Sea and Fire

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              (Natsu's P.o.V.)
   A lot of people say fire and water don't mix. That they cancel each other out. I guess they didn't know me when they said that, just cause a lot of annoying smoke. But how can I not like the feel of the salty wind on my face, the spray of droplets cooling me in the hot sun, the fresh feel of hearing seagulls at the crack of down? I admit though, I do get occasionally seasick...

   Whoops, sorry, what kind of idiot doesn't introduce himself at the top of the bat?... Please don't answer that. I'm Natsu Dragoneel, captain of the Fairy Tail, a group of pirates with at least 700,000,000 jewel bounty on each of our heads. You've probably heard of me here and then. Although, I'm going to bet not all stories about us are good. I don't really understand why people are after us so much, its not like we did anything wrong... Except maybe destroy a few towns... And maybe fight the Police a lot... And maybe steal a few things... But we all did those with good intent! No wait, that sounded wrong...

   Well anyway, with that brief introduction of who Fairy Tail and I are, let me tell you what I was currently doing. I was currently being "punished" by Erza Scarlet, the weapon over-seerer of my ship, because I was "childishly bickering" with Ice Princess (I'm sorry) Grey Fullbuster, my First-Mate.
"C'mon Erza! Grey was totally asking for it!" I pleaded. "Wouldn't it bother you too if someone had a smug grin own his face and you could obviously tell he was picking a fight?" I don't care what anyone says, my case was legit.
"I was asking for it?!" countered Grey. "You really are a Hot-Head if you can't even remember what you were saying to me before! Do you even listen to the crude words that come out of that chomping mouth of yours."
"Ohohoh, says you, you're calling me names now Frost-Freak!" I yelled.
"You don't have much of a point if you're calling me names too. Oh I'm sorry, you're brain must be too charbroiled by your idiocy, I can't blame you for your fatal case of stupidity. After all, I've got to slow things down for you, doctor's orders."
"Enough!" yelled Erza. "Natsu, you're the captain of this ship, act like it! Grey, you're first mate, so get along!!!'' Then, grabbing us both by the back collar of our shirts, she crushed our heads together hard enough to crack it. We landed like rocks on top of the wooden deck, crumpling like paper while holding our heads.

"Uhhhh" I moaned in my head."That seriously hurt... Am I deaf? Its hard to hear myself speak."  Though it seemed I was forever brain-dead at first from Erza's yelling, I was surprised (and shamefully relieved) when I heard Gajeel say, "Oi, Erza. Yell louder, I don't think the Marine Police heard you yet." I saw Erza turn red.
"My apologies, was I that loud?" She asked in a, surprisingly quieter voice. It was like the volume and anger had completely vanished. Simply unbelievable, she didn't realize how much she was yelling? I think my eardrums got killed.
Grey and I looked at each other in agreement with our silent thought,"It's even scarier when Erza doesn't even realize her own strength ."  I stood up and dusted my hands off, and was just about to grab me a couple bandages and years of shock therapy when a tickling on my nose. 

Suddenly, I violently sneezed. I almost charbroiled Grey, who barely dodged and glared at me with unspoken threats, but was wise enough to leave enough alone with Erza watching like a hawk. Happy I got a little payback on Grey, I grinned a little. A lucky sneeze out of nowhere."Huh. Someone must be complimenting me." 

            (Normal P.o.V.) 

Of course, it was around the time Natsu sneezed, Lucy had been swearing her vengeance on him. Of course.

(If anybody of you don't know, according to Japanese superstition, if you sneezed, somebody was talking about you. It's funny in animes to joke that it must be someone complimenting you instead of talking behind your back or insulting you.)

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