Love and Hurricanes

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(Dedicated to darthbagel2332 the newest Pirate Tail Spammer. Lel ;P)

(Lucy's P.o.V.)

I sighed a breath of relief. The pain had ceased when Natsu had left. I wonder why. But that's not whats important. No, the important part was how humiliated I had been by the sudden afflicant cast onto my leg.

I had meant to cover-up the scalding pain that rushed onto my leg, but nooo, instead, I literrly let out a moan. A moan. I, Lucy Heartfillia, has had a burning log fall onto my back and had just phased it off. A simple ache shouldn't make me hurt so much. But I couldn't help it, because it had hurt so much. It just seemed to happen when ever Natsu was closer.

"Natsu... Natsu... What a pleasant name." I thought pleasantly. Immeadiately I shook my head violently. Did I, just think that? But it couldn't be, I liked him? No way. I was the Captain of the Marin Police,
me liking pirate equal no-no. It was probably just hormones or something.

But, still, the way he was so brave, nice, generous, protective, even... Noble, the kind of qaulities I never and will never have. Being kind, nice, those kind of things, I would never let myself have. Maybe people would call it being too hard on yourself, but I couldn't afford myself personality and social skills. I had to be cruel, calm, a solid wall for others to depend on. Me being head-over-heels in puppy love was unthinkable.

Again, I tried clearing my head with thoughts by shaking my head. If I love some one, too bad, I could never afford it. I planned to die on the battle-field, not dying of old age peacefully.

I'm sorry to anyone who likes me, or to anyone who will like me. Love is just a draw-back, a flaw in my mechanical mind.

Suddenly, the ship rocked to the right, slamming me hard against the wall. Bam! The sickening sound of impact made me question my chance of survival if a hurricane would come as Erza had said. I looked around my small, solid, METAL, confines, and confirmed there was a 50% chance I'd break something.

"Natsu..." I thought. "Please keep us safe..." And with that embaressing thought, all my pride as a leader had been erased.

(Natsu's P.o.V.)

I ran onto the deck, hoping that what Levy had predcited was wrong with all my heart. A hurricane, at this time? We were in the middle of the ocean, planning to stay away from land for at least a week. Now having one of the most deadliest storms heading our way was just plan bad luck. Then again, these days, its seemed we had alot of misfortune.

As soon as I ran over to the hull, a huge blast of wind almost knocked me over. Then, the ship was rocked so much it almost flipped. Yep, definetly a hurricane. Dang, why can't Levy be wrong for once in her life?

"Gray!" I yelled at him. "How far away are we to the nearest piece of land?!"
"Too far to escape the storm!" he called back. "Levy said we now only have about 5 minutes left!"
Again, Levy being annoyingly right.
"Alright, we're gonna have to survive until it passes." I sighed.
"Oh, and Levy said our chances of survival out here is about 1% to no thing." he repied. You know, I swear, if Levy was a fortune-teller, she'd have me assasinated by now.
"Can we move in any way?" I asked
"No can do, the winds are too wild too drive on, and the waves are too strong too paddle through." Gray replied.
I gripped the rail, trying to steady my thoughts and ease my sea-sickness.

Nope, too late. I silently put my head out over the rail and hurled my breakfast overboard.
"Alright." I said, trying to gain composure. "Tell the rest of Fairy Tail to throw over board any unnesscary materials and objects. Get a couple of men to tie down the sails and secure them tight. Tell Erza and Gajeel to try and pull up the storm-cover we've been working on."
"Aye Captain." smirked Gray. I heard him yell out the instructions and looked over to the north-east.

There, only about a mile away, was a huge storm, causing huge waves to surround it, spraying seawater and seaweed everywhere. Oniminous clouds hung over, crackaling with lighting threatening to strike the ship down. Thunder boomed across the ocean, almost as loud as Erza's voice. Almost.

As I stared out to the hurricane, I spaced out, thinking that the hurricane kind of looked like my feelings with Lucy.
"Lucy... Lucy..." I thought. "The golden locks reflect the sun so you like your glowing, and your brown eyes try to hide your happiness... how cute." I would have kept thinking these insolent thoughts until a nice cold spray of sea-water splashed onto me. What a nice way to welcome reality.

I looked around and realized the hurricane was almost on top of us, and it was now raining, with lightning, thunder, and waves. I had to prepare for the worst.
"Erza, Gajeel, is the sheild ready?" I called. Through the now thick sheet of rain and lack of sun, I could still dimly see their outlines. And I could still barely see them exhanging faces. Then I saw Erza face me, though her covered in darkness, I could tell she was serious.
"The thing Natsu... the remote for operating the sheild broke, so..."
"So what?"
"So someone has to get on top of the sheild and press the button that allows the sheild to close, then press it again to open it. But, that person has to stay outside of the sheild the whole entire time."
I thought about it, and just as I was about to answer she said "No, you can't be that person."
"Why not?" I whined "I'm the Captain, I have to do it."
"Its because you are the Captain. You're our leader, letting you be in danger means all of Fairy Tail is in danger." She yelled.
I tried to respond but I couldn't. She had a good point.
"So then who will it be?" I shot back, hoping that the question would reconsider her choice.
Erza looked gravely at me, then responded "We've decided for the prisoner to do it."

Hi guys! Like that chapter? I know that it finally had the NaLu you've all been craving. Sorry I'm terrible at this. ;-;
Anyhoo, I know that I publish the story even when I'm not finished and then I update again. Sorry, but I want you guys to read it as soon as you can. Even if its not finished. Deal with it.
Also, read my messages on my board! These things are important! And Funny! (At least I hope so) Well, at least important! I'm gonna do a daily blog on there, so its kind of a "Meet the/Realize-what-a-weirdo-this Author thing!
Bye-bye! I'll include more Nalu. Its my destiny!

~Ízánámí Óríhárø

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