Thank You, and You, and You!

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Yo, just wanna say.... Thank all you wonderful idiots that actually are willing to read this horrid, barely-updated, unorginal story! XD, think I'm exaggerating? Not in a million years. Che-chee, but really, I just wana huge you guys. I mean, I've got 1,500 votes! I mean, wow! My goal has been fulfilled. Thank you for voting, commenting, reading, and all that stuff. Come here my babies. *huggles* Keep on spammin'!
Lucy: Oi, IA, stop acting smushy, its disgusting.
Me: *sniffles* You're so mean...
Natsu: C'mon Luce, go a little easy on her. After all we're celebrating! *lifts Lucy onto his shoulders*
Lucy: EH?!
Me: Ah well, things changed drasticlly....
Well, thanks for reading this 'thank you chapter'!
Yes I know, the OAV chapter was supposed to be here first, right? Well, I changed the order cuz I wanted to say this first.
Special shoutout to @anime_love_11

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