How to Not Sneak Breakfast to Lucy

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(Dedicate this too ChasingNalu)

(Natsu's P.o.V.)

"Okay, just take a deep breath." I told myself. "Why are you so nervous about her? She's just another prisoner."
"Natsu, are you okay?" asked Happy. "You looks like you're seasick and frustrated at the same time."
"Thanks for that descprition Happy." I growled.
"Aye, no problem Natsu!" giggled the little pest. He flew ahead of me and got ready to open the door at the end of the hall.
"Wait! Don't open it yet!" I whispered, hoping she wouldn't hear us.
"Aye!" whispered back Happy, though the mischevious look in his eye garunteed he wasn't keeping that promise for long.

Shoot, I forgot I should say what I was doing. Well, to put it simply, I was trying to sneak breakfast to Lucy.

Why was I doing it in secret? Well, it wasn't to hide from Fairy Tail, but Lucy herself. I had a feeling she wouldn't exactly be happy to see me, so I just hoped she was still asleep, so I could easily put the food in front of her. Now why did I not just send somebody else and not be sneaking around like a theif? Good question, I still haven't figured why I want to see her either.

"Alright I'm opening the door now!" giggled Happy, obviously trying to stop from bursting out-right from laughing.
"Stop laughing so much Happy, its not such a big deal." I blushed, being embaressed by the cat's laughter.
"Sure its not a big deal. You wanted to see Lucy so much you sneaked down here with breakfast and still can't figure out why. Natsu, you're fun, but you're awfully dense."
"Hey, what-?!" I said aggravated. But before I could finish, Happy opened the door.
I slowly peeked inside, wincing at every creak and shrak. Yes! Lucy appeared still asleep!

I nodded to Happy, and together we slowly inched toward Lucy. Finally, we reached right in front of her. I slowly lowered the food in front of her, wishing with all my might she wouldn't wake up. Well, the gods were always against me anyways, because as I slowly turned around and was prepared to walk away, I felt an ice-cold, iron grip on my leg. I swear, this girl was as scary as Erza.

"What... Are... You... Doing?" she rasped as she continued to cling onto my leg. Whoops, I'm guessing she's still recovering from my kick last night.

I pondered my answer. "Ummm, bringing you food?" I said hopefully, my answer turning into a question. Thankfully, she didn't ask why I was sneaking around to bring her breakfast, and I felt her grip release.

"Aghhh!!!" she suddenly screamed clutching at her side. "Make... Make the pain stop!" she had closed her eyes in pain, her face scrunching up from the agoinizing feeling.
"Lucy! Whats wrong?!" I hurriedly asked. I look at the part where she was grabbbing and took a look at it. It was the wounds from my sword, and the healing scars were being opened up. Strangely, it looked like the wounds were glowing, as if they were on fire. But before I wanted to ask what what going on, I heard a huge pounding on the door and an all-too-familiar yell
"Natsu! CAPTAIN NATSU!" yelled Erza. Suprised by the urgency in her voice, I asked "Erza! What is it?"
"Natsu! Levy predicted a huge hurricane close to where we are in now 10 minutes! Get onto the Deck!"

Without a word, I rushed out of the prisoner room, running as fast as I could with Erza.
"I'll take care of Lucy later." I thought. "After I take care of this, well if we survive this."

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