A Grudge Longer Than my Hair

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(Important! Disclaimer, Fairy Tail rightfully belongs to Hiro Mashima, this is just a fanfiction. I dedicate this chapter to Cryptic_Eyes_ since this person inspired me to write a Nalu fanfiction! Hope you enjoy.)
(Lucy's P.OV.)

I was tired. I was sore. And I had done a marathon of work last night. The last thing I really wanted to do was stir from my deep sleep and have to face the hazy light coming from the rising sun. Unfortunately, breakfast duty calls, and I woke up to the sound of seagulls calling and the warm sensation of the sun on my face. I opened my hazy eyes to the view of beautifully worn driftwood that made up my ceiling. The refreshing sea wind blew in with a flutter and batted my hair. Why did everything have to be so peaceful? It just made me want to go back to my nice slumber, where I was eating all the pie I wanted to. Sighing with reluctance, I slowly got up from my cozy bed and slowly stood up, looking out of the window of the lighthouse I was currently renting. Hopping a little from the shock of the cold wooden floor, I stretched my arms, yawned slowly and let my mind get refreshed. Then I hit the showers which I extremely hated because of the ice-cold water that came because of cheap pipes.

Well, before my groggy morning-mind forgets, I should introduce myself. I'm Lucy Heartfillia, Captain of the Marine Police, and someone who hates someone so much that it'll probably make me literally blow my top .

Although, this is sudden, let me tell you my a little bit of my past. After all, every main protagonist needs her backstory, and I am the hero of this tale. This story begins with my (crazy) father, Jude Heartfillia, former Captain of the Marine Police, top graduate of navy academy, awarded top Captain of the year, yada yada all that crap. He was, (I guess) a good leader, until his wife (my mother) died from a pirate attack. Ever since then, he's been a little bit obsessed with capturing and executing every single pirate there is on the seven seas. A truly perfect parent role-model, right? But, while chasing down a certain notorious group called Fairy Tail, he neglected his food (and life and only child) and passed away from a heart attack 2 weeks ago. (His last name is freakin' Heartfillia.)

So now, I'm the new Captain. I don't really know what people expect from me. To be the raving, mad-dog person my dad was? To be stricken with revenge because my mother died? To learn from the past generation's mistake? To be honest, I don't know. I can't tell what's the right choice and if even that choice is even good. What I do know is what my father told me. And he told me two things: 1. Always listen to him. 2. Be a soldier. So I did know my purpose. And I think I knew my feelings. I knew they weren't mine, but it was the best I could grab onto. So, there was an enemy in heart that clawed at my anger. The orchid-haired rogue who had stirred up way too much trouble for his sick mischief. I've tried to imagine him a hundred times, a man with a sick sense of humour and an insatiable sense of fun that had to be satisfied. Just thinking about his smug face filled me with rage. I have trained every single day, since my mother's death, to defeat pirates, and now I'm ready. A chance like this only comes once in a lifetime. A short lifetime. "A grudge longer than my hair", an expression of the Heartfillia family. It meant that because hair takes time to grow, like a grudge, harboring it or growing it, made it long and full of revenge. My hair had become so long that I had to pin it up 3 times. "Get ready Natsu Dragoneel." I said, pulling out my celestial gun from my holster. "I'm coming for you." Grabbing my trusty handgun, I aimed carefully at the yellowed, aged wanted poster of him that hung on my door.

It shot right through the middle of his grinning face.

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