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Eros lives, but is only holding on by a breath. "No... Eros... Don't die..."

A faint voice came from Eros, "Stop it, you're crushing me..." Sicily let go of Eros and gently let him down. "I'm okay now, Sicily. I think you did it."

Sicily still had tears in her eyes, unable to speak clearly, "Oh, Eros, you're alright! What did I do, Eros, what did I do?"

Eros looked over almost apathetically at Sicily, saying, "I think you healed me... Or something..."


"Sicily. Calm down, please. I'm alive. I was alive the whole time. I was just... More injured before. I fainted." He looked around a bit, still exhausted from the fight. "Well, Cerci's going to be proud of you. Took me a while to cast my first spell. Show off."

"Oh, Eros, this was my fault! I shouldn't have made such an erratic-"

"Sicily. Calm down. What could have possibly happened?"

"You... You could've died..."

"Aw, Sicily, you really do care for me..." This was said with more sarcasm than honest meaning, although both were abundant in his tone. He leaned up and hugged Sicily. "Ugh, I'm exhausted. Training is over." Eros lied on the ground a bit, looking around before turning back into a human. He was still lying down, but he had a massive wound on his chest and across his face. Blood was smeared all around his body, but it seemed to have already clot from some external source.

An hour later Eros worked up the strength to make it back inside the fort. Sicily was at his side the whole time, crying a little every so often. He stumbled to the fort while carrying Sicily and her torn wings. He was greeted at the gate by an concerned looking Cerci, who was even more concerned when she saw Eros with the massive cuts across his body. "Eros! You look terrible!"

"Thank you." Eros was still stumbling to his room as he spoke.

"What happened?"

"Well... It started with us going to the turret to train. I showed Sicily how to get a feel for her magic, but when she tried to cast something a blue glow appeared." At this moment Cerci seemed to start taking mental notes. "And then she said something like, 'Hey! Let's go fight some Pokemon!' And like, I don't know how to train her, so why not? Maybe she'll pull something out of her back pocket like last time, when she evolved. And anyways, I've practiced fighting as a Pokemon a bit and wanted to try it out, so you know? Hey, Alright then."

"Can we get to the part where you used your techniques? I want to know how they turned out." The trio were still a distance from Eros' dorm.

"Alright then. So we found this Zangoose and this Seviper fighting over land and we attacked. So I got cut," motioning to the scar on his chest, "and I tackled him. Then I used magic leaf and got cut some more, or did I-"

"What about magic?"

"Uh, I think I made three magic missiles at once. They were all pretty strong."

Cerci gave a proud smile. "It's about time. You've been progressing a lot slower than I'd hoped. You really made a jump when you did that. You should be proud. Was that it?"

"Well, yes, but Sicily fought the Seviper, so she has some story to tell as well."

Sicily smiled and spoke erratically. "I do! So this Seviper sprays some acid on me and I can't fly, but then I give him a few good Dragon Breaths and he doesn't stand a chance. After that, I see the Zangoose trying to attack Eros while he's down, and I breathed my mighty breath again and take him down, but Eros was completely covered in cuts! So I go over to him, worried and all, and I just felt some sort of energy, like the energy Eros showed me, spill out and somehow go into him. I was worried, but then, hey, Eros is fine! So we had a good fight." Another dumb smile.

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