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(Dedicated to @Heyyy_Rae Thanks for the Questions!)

Hey guys, just a quick intro, I'm a 12 year-old Korean girl livin in California named Soo Gyung in Korean, (classified) in English. But you can just call me Sirenia Wolf or the name of my profile.

Q) What's your favorite anime?

A) Hardest question in the world, but I would have to say D.Gray-man, best in the world. If you guys haven't watched it, Watch It!

Q) Why is it your favorite?

A) One word:


Nah, just kidding. That's Fairy Tail.

Really, I like D.Gray-man because of the plot, story, tragedy, and all that sappy stuff. BUT I REALLY LOVED IT.

Q) What's your favorite color?

Call me strange, but blue and black are my favorite colors.

Because they are the colors on a person after I beat them up. >:D

I'm half-kidding on this....

And having tae-kwon-doe lessons doesn't help my point.

Q) What genre do you like?

A) That's a hard choice, considering all the anime I watch are a mix of several genres, not just one. I usually hate romance unless it's really good, so most of the time horror, action, and comedy.

Q) How many animes have you watched?

A) HOHOHOHO, you're talking to a full-fledged otaku right here. I mean, I've watched... *counts on fingers* I think maybe up to a hundred...? Not really sure, here's a list of all the one's I can think of so far.

Blue Exorcist, Detective Conan, Magic Kaito, Darker than Black, Black Bullet, D.Gray-man, Angel Beats, Attack on Titan, Another, Future Diary, Fruits Basket, Fairy Tail, One Piece, Bleach, Strike the Blood, FMA + Brotherhood, Clannad + Afterstory, Akame ga Kill, Kill la Kill, Durarara, SAO, Gun Gale Online, Kamisama Kiss, Lupin iii, Lucky Star, Black Butler, Mekaku City Actors, Fate/Stay Night UBW, The Devil is a Part-Timer, Free!, Noragami + Aragotou, Soul Eater, Death Note, Ouroun High School Host Club, Vampire Knight, Inuyasha, My Litttle Monster, and a whole bunch of other stuff I can't remember.

Q) Who's your favorite anime character and why?

A) Straight to the point, KANDA YUU! *fangirls* So awesome, I'm gonna die because he's so awesome! His katana, past, fights, speech, OMG I'M DYING!!!

Q) Do you have friends who watch anime?

A) Well, besides you guys, there's one precious person who introduced me to the marvelous and amazing trail of anime bliss. She is AnimeFreak1802 please follow her. Also, my everyday crowd that I hangout with or anime fans all the way.

Q) What's your favorite anime theme song?

A) Oh god.... This is hard. I really, really, really, really, like anime songs! I mean really, all the songs on my phone are anime songs. But, I guess it would have to be "Daze" for the opening of Mekaku City Actors. OMG I LOVE THIS SONG.

Q) What's your favorite book/do you like reading books?

A) I LOVE BOOKS! CLASSICS TO SHERLOCK TO TEXTBOOKS TO FAN FICTION TO FANTASY NOVELS TODAY, I LOVE THEM ALL!!! My favorite book...? This is a hard one, but I really like Percy Jackson! *fistbumb for those PJ fans! >.<*

Q) Do you have any pet animals?

A) Yes I do, a puppy and a dog named Caramel and Simon who love waking me up at 3am in the morning so they can jump onto my bed and sleep there.

Q) What's your OPT?

A) I HAVE A LOT OF OPTS GODDANG IT!!! But my favorite one, at least for Fairy Tail, would have to be... Jerza. Fluffin' Jerza all the fluffin' way. I love the story, the romance, the tragedy, the scandalous love. JELLAL STOP BEING A COWARD, GODDANG IT, AND PROPOSE TO ERZA WHILE CONFESSING YOUR LOVE!!! I MEAN, YOU TWO ARE THE MOST CLOSEST TO BEING CANON IN ALL THE SHIPS! YOU GUYS ALMOST KISSED.

Q) How many brothers and sisters do you have?

A) *laughs drly* One pesky little bro who is coincidentally a fan of my books. Dragonmaniac

Q) Do you wear glasses?

A) Yes I do, I can't survive without them. I got them from reading too much at night with just a flashlight.

Q) Do you like/know the anime Haikyuu? And if you do, what do you ship?

A) A little bit, and to be honest Iship Hinata and Kageyama, just a little though. To be honest I hate yaoi, and I know this statement will probably get a lot of hate.

Q) Do you have a cat/Do you like cats?

A) No, sorry, I love dogs more. (Again, this statement will probably get a lot of hate)

Q) What is the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you before?



There's so many embarrassing things that I've done that that itself is embarrassing.


Q) If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

A) APPEARANCE!!! I know it's stereotypical for a girl to worry about her appearances, and usually I don't even realize about what I wear in the morning or if I even brush my hair as long as I have enough time to watch anime, but I really want to look cool. I hate people looking down on me, so want to look cool, like those thigh-high sock, black-clothes wearing, emo, skinny girls. But I would also would want to be a boy, BECAUSE GOD KNOWS THERE IS SO MUCH GIRLS HAVE TO DEAL WITH. *cough mood swings* *cough clothes* *cough appearances* *cough stereotypes*

Q) Have watched Noragami?


Q) Do you prefer anime or manga?

A) In all honestly, I used to like manga better, but then I got a phone that can't download manga apps, and uhhhhhhh, so now I just watch anime, though I like the art in manga better.

Q) Within Fairy Tail, do ship an unpopular ship?

A) I ship Locy a little, I thought it was really cute.

Q) Have you ever been outside of your country?

A) Yes, yes I have.

Q) Are your holidays going well?

A) Yes, yes they are.

Q) Will you stop answering in yes?

A) Yes, yes I will.

Q) What's your favorite animal?

A) Wolf!!! I love wolves!!!

Q) What's your favorite possession?

A) My headphones, they're my favorite thing.

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