Fine Dining

17 3 1

Well, Merry Christmas! As a present, I thought about numbering the chapters, but I though that if you found out how much you've read you'd stop reading because... Well... It's not that low of a number.

"Fine dining and breathing are all I know how to do." -SpongeBob SquarePants

Long after they met Sicily's parents, Sicily and Eros were waiting in Sicily's old room, listening to the commotion outside. Just before Sicily started leading Eros through the corridors once more, they caught a peek of the Flygon whispering to the Cacena; After the Cacena received the message, he left for the room with all of the suitors in it. Then, as Sicily was in her room, she could hear what seemed to be a large group of Pokemon headed towards the exit, likely the Suitors. Not long after that, there was an occasional pattering of some other Pokemon's footsteps; It likely belonged to one of the few servants that she remembered her parents have gained the service of, one way or another.

Her room wasn't much different than what it was like before she left. She wasn't completely comfortable in it, since the room was designed for a Trapinch, not a large Flygon; on the other hand, Eros fit in the room just fine. There was an old mirror on the side, a small artifact that she had used to look at herself every so often when she resided here. Along side it were a few golden objects; Mainly, a chalice, some coins and a brush that she couldn't use. She also kept some old shells, pebbles and other miscellaneous items that she had no real use for. To top it off, there was a small bale of hay in the center, her old beddings, in which a tiny Sandshrew rested.

Eros was deep asleep, quite taken with the entire charade. As his Pokemon, Sicily had a good sense of how he felt, and, for whatever stress was going on, it was overwhelming him. Surely, she could try and move her amulet onto him, but she knew better. He was simply overwhelmed right now, while she could understand that she was downright unstable. On top of that, Eros wouldn't be happy if he saw her without it on.

She just looked about the room, reminiscing about the older days, when she would spend years wandering about the desert. Her parents weren't harsh in any way, being rather kind; Yet, her home was a simple land, occupied by endless stretches of sand and holes, with no real areas to explore. The dunes would change over time, but in turn, sand was simply dug out of the holes to accommodate; On top of that, the Bell Tower served to resist changing of the formation of the land. It was far from being completely effective, yet it served well enough to protect the land as it was, protecting it for all twenty years of her monotonous childhood.

"Mistress Alakysaba, diner is ready-" The Cacena popped in, its tiny figure inviting the two out. The waiter looked to the sleeping Sandshrew, then the looming Flygon, and asked, "There isn't anything wrong, is there my princess?"

"No, no... Everything's fine." Sicily went over to Eros and shook him a bit with her foot. Yielding no response, she simply picked him up and put him in the corner, where he released a large, high pitched yawn before slowly opening his eyes. Sicily spoke to the Cacena, "Thanks for... Everything. Over the years and all."

The Cacena gave a feigned smile and said, "You know you can ask anything of me. I know your parents might have a hard time accepting, well... This..." A motion indicated Eros, who was looking around wearily.

Sicily sighed, a small frown upon her face, and said, "Just don't let them do anything drastic."

The Cacena nodded and gestured for the two to follow him, which they did. Following another odd set of paths, the two were eventually led to another room, smaller and occupied by a table, at which the Flygon and the Garchomp sat. It lacked chairs, so they were simply sitting on the cool earthen ground. Atop the table were a few papyrus-like dishes topped with various prepared berries, although it was only a better than middle-class commercial human food by a small margin. There were mashed fruit, whole fruit, carved fruit and cut fruit; The only thing besides the fruit on the table were some pieces of bread, unexceptional by any means.

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