak in here over night."
I sighed.
"Okay." I got up and felt the need to give her a good night kiss. Sadly I had to fight the urge.
"Night puppy."
"Good night." I walked out of the room and closed the door. Time to break out the whiskey.
I poured a large amount in a bowl and set it on the floor. Then I found my old dog bed and set it in front of the tv. I shifted into my wolf form and laid down.
I watched Archer and got a little drunk.
Then went to sleep without my baby.

"Alice?" I groaned as I woke up. Damn I have a hangover. I guess I had to much.
"Alice wake up." The voice sounds a little pissed of. I fully opened my eyes to see Jane standing over me with her arms folded.
"Morning Hun."
"Don't morning Hun me! Your under age and you are drinking! How did you get it."
"I went to the store..." It's to early for this.
"God what am I going to do with you?! Come on get up, take a shower. You smell like the bottle." I dorsally moved to the shower and took a cold shower.
My head is pounding.
I got out and dried of. Then sat on our bed with pjs on. Jane walked in the room with coffee and pancakes. She set it on my lap and kissed my forehead.
"Sober up Hun I'm gonna go out for a little while. I don't want to see you drinking again by the way." I then noticed she was dressed.
"Where are you going?"
"To pay a little visit to Sophia." There was an evil gleam in her eyes that I had never seen before.
Two chapters in two days?!?!?!?
Shout outs next chapter and stuff. Sorry for spelling.

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