Journey to Utopia

33 5 2

I haven't done an author's note in a while, have I? Well, that's alright. I'd really like it if some of you guys commented just a wee bit more. I mean, weekly updates ain't easy.

Oh, and for you guys, a statistical breakdown of this chapter for you is below.

Words: 2,634
Letters: 11,213
Average Grade Level Recommended for Understanding: 7.1
Words per Sentence: 14.3
Flesch Reading Ease Score: 75%
Reads/Chapter as of chapter 32: 17.8
Objective Reads/Chapter for chapter 33: 100.0
Reads/Chapter as of chapter 33: 17.6
For what must've been at least three days, everybody spent time cleaning up the fort and attempting to fix what had been destroyed. Stone had fallen, the walls needed to be reinforced, the massive puddles of blood needed to be rinsed away and dust, which had somehow managed to linger, had to be swept.

While most everybody had been at the broom or using rotten wood to rebuild parts of the catwalk, the Baroness' children were running about playing and Eros had transformed into a squirtle, using the power of water to blast away the blood. "You'll need the practice," Cerci insisted, hinting as to where Eros would have to head towards next.

In their free times, everyone would tend to their wounds, either sitting about resting or wrapping themselves in bandage (except for Eros, who was playing with his magic). Sicily had her own wounds, too, but she went out of her way to heal Cerci, treating her various wounds, internal and not. Her magic grew exponentially this way, making her even more powerful than before. Cerci spent her free time, as Sicily described it, "Fiddling around with some berries", receiving a look of distraught before understanding she was speaking literally and contemplating what she could possibly be making.

On the second day, Eros was planning to continue cleaning off the blood on the ground and walls. However, as he was transforming into a Squirtle, the two little children saw him transform, dashing over to see if their eyes had deceived them. Alas, they did not, and within seconds, they were squeezing and tugging at Eros' ears and tail.

In his human language, Eros chuckled, "H-hey, stop it!"

The ginger girl looked to him and said, "Mister Squirtle, what did you do?"

"About what?"

The boy responded with, "No, Squirtle, Pokemon don't talk!"

"Well, I'm not completely a Pokemon, now am I?" At this height, Eros was eye level with the girl, although a tad smaller than the boy.

"Oh, cuz' you were that man standing there, right?"

"Yep. I'm a Druid!"

"Cool!" The two started to jump about, with the boy accidentally landing on Eros' shell and knocking him over. This quickly dissolved into the three playing around the fort, performing miscellaneous games and later watching Eros perform a few magical tricks, until Cerci shouted at Eros and scared off the kids. This left Eros feeling ashamed and he walked back to the blood stains, washing them off with little bursts of water.

The feeling of using these short bursts of water was simply inexplicable, although it could barely be associated with the feeling of trying to speak without breathing in nor out; It was simply a feeling of pressure on the chest as he created this source of water.

At the end of the day, Eros found himself in a circle with all the others at the fort, save the little ginger children he played with earlier. Even the Baroness, who introduced herself formally as the First Baroness of Ashport and a great pyromancer, was in the circle, awaiting what Cerci had to say. Instead of the feeling of anticipation that was normally present at these groupings, there was a sense of exhaustion and gloom.

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