"A Pirate Tail" OAV

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(Dedicated to @anime_love_11)
(A time that happens with Lucy part of Fairy Tail...)

(Lucy's P.o.V.)

"Octo...pus?" I asked, still processing what Natsu was exactly asking.
"Uh! There's a legendary silver octopus that's worth millions of jewels!" Natsu pumped his fist in the air. "And it's super tasty! They say the only reason its rare is because, long ago, it was hunted often for it's tender meat!"
"It sounds as good as fish..." Drooled Happy.

I didn't particulry understand why an octopus was silver, but I was more curious on why I was being told this. Because it only forebode one thing.
"And let me guess." I sighed. "I'm the bait/diguise/seducer/sacrifice/sheild?"
"Nope!" Natsu grinned. I expected him to add something else, like servant, but he didn't add anything.
"Really?" still cautious for a trap.
"Nonthing. This time, I'm going to bring the treasure to you Lucy! You'll see!" He picked me up and put me on his shouder.
"We shall bring victory. Right Fairy Tail!" Natsu yelled from the crow's nest to the crew below.
"Aye!" yelled back a pumped-up crowd.

"But I'm curious Natsu." I asked as he stopped rousing Fairy Tail's spirit. "Why is the octopus so hard to get?"
"Because it's 70 feet long and feasts on live humans." Natsu said simply. Then he went back to yelling at the crew.
"Wait, what?!!" I said, caught off guard.
"Well sure, you didn't think that such a legendary creature would actually be easy to get, did you? We're pirates, nonthing's easy for us." He laughed heartily.
"Why are you laughing? That's a sad truth..." Was my melancholia thought.
"Are you sure that I have to stay behind? Am I the only one?" I asked.
"Ah, no. We're taking as less people as possible, especially girls. Cana, Bickslow, Freed, Jet, Droy, Juvia, Levy, and Happy are staying behind." Natsu replied.
"Wait, me?!" A shocked and offended Happy shreiked. "What happened? We were partners in crime! We were best buddies, friends, brothers, soulmates!" Happy wailed. "What happened to us?..."
"Uh, are you sure you aren't overeacting?" Natsu asked hesitantly.
"Yeah, soul mates is going a little far." I added.
Natsu and Happy creepily turned their heads around and looked at me. "Soul mates barely describes our bond..." Their scary voice synchronised with each other.
"Alright! Alright!" I waved my hands, nervous trying to drive the discussion away. "Anyway, why do you need as little people as possible Natsu?"

Okay, this next part, you might not believe. But I swear Natsu was looking at me with a straight face when he said this. If you're drinking anything right now, put it down, read this, and be grateful that you heeded my warning and that beverage you were holding 20 seconds ago isn't spurting through your nose while you laugh.
"They say... the silver octopus
.. has the smell of a pervert!" Natsu said menacingly.
"The octopus can smell woman, especially pretty ones with big chests." Natsu did an unessacry example by taking a deep breath through his nose. "And he can smell how pretty she is, and that's how he tracks humans. He can also smell men, but only how filthy they are, and often depise them. That's why men are what he usually eats first, so he doesn't have to smell them anymore. And then, he gets the women, and he ***** and ****** and ***** them before he finally eats them."         
"Uh..." I was offically at a loss of words. "Uhhmm, are we still talking about an octopus?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 
"Of course!" huffed Natsu. "This unbeliveable octopus is what we're after! Well, what Grey, Laxus, Gajeel, I, and Erza are after."
"That's such a little amount of people! Are you sure thats enough? And what about Erza? She's a girl."
"Ah, don't worry, we're the strongest! As if we would be eaten! And as for Erza, well the octopus probably can smell the monstrous, unacttractive, manly strength coming from her. You know, thinking about it, she's so boyish that octopus will probably think she's a boy too." Natsu and Happy laughed ferciously.
"Uhmm you guys-" I tried to warn the laughing duo but was intruppeted by Happy.
"Aye, that's a good one Natsu! And you kno-" But the flying blue hairball never got to finish his sentence, as the red-haired monstrous shadow that had been creeping up the mast, grabbed both of their mouths.
"What-was-that?" A sickening sweet voice trickled into the air. All of a sudden, the sky grew darker and the amotsphere heavy.
"Ewrzwa" A muffled Natsu said. "You're looking beautiful today, as always." Wow, so he did go as  low as sweet talking.
"Why thank you Natsu." The totally sincere (not) voice sent chills all over me. Then Natsu and Happy were dragged out of the crow's nest as the she-demon crawled back to the deck.
"R.I.P. Natsu and Happy." I thought as I peeked over to below.

   After the severe punishment from Erza, (Happy reckons his left buttock will never be the same again) Natsu and the group boardered the rather large life boat to travel to the hideout of the legendary octopus.
"We'll bring treasures!" Natsu yelled as he waved us good-bye from the leaving boat. "Don't you dare miss us!" Natsu smiled his infamous dragon grin. I sincerly hoped this wasn't my last memory of him.
"And you don't you dare come back until you bring back your promised treasure!" My retort cried over the sea waves blowing over.
"Haha, of course!" That was his faded last reply before he disappeared over the horizen.
"But at least come back, you idiot. You're a treasure enough." I whispered to myself. It was early in the morning, so there would be plenty of sun to find the octopus's den. Or home. Or whatever you call the house of an octopus.
"Cheer up Lu-chan." Levy sympathized. She smiled and pumped her first. "Fairy Tail has alot of dumb luck, dont worry, they will all come back safe and sound!"
"Ya!" I pumped my fist in the air in agreement. "They'll all come back safe!"

               (Natsu's P.o.V.)

   "Row! 1, 2, 3, row!" Erza yelled.heartily. "Row!-"
"Hey Erza, I'm captain, so why are you the one chanting?" I complained as heaved the wooden oar around again.
"I'm sorry, would you like the spot?" Erza menacingly glared at me.
"Uh, I mean, if you like chanting, good for you! I mean I know you like yelling- I mean!"
"I got the point idiot." Erza shook her head as she hit her forehead. "Honestly, we need some girls, I can't last having to be surrounded by these boy idiots."
"Hey-!" Gray and Gajeel started to say, but then stopped when they saw how agitated she was.
"Oi, I think I see a cave!" Laxus yelled. "It's the one shaped like an octopus right?"
"Yep!" I cried, rushing to the steer of the boat. "That's the one!"

   We rowed as fast as we could to the entrance, which was actually farther away then we thought it was.
"It's supposed to be shaped like an octopus..?" Gray stared at the huge opening. "How..."
"You have to tilt your head to the left." Erza said.
"Ohhh..., Oh wow, that's one honking octopus."
We slowly drifted inside that huge cave, breathing the not-so-fresh salty air and smelling something that was rotting.
"We can't see!" Growled Gajeel. "Natsu, use your fire powers or something."
"No!" Erza whispered-yelled. "We can't let the octopus know we're hear yet. Try to speak in whispers and being silent as possible."
The others and I nodded in agreement as we heard Erza's game plan.
"But then, how are we supposed to get the octopus?" I asked.
"By diving right in the water." Erza said simply.
"Eh?!" I asked, but as soon as the words were out of my mouth, it was meant with a chorous of nervous hushing.

10 minutes later, we were strapped in water-proof dark suits with a ball of wind that Wendy had made earlier so we could breathe underwater.

"Everybody, swallow your ball of wind as soon as we hit the water; Wendy said that bubbles will only last an hour."
Jumping as silently as we could, we landed in the chilly black water. As I opened my eyes, I realized I was prepareing to do something I didn know how to do. I mean, swimming just means drowning to me.

(Hi guys! I'm ending this here, but if you want me to make a Part 2 just say so. But the words count of this chapter is almost 1,500 words and I think I need  to end this here... Anyhow, yay school break! That means more time to Wattpad! Yay! Also, 'follow me I'll follow you' is my slogan, so follow me! And finally, 'The Seawolf Gang' hasn't particulary gotten alot of views... (you guys only read the 1st chapter) but I still love it! ><. So sorry, but I'm not giving it up! Please read and enjoy! (BTW, anybody here ever watched Magic Kaito?)

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