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(Yes, I know the title's weird, but the story is really cute! ^^ Dedicated to @NashiDragon)

(Natsu's P.o.V.)

"Ughhhh...." I groaned. The back of my head was killing me. I hazily opened my eyes which revealed I was in my bed, with a concerned Wendy looking at me.
"Natsu-san, you oughtta be careful!" she huffed. "Your head got smashed, probably from a piece of wood."
"How'd you guess?" I mumbled.
"Because there are now splinters embedded in your skull." she responded. I winced, it hurt even more knowing what the wounds were.
"How's... How's everyone?" I asked, my voice croaky.
"Erza's still sleeping, and some of us bumped into things during the storm, but other than that, we're all fine." she chirped.

But then she furrowed her eyebrows, and leaned close to me as if about to tell a secret.
"Actually, I think Lucy broke her arm."
"What?!" I exclaimed. "How was that possible, she looked fine when I last saw her. True, she was grimacing in pain earlier, but it was from her leg. Last time I saw her she didn't say anything or wince in pain."
"See, the thing Natsu," she looked at me firmly. "I don't Lucy's aware that her arm's brokem either."
I looked at her blankly. Then I got it. "Are you saying she can't feel it?"
Wendy looked at me gravely "She might not be able to feel pain."

(Lucy's P.o.V.)

"Lu-chan, Lu-chan," squeaked Levy. "Thanks for the save back then, but are you sure you're fine?"
"Levy, for the last time, my arm is fine." I sighed, hoping this was the last time she asked.
"At least let me looked at it... When I was about to hit the rail, you used your arm to block me so I wouldn't get hurt. But your arm got all mangled and got bent at a weird angle. So... Please?" Levy pouted, her eyes begging at me. I sighed once more.
"Levy, I'm telling you, I A-M O-K-A-Y!" I said, exasperated. She pouted even more, but then dropped it and went onto another subject.

"Hey Lucy, did you know there's a costume party tonight, at a nearby island?" she asked. I thought about, thinking if it rung any bells. Then, it struck me. "Oh ya, I remember, when I was little, my father forced me to guard the party. There had been several robberies recently, and the theifs had targeted the ball. However, I showed them what happens when they mess with me." I said, letting an evil smile draw on my face.
"Hehe, right." said Levy, looking nervous. "But have really attended? Because Fairy Tail has been planning to attend it tonight." I looked at her in a weird stare. "Me? At a ball? No way."

She giggled mischeviously, but now she was scaring me. "Really now? Have you ever been in a dress?"
"No, never, I haven't been in a skirt except my uniform."
"Perfect! Tonight, you're going to dress up and go with us to the ball!"
I looked at her as if she had just said she was a boy. "Me? Dress? Absolutely no."
Levy gave me another puppy face. "Why not?" she whined.
"Because- because of my pride! I'm a leader of an entire police force, me in a dress is just..." I shook my head.

She pouted, then bit her lip, as if thinking of something.
"Hey Lu-chan, why do you always go after Fairy Tail and other pirates?"
I was suprised by the question, but I knew this would be coming. Still, should I tell her everything? No, I still couldn't completely tell her my past.
"Uhmmm, my mother died by a pirate attack, and my father got really upset after that..." I let my voice trail off. Should I say how cold and mean he got after that? No, trusting too much of youself in others would always mean a broken heart. "So he started even trying capture pirates even more. He was so intent on getting his revenge; he became a little... mad. And solitary. When he was chasing after Fairy Tail, he neglected his health, alot. The fast dertortiation made him ill, and the illness got worse..."
"Oh," said Levy. "I'm so sorry."
I shrugged. "Its fine, I hardly knew the 'real him' and he had a short temper. But, his last words were, "Take revenge, be a strong, cruel, and independent leader." So that's why I'm in the position I am now." I honestly didn't think it was a life worth being cocerned about, but when I glanced at Levy, her eyes were brimming with tears. And where there are tears, there's hugging.

She practically jumped to me and grasped me hard. For someone so small, she sure is strong. "That's- that's so sad!" she sobbed. "I'm so sorry."
I was glad I didn't tell her what my father had done to me, or she'd crying her eyes out.
"Its fine! Its not like its your fault." I tried to comfort her, but I was terrible at this emotional stuff. For once I lost my usual cool. I frantically tried patting her, comforting her, giving her tissues, anything to get her to stop crying. Levy looked at me, and started giggling and hiccuping.
"Whats so funny?" I asked.
"Its-its just so funny." She hiccuped. "You, usual calm, cold, and composured Lucy, frantically panicing on how to get me to stop crying." She smiled. "Natsu was right, you are cute."
I immeadiately felt my cheeks heat up, a sensation I hated. "Not you too, Levy!" I groaned.
She just chuckled and we played around for another hour.

(Levy's P.o.V.)

"Oi! Shrimp! What are you doing with the prisoner?" yelled a gruff voice. I turned around to see a familiar black-clothed figure. "Gajeel!" I waved. "Just talking and having fun."
"Okay..." he looked quite confused with that, and I could understand why. "Well, just came to remind you about the ball is in about an hour..."
"Oh ya!" I shot up from my sitting posistion. "I completely forgot! I also forget I don't have a dance... Gajeel, could you?" I pleadingly asked.
Gajeel sighed. "Why can't you ask Jet or Droy? They'd be only too happy to dance with you."
I pouted. "But you're more fun, Gajeel!" I smiled brightly.
For some reason, I think Gajeel blushed. "Eh?! Well whatever pipsqueak." he said, already turning around and walking away. "I'll meet you at 8:00 pm when you and I are ready."
But even though he acted like he didn't care, I could tell he was happy.
"Levy," Lu-chan asked. I turned to her. "Are you guys a couple?"
I blushed so much, I felt my blue hair turning dark. "Gosh, no! Where'd you get an idea like that?"
"Well, you guys act so friendly and affectionate to each other."
I gaped at me like a fish. "No, no, no, no, and absolutely...no!"
She shrieked.

For once, she let out a small smile.
I gasped, my eyes sparkling. "You smiled!" I exclaimed.
She quickly covered up my mouth. "No I didn't!" she argued. I laughed, my head nodding, but I could tell she didn't believe me. "Well, whatever that was, wear it at the ball, you look so pretty with it on your face." I smirked, already confirming she would be going to the ball.
She sighed "All right, all right, I'll go, but my outfit has to be simple."
"All right!" I said agreeing. But I could tell I was already planning a huge make-over for her. Time to get the Fairy Tail girls ready.

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