A Continuing After Ever

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(Dedicated to ninjacoolawesom12345 Also, a fan of this story, FairyTailLover1000, has made a SPANISH verision of "A Pirate Tail"! Thank you, wonderful wonderful person, and if you perfer Spanish, be sure to read her chapters! )

( Lucy's P.o.V.)

"So that's what happened?" I asked curiously. "It's honestly like some kind of myth or legend."

"As unbelievable as it is, Lucy, you can't really say that when you have a talking blue cat with wings curled up by your side."

I glanced at the sleeping Happy. "True that." I took a deep sigh. "But let me recount the series of events one more time. So, when I was at the right age of 10, my father put the curse on me with the aid of a dark magician, a curse that was super acient called "Life Adreline", right? That could only be broken with the love of my fated one. And Natsu's sword, also nick-named "Curse Killer," could be the only thing that could have an exception of making me feel pain, right? And my fated loved one was the only thing that could hurt me, so that's why Natsu was able to knock me out. And in the end, when he kissed me, right before my seventeenth birthday, I was able to survive, right?"

"Correct, Captain."

I put my face into my hand and felt all of sudden depressed. "I feel as if the gods have delightedly chosen me into being some kind of dark, twisted, romance just for entertainment. All of a sudden, I don't feel so good."

"Oh Captain, careful with your arm, it's still not fully healed!"

"Hmm? Oh ya, shoot! Nice catch there, Loke."

"No problem." My momentarily-panicked second-in-command scratched his cheek nervously. "Remember, you still aren't used to pain, so you're probably really senstitive to touch. Careful about what you do."

"Aye, aye." I waved it aside as I stared out onto the open sea. I was aboard the Fairy Tail ship, but this time not as a prisoner, or an attacker, no this time, as a part of them. I, former Captian of the Marine Police, had offically become a pirate. Well, not offically, not until I signed the papers that said I resigned from the police. Which was why Loke was here in the first place.

"But back to the main problem, are you completely sure that you can handle the duty of becoming a Captain? It's alot of resposibilty."

"No problem." Loke said as he pushed up his glasses and smiled. I swear I could see those anime diamonds and roses just swarming him.

"You also have to be a good example, icluding no flirting."

"WHAT? I was never informed about this!"

"... I'm pretty sure everyone thought it was obvious."


Laughing, I bounced lightly on the bed. No, Natsu's bed. I smiled. Love, it was something I thought I would never truly experience. But I still planned to die on the battlefield. When I told that to Natsu though, he shook his head and called me 'stubborn.'

Loke passed the paper to me. "Are you absolutely, positively sure you want to do this? Like, life and death and ice cream sure?'

I tried to stifle my giggle and and rolled my eyes. "Yes, I'm ice cream with rainbow sprinkles and whipped cream and chocolate syrup and chocolate crumbs sure."

"Don't foget cherry." He added.

I stuck out my tounge while wiritng on the paper. "I hate cherry." I gave it back to him, and he smiled.

"You're really leaving us. I don't know if I can handle this."

"It's not like I'm never seeing you again."

"I know... But you won't be there to lead us everyday. It's sad."

At this point I had walked across the room and put my hands firmly on his shoulders. "Loke, now offical Captain of the Marine Police, I may not be able to be with you everyday, however..." I shook him by the shoulders hard. "I CAN STILL COMMAND YOU."

Loke, a little dazed, just muttered, "Aye."

"You guys are really loud." Muttered a sleepy Happy. "Mind if you give me a little shut-eye."

"Shut up cat." I muttered.

"Aye." Happy quicky dug under the blankets of the bed.

"Oi, Luce, have you signed it yet?" Natsu barged into the room, smiling.

"Yep." I smiled. "I'm offically part of Fairy Tail."

"No you're not." Natsu disagreed.

"Why's that?" I asked confused.

"You're my girlfriend!" Natsu swaggered in and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Natsu..." I mumbled blushing, looking at the ground sheepishly. Then I smelled booze. "Natsu, have you been hanging with Cana agai-"

"Let's go party!" Natsu slung me over his shoulder, laughing all the way.

"Natsu, let me down!" I desperately pounded on his back. "I mean it, when you're finally sober, I'll beat you to a pulp."

"Don't be like that Luce." He laughed that hearty chuckle again. "Let's celebrate you finally becoming a pirate!"

I made a silent begging motion towards Loke, but he only smiled and made a helpless shrug.

"I swear, next time I see you, you little coward." I thought furiously.

"Lucy." Natsu suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Huh? Why'd you stop?" I asked.

"Luce..." His voice sounded kind of embaressed. "I can feel your, your uh, on my back, squishy, your...."

"What?" I asked quizzically.

"Heavy..." He said dropping me and running away.

"Hea..vy?" I asked before I finally got it.

"NAAATTTTSSSSSUUUUUU!" I yelled chasing after him. "I swear I'm getting out my golden rapier again!"

"No, anything but that!" He screamed. In desperation, he panicked and jumped into the water.

"Oi!" I shouted. I ran over to the edge and threw a life preserver, while the rest of the crew scarmbled to get Natsu out of the water. "Idiot...." I mumbled as I face-palmed myself. But, looking at the safe but soggy Natsu, I smiled and mumbled, "But a funny and lovable idiot."

I smiled at the sky as a sea wind passed through. "With Natsu here, I know, with my entire heart, that I won't regret my decisions." I smiled as I stretched my arms towards the sky. "You guys happy? I made the biggest choice in my life, and I decided it with the future, not the past. You happy, Mom? Dad?"

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