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(Lucy's P.o.V.)

Since I had already woken up and gotten ready (finally), I was currently heading to the Marine Police headquarters. I hummed a little as I walked to the building, enjoying the lovely day and feeling everything was absolutely marvelous. Birds were chirping, flowers were blooming, and dad was burning in hell.

As soon as I took one step into the impressive, whitewashed building, everyone immediately stood up and saluted me. As I nodded stiffly and saluted back, they all sat back down, and I internally grinned from the respect I was receiving. It was hard to keep up a good poker face after things like this. What was the saying? "It's good to be queen."

You know, I'm not usually in such a peppy mood. But today was special, absolutely glorious. By tonight, we would be victorious. Today, the Marine Police would be secretly attacking Fairy Tail, so we could finally end them. For the past week, my Force Team and I have been planning, deciding, snoozing, tinkering, and gobbling down donuts while clashing about the plan with intense concentration, but today, it would finally be worth it.
"Good morning Captain Lucy, today's da day! " said Loke, my First Officer.
"Good morning too, and so it is," I responded. A sad part of being Captain, was that I always needed to have a mature attitude and a monotone expression so my colleagues would take me seriously. I'm  eighteen and a girl, you know how many times I was reminded that? So even when I wanna ride a firework and celebrate like nuts, I had to contain it all in so I wouldn't look like a 3 year old.
"Ah, c'mon Lucy, no need to act so calm. I know you're really excited inside. Geez, on the day where you're gonna nab your nemesis, it's okay to show some expression." He said, ruffling my blonde hair a little. Loke was one of my most trusted officers, he always understood everything, always listened to other people and read their atmosphere. Which was something considering how narcissistic he was. 
"I have no idea what you are talking about First Officer Leo." I calmly responded.
"Ah geez Lucy-san." He groaned, pretending to faint."You're like a robot."

(Natsu's P.o.V)

Upon the ship of Fairy Tail, the wind was blowing strong and the sun beat upon the crew's heads. Slimmers of clouds rolled by, along with rolling gales. A particular pesty wind picked up my  pink hair and flopped while I was steering the wheel thingy that controlled the ship. With the weather like this, everything seemed like a perfect, summer day. I was enjoying the rare, very unique, atmosphere for once until Gray decided to ruin it for me.                                                                                                             "Oi, Captain Hot-Head!" called Frostbite.

"What is it, Naked Popsicle?" I called back.

"We're running out of supplies, we're gonna have to stop by Fiore." Grey said. 

"Where the Main Quarters of the Marine Police are?! Are you crazy?!" I yelled while steering the ship.
"Well, the nearest place we can dock again is 5,000 miles from here, so unless you've got a better idea..." He smugly replied. God, I hate that smile. It haunts my dreams at night.
I sighed. But for once, Grey was right. Maybe we would be lucky and they wouldn't catch us... And so with false hope and patched-up luck, I steered the ship toward Fiore's dock.

(Lucy's P.o.V.)

You know, I was just calmly doing some paper-work on the damage of a couple recent pirate attacks, prepping myself for my battle, digging my nails into my chair until Loke said the stuffing would come out,  when bam! I found out my battle was going to be a bit earlier than expected. A Marine Police Scout that had been watching Fiore's dock came hurriedly running into H.Q., yelling "Fairy Tail is here! Fairy Tail is here!" Is it kind of ironic that the guy was named Paul?
"Already?!" I exclaimed. Jumping out of my chair that previously had my death grip on it, and grabbing him by the shoulders, I lost my normal cool attitude "Give me the details, what is Fairy Tail doing here?"

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