A Pirate Tail OAV... Part 2!

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(Heyo guys! I'm continuing the OAV, (if you guys don't mind) and gonna add a little twist at the end. This chapter is dedicated to @anime_love_11 as well as a shoutout to her.Ready audience? Lights... Wattpad... Fangirling!)

                  (Erza's P.o.V.)

   I looked at Natsu wailing around in the water.
"The idiot's gonna get us all killed; how could he not..." I sighed in annoyance as I looked upon the commotion he was causing.
"The octopus most likely knows we're here now because of the Nekotsu... Maybe I shouldn't rescue him and let him be bait..." I looked at the others and could tell they were thinking the same thing.
"Mhmmm!!" Natsu cried out as best as he could while drowning.
"Grey..." I called.
He sighed. "Fine, fine, I've got it." Grey swam next to Natsu and began dragging him by his hair towards the boat.
"Neko Natsu..." Grey grumbled- (P.S., I wonder who can figure out why Erza called Natsu, 'Nekotsu' and Grey 'Neko Natsu'. Its a fairly simple riddle.)- as he hurled Natsu over in a not-so-gentle way.
"We should just make you become fish bait."
"Th-thanks Grey-, fo-for sav-saving me." Natsu stuttered, obviously still deluded because of the 50 seconds of being oxygen -deprived.
"Oi, the pyro-freak's starting to thank me. He's probably gonna die pretty soon." Gray deadpanned.
"Hey, don't say that with such a unconcerned face." Gajeel grumbled.
"Anyway, what should we do? The octopus probably knows we're here." Observed Laxus.       I sighed. "You know what, we're Fairy Tail, we can't be silent, or stealthy, or relatively quiet. So let's do what Fairy Tail is best at... Charge!"
"Aye!" The group of men yelled. Together, (except Natsu) we swam as best we could towards the dark water, searching everywhere. Well, the search didn't last long, as pretty soon, Gajeel mysteriously disapeared, along with the quick sight of a silver, slimy, tentacle.
"Well, Gajeel's gone, time to get serious." Grey said.
"Aye, we better stick together." Laxus agreed.
"Gajeel's probably alright, probably..." I deadpanned. This was sad, we all didn't seem to care an inch about our fellow comrade.
Suddenly, flashing from seemingly nowhere, another silver, worm-like tentacle snatched Grey.
"Oi, help!" Cried Grey, as he was carried away in a flash.
"Goddang it!" I yelled as I changed my armor into Sea Empress and quickly went after him.
"Hey, wait for me, I can't use my powers here!" Panicked Laxus.
"Why..?" I started to ask until I realized, that if he used electricity, we'd all be fried fairies.
"I got it, then just swim to Natsu and keep an eye on him." I commanded.
"Yes ma'am!" Laxus yelled, and paddled away furiously.
"Now, where are you..." I mumured to myself. Thanks to my armor, I swiftly glided through the water, following the wake and small trail of ice that Gray had desperately left behind. After a while I stopped, to the part where the ice trail had ended. I dived underwater, but was unable to see them, even though the water here was pretty shallow.
"Let's see, shallow water with thick walls, I must be at the end of the cave. The ocotopus is smart, it grabbed us one by one to... Wait don't tell me... I haven't been chasing the creature, but it's been trying to lure me!"
At the same time, I heard a snarling sound from above.
"But, how could it do that?!" I gasped. Quickly, I sped away from the lunging tentacles of fury. I heard a muffled yell coming from the octopus.
"Grey!" I turned around, just to see another arm coming at me.
"Crap!" I jumped out of the water, skillfully running along the walls and jumping around. This octopus was amazing, it was like a squid version of spiderman. Somehow, it had clung to the wall. I had to attack from above.
"I guess it's now or never." I decided. Quickly, I changed to my Night Empress Armor, and weilding my weapon, lunged with all my might towards the leering red eyes of the gigantic creature. But just as I was about to slash, a sound resembling a baby's cry startled.
"What?!" I whipped my head around while jumping back into the water. "Where did that come from?"
Then, I saw it. Admist the shadows and darkness, I hadn't seen 10 relatively small ocotpus, (though they were as big as Happy) cuddling around the bigger one. While some tentacles were fighting me and holding Grey, the other ones were protectively holding the small ocotpus.
"Babies..?" My voice trailed off into a question. Suddenly, a little bit of the top of the sturdy cave broke off (whoops) and I saw the previous evil-looking eyes were really eyes that belonged to a scared and angry mother.
"Ah, I understand." I said, nodding my head. "Forgive me, I hadn't understand the situation. We'll leave right away."
The great ocotpus, seemingly able to understand me, released the fidgeting Grey into the water. Unfortunely, the octopus didn't seem to notice how high she was holding Grey, so when he landed in the water, he didn't resurface after a couple of seconds.
"Ow..." Grey whined as he finally resurfaced. "My stomach is permantly red."
"But... where's Gajeel?" I asked, looking up at the ancient being. The shining mossulk sunk into the water, revealing a tied up Gajeel wrapped up in seaweed and algae.
"Help! I don't want to be ocotpus sushi!" He cried.
"Somehow it suits him..." I thought.
"Don't worry, nobody would want to eat you. You'd taste like metal and tinfoil, plus be too tough to eat." I deadpanned.
"What?!" Gajeel cried.
"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll get you." I said unconcornedly. "Anyway, we apologize for the situation. Take care." I bowed as best as I could in the water.
"What-?" Grey asked.
"Idiot, you still haven't caught on?" I looked at him accusingly.
"Do you get out of being slow-minded?"
"Get me down from here!" Cried Gajeel. He lay still for a minute in defeat. "I'm going to stink of seaweed for forever."
               (Natsu's P.o.V.)
"Man, but this sucks, we didn't get anything."
"Be grateful, the entire time you were just lounging around, being sick and lazy and deadweight." Erza glowered.
"How is it my fault I got sick?!" I complained.
Erza completely ignored me and faced the octopus.
"We'll be going now, sorry for the trouble. Please, whenever someone tries to hurt you," Erza smiled. "Let Fairy Tail know."
We were near the entrance, the sun high and clear in the sky and a slight wind breezing through.
"How is the octopus supposed to talk to us?" Gajeel whispered.
"I feel like Erza somehow's speaking in her own language." I added.
"It's like..." Grey said.
"They're in their own world." We all finished in usion.
Suddenly, the tinfoil-colored creature reached back into the cave and returned with seaweed. Dumping it next Erza, the octopus and her nodded their heads as if agreeing with something.
"I understand, Sage." Erza mumbled, hand to her chin.
"Sage?" Laxus asked.
"Of course, she told her name ages ago." Erza glared. "How can you not remember such a simple name? Wait, don't tell me you can't remember her children's name either? It's Sakura, Sacre, Snake, Sare, Soré, Sandy, Sorbé, Sana, Saka," Erza pointed at them as she listed. "And my favorite, Scarlet." She happily waved her hands at a green baby ocotpus.
"It's green!" Grey exclaimed.
"What kind of name is 'Scarlet' for a green octopus?" I asked.
"No, more importantly," Laxus said. "How did she know the names."
We had a moment of shock while we took this in.
"Honestly, you idiots, so picky with names." Erza huffed. "Anyway, the seaweed Sage gave me has been fermented from being under the sea for so long, and is super rare because it's..." Erza looked at Sage for confirmation. "1,000 years?"
"1,000 years?!" Gajeel cried. "Isn't that, like super expensive? Its supposed to be delicacy, right?"
Immeadiantly, all our eyes wandered toward the pile of foul-smelling sea plants...
"Anyway, we'll probably make a huge profit for awhile, so we don't have to worry about food costs for a while. And we can finally clean the bathrooms and fix the ship..." Erza calcuated.
"Yahoo! We're rich! We're rich!" I whooped. "Lucy, we're going home with a diferent treasure then expected! Prepare for the most literlly filthy rich treasure!"
"Whoo-hoo!" My men cheered merrily.

            (Back at the ship...)

  "Luce, do you really think that the boy's will really bring back treasure? Even with Erza's 'guidance'?" Levy inquired.
Lucy made a dry chuckle. "Knowing those idiots, probably not. With or without Erza."


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