Party: The Sequel

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(Erza's P.o.V.)

"So, is it decided?" I asked solemnley. The two girls next to me nodded their heads. The atmosphere was so heavy, it was as heavy as Droy. You could tell that from 3,000 miles away something oninmous was happening.

"We're gonna have a drinking contest!" I roared. "Let the best and most strong-willed woman live!"

We all nodded our heads while holding huge mugs of beer, and, dunking our heads back, we swallowed it whole.

"Next one!" Minerva shouted determinedly. We kept repeating the process for an entire hour, drinking the cup whole until even I got a little dizzy. 

"You holding up, Minerva?!" I shouted after another full cup of the strong beverage. 

"Of course, I'm worried about you, actually!" She replied heartily.

"Well be more concerned about yourself, you look you're about to pass out!" I called.

"Hai, hai, let's calm down and drink like ladies." Minerva smiled calmly without a hint of dizziness. She didn't look at drunk at all, except...

"Mira, who you talkin' too? We're over, you're conversing with a barrel.

"Oh really?" Mira's calm and questioning voice trailed away as she collasped, landing in a neat pile next to the barrel.

"HAHAHAHA, Mira's out, now it's just you and me, eyebrows."

"Eyebrows? What's with that crappy nickname, shemale!"

"That's rather rich coming from someone who wears that kind of fashion and thinks they can pull it off!"

"Please, you try to wear Heaven's Wheel armor, but ugliness doesn't go well with white, Sweetie."

"That's it, bring it on!"

In the end though, we both managed to drink 5 more mugs until we both passed out.

(Author's P.o.V.)

And for an entire 8 hours, Fairy Tail and the other crews slept, drunk and peaceful, lulled by the dull rocking of the ship. The moon is shrouded by birds and clouds, casting only small spots of light. Oh look, right now, at 3:28 a.m., 5 seconds and 19 milliseconds, a group shrouded by darkness slips into the ship. Ah, what a perfect opportunity, 3 of the most powerful pirates in the world, fast asleep! What will they do? Steal treasures? Find out their plans? Perhaps kidnap their most powerful warriors, or the captains? But hey, what is this? The group is pointing to Lucy. I'm reading their lips, and they're saying... "She's the most prettiest? She must be Erza Scarlet? She's too easy kidnap?!" What is this crap?... 

And so, the strange and rather stupid group picked up Lucy Heartfillia and hapily walked off the ship, where they walked off to their own. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the rather stupid and color blind tale of kidnappers who can't tell red and blonde hair apart. (Sort of Marinette and Chloe, right?)

(Shoutout to @Scalemate45 @mustache fairy @kimmiecat @Rainstorm_Fanfiction MCR_Killjoy_Forever)

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