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(Dedicated to anime_love_11, please follow her!)

                   (Erza's P.o.V.)

   I sighed deeply as I paced around the roof of the building where the dance had been held. It was slightly cold, and traces of the music from below wafted up to my ears, but I payed no mind. Anything to get out of that classy, stuffy, fancy, smothering ball dance.

   As you can probably tell from now, I'm quite terrible at these fancy kind of places. I seriously couldn't last staying in one spot for 2 minutes, and I looked like I really needed to use the restroom. When finally a waiter suggested that I could go to the roof, I speed-walked as fast as I could in my shiny blue heels.

   Right now, I silently looked over the edge of the roof, watching all the people leaving and entering.
"Hah, how embaressing. Erza Scarlet, Siren (kind of like the sea version of Titania) of Fairy Tail, can't last 10 minutes in a ball room." I grumbled, sulking to myself. "I'm an embarssment to all things with self-respect."
"Isn't that even worse than not being able to stand a ball? A warrior with no self-respect is a foolish man with a weapon." responded a mischevious deep voice.

   I turned my head quickly. "Jellal?!" And there stood the blue-haired cloaked figure.
"Ah geez Erza, give me a break. I wanted to say 'Guess who?'" Jellal let us his deep chuckle, pulling back his cloak to reveal an indigo, gittery mask that looked alot like mine.
"Eh?! Wha- hey! How did-? Were you-? Why are you- isn't it dangerous-" I was about to continue when Jellal reacher forward and covered my mouth with his hand.
"Don't be so chatty. I wanted to enjoy this evening with the small time I may have." he whispered.
I narrowed my eyes. Jellal waa right. With him being excused of some serious death crimes, he was wanted even more than Fairy Tail. Jellal released me, and I gave him the stink eye.
"Next time you do that I'll lick your hand."
Jellal looked at me for a second before laughing so hard tears began slipping out of his eyes. He actually started rolling on the floor, shaking his arms every which way.
"What are you laughing about!" I cried, embarrassed.
"Ah-Ah," gasped Jellal, trying to catch his breath. He sat up from the ground, using the railing surrounding the roof as support."I'm sorry, but don't you remember the times we were younger, and you would protest whenever I gave you extra food or blankets? You'd always say 'No! No! If you really don't want the stuff, give them to the younger kids and older seniors!' and I'd always put my hand over your mouth, signaling you too shut up, and you'd always say, 'Next time you do that, I'll lick you' though you never did."
I blushed so hard I'm sure my face was as red as my hair.
"Hey! How could I actually lick you?" I made a face and stuck out my tongue. "You're hands were always gross anyway."
Jellal started laughing again, clutching at his ribs. Once again, he collapsed on the floor, rolling around. His laugh was so ridiculous it made me giggle too. Jellal actually has a pretty cute laugh; its sort of like a kitten purr, wheeze, chuckle, and a 'kya' all mixed together.
"Stop... stop..." huffed Jellal. "Don't make me laugh anymore, I'm gonna die."
"Hmph." I stubbornly turned my face and puffed my cheeks, really embarrassed about him laughing at me so much.
"If you keep doing that 'elephant sneeze' laugh again, people will hear you from below."
Jellal's face turned serious. "Was I really that loud?"
"No, no." I sat down next to him and laid down too. "I was just joking, though 'elephant sneeze' is not completely off of being an accurate description."
"Really now?" Jellal turned on his side to face me. "Then you're laugh is..." Jellal looked at my dress. "A hurricane's thunder."
"That's so mean." I whined, and 'playfully' pushed his chest. Though not knowing my own strength once again, I pushed him a couple feet away from me.
"I'm not apologizing for that." I grumbled as he rolled next to me again.
"All right, all right!" he chuckled as he turned on his back, facing the stars just like me.

   We stayed like this for a couple of minutes, just silently looking at the stars, peacefully, with silence and for once a calm mood and atmosphere.
"This is nice." Were my genious words as I broke the silence. "Nice Scarlet." I mentally groaned.
"Ya it is." He smiled. "First time I've had some peace and quiet."

   A sweet, slow song wafted to roof, almost calling you to dance. With song barely starting, Jellal stood up and brushed off some dirt on his back. Then, he turned to me and held put his hand.
"May I take you out for a dance?" he courteously said.
"Of course." I said grabbing his hand and being pulled up.

   As soon as I stood up, Jellal grabbed me into an embrance.
"Hey, I've missed you alot over these years." he whispered, his voice sounding hoarse.
"Hey, so have I." I responded. We slowly slow danced across the roof, holding on to each other.
"Erza, you know what?" he sighed into my ears.
"What?" I whispered back. Everything about this silence, besides the quiet music, seemed defeaning. But beautiful.
"I've missed you alot over yhese years."
"Hey Jellal, you know what?"
"I did too, idiot."
"Ha-ha. There's the legendary 'strawberry monster' at it again."
"Oh shut up."
He chuckled in my ear. "How can I shut up when I have so much to say."
"Like what?"
"Like..." Jellal drew a deep breath. "'Erza Scarlet, I really love you, but I can't stay, and I really hate that.' That's what I want to say, but my heart breaks a little at the same time. Because, Erza Scarlet, I can't stay with you. Nor can I even meet you again. Or even say I've heard of you. It would put you in danger. So," Jellal suddenly took my face into my hands and kissed me, smack on the lips. "This is my last good-bye."
"Jellal!" I cried, backing away a bit, sincerly embaressed and suprised. I instinctively went to wipe away the kiss, natrually, when I felt my arm feeling unnatural heavy.
"What the-!" I said, feeling all of a sudden light-headed. My body felt heavy and unbalanced, and I felt so tired, like a thousand pounds had been put on my shoulders. I tried to fight the feeling as best as I could, but I slumped down, on my knees and hands.
"Sorry Erza, but I have to go." he hoarsely said. I managed to turn over to see his face, and he looked like he was on the brink of crying.
"I really enjoyed the time I had with you... the last time..." Jellal redonned his mask and cloak. "But I have to go. To protect you, and prove my retribution." He turned away, looking away at the distance. "Sorry I can't say 'see you again', because hopefully I never will." Then he walked over to me and covered me in his cloak. "So you don't catch a chill." he said.
I didn't even know what I was supposed to do. Should I feel resentment? Pity? Hatred? Sadness? Not knowing how to cope with the choices, I simply went with next best thing.
"This is the second time you've run away by making me sleep, you coward."
Jellal chuckled as he walked to the edge of the roof.
"And you've always ruined my cool exits." He gave me one last look, smiling a sad smile. "Farewell, Scarlet." Then he jumped off the roof, disapearing out of sight.
"Idiot Jellal." And just like before, I fell asleep, unable to pursue him.

   As I fell asleep, I began to dream of the old days, the melachonly memories dancing in my head.
               (Flashback Dream)

   "Erza! Hey, Erza!" a boy's voice called.
"What?..." I groaned. "I'm still napping."
"Aw, but I want to play!" pouted Jellal.
"Fine, fine." I woke to the dark, musty place of our cell.
"Wahh, your hair's so red and pretty, like a strawberry!" awed Millianna.
"Oh, by the way, Erza, what's your last name?"
"I don't have one, why?!" Looking suspiciously at Jellal.
"How can you not have a last name? Everybody has a last name!" cried Jellal.
"Ah well, I don't know my parents are, so I don't know my last name." I huffed.
"Oh thats right, you were at the orphanage when they raided the village..." Jellal said thoughtfully.
"Then," he said as he grabbed some of my hair. "Your last name shall be Scarlet, like your pretty hair!"
"Eh?! How can you suddenly give me a last name?!"
Jellal shrugged, letting go of my hair.
"Because you don't have one, silly."
"Idiot." I said getting mad.
"Wah, Erza's blushing! Ohhh, Erza and Jellal like each other!" rambled Millianna.
"Hey, wait a second. Erza, you like Jellal?!" huffed Simon, catching in on our conversation. "But Erza, I have a cru-"
But Simon never got to finish his sentence, because just then, all evil broke loose.

(Hope you like this Jerza story! Bye!)

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