Liliac Maelstrom Doughnut

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The aberration, a creature that shone with a divine light much akin to the legends', stood before everybody, interposing herself alongside Eros; However, the human ghost looked upon the Marowak with disdain rather than upon the Dusclops and Sandshrew behind her; And, with a voice that rung of wrath from forced that would be inconceivable to the mortal mind, spoke, "Leave him be."

Stunned by the sudden appearance of the figure, the legends interrogated the ghost without fear nor conviviality. "Hark! Who art thou?"

The aberration only seemed to distance itself upon hearing this question. "You're making a mistake. Leave, now."

The Marowak, finding the white phantasm to be a threat, stepped back to the edge of the room and tossed the Aegislash's shield as a chakram, relying on the ghostly properties of the weapon to make his mark; And, to assist this attack, the shield shone with a divine light that extended its form and increased the potential strength even further. Then, without any prior indication, the shield dropped to the ground as it touched the eidolon's body. Confused, the Aegislash called its shield back, staying in constant guard as it stared at the ghost.

The ghost spoke once more, but with even more displeasure in its tone. "Cease, now, or I will make you." The legends attempted one last attack, lunging with a divine force once more; And yet, the blade simply phased through the ghost, only barely nicking Eros across the face. Enraged by this, the ghost instantly brought its arm across the Marowak's face, knocking him far to the side and purging him completely of the divine might.

"Alas, it's gone... What have you done?!" But the ghost didn't respond. It simply turned to Eros.

Seeing the weeping creature near Dusk's chest, the ghost reverted to a rather sympathetic face and crouched near the Sandshrew, her presence ignored by the weeping creature. She allowed him to be alone for a few moments more before she whispered, "He's alive, you know."

Eros looked up at the ghost, grudgingly looking over his shoulder with a look of disdain; But, when he looked upon the aberration, his eyes widened, as to let him take in the entire form of the human in front of him. "Mommy..."

"Hey." Eros' mother, Mary, stood before him, staring at him with all the conceivable love in the world. "I see you're having a rough day."

Eros couldn't speak for a few moments, shocked as to how his mother could manifest like this. "H-how..."

"Well, Equilibrium has to do it's job one way or another, right?"

Eros didn't bother to contemplate the answer, simply deciding to run into his mother's arms and embrace her. "Mommy..."

"Oh, this reminds me of when you were just a little baby..." The ghost tried its best to physically manifest a hug, focusing feverishly on not phasing through her son. "I don't have much longer. I love you, Pepe."

"I love you too." Then, after another half minute of embracing Mary, Eros let go and stepped back, noticing his mother appeared to be slightly confused. "Oh, I can explain this."

"Shut up." The two laughed. "I've been watching you from up there for quite a while. I'm... Proud. I just wish you didn't endanger yourself so often."

Eros nodded, finding solace in this encounter.

"Oh, and you don't say the right things. You should've said to that Flygon, 'I'm so sorry, it was all for you!' or something. You dun fucked up."


"But hey, if you came up to me five years ago and said my son'd be a Druid..."

"Oh, by the way, how's Xerxes?"

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