Operation: Check Lucy's Arm

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(Dedicated to DarknessofLove68 awesome stories!)

                 (Levy's P.o.V.)

   Lucy and I were taking a quick rest before we went to prepare, when I saw a quick wave of a hand and a flash of blue hair.
"Oh Lucy," I said, getting up. "I have to go really quick, wait for me?"
"Sure." said Lucy, still resting against the rail.
"Thanks!" I said as I quickly headed over to inside the ship. I quickly went into the hall and closed the door. Then I turned to face Wendy and Erza.
"Erza! You're better! Wendy, I saw your signal." I whispered.
"Thanks, I am Levy." replied Erza hurriedly.
"So why did you signal me?" I asked Wendy.
Wendy looked around even though nobody was there. "Remeber our theory of Lucy's arm being broken?"
I nodded, having a feeling I knew where this was going.

   "Well, we're going to have to test it at the ball!" said Wendy.
"How?" I said, thinking on what the plan would be.
"Well, the best that Erza and I could come up with," Wendy looked over to Erza. "is that, during the time the girl's get ready for the dresses, we'll try to check it out, and if that doesn't work, the boys will try to at the dance."
"Did you guys already tell Fairy Tail?"
"Yep, through Warren." said Erza.
"Excellent!" I chirped, "Lets get going!"

                 (Gray's P.o.V.)

   I fumbled with my tie, getting ready for the ball tonight.
"Dang-nabbit!" I thought. "How hard is it to tie a single tie?" Oh, the irony.
"Ya know, why are we doing this plan for this prisoner?" I said to Natsu, who was back-to-back to me, looking in the opposite mirror of mine.
"Because even if she is just a prisoner, we still take care of people." obnoxiously spouted Natsu, as if it was obvious.

   "I don't know... Is there a deeper reason behind it? A more... romantic one?" I sneered, taunting him.
I felt him squirm behind me.
"Sort of the way you and Juvia are?" he responded.
I blushed, thankful he didn't see me.
"Of course not! Stalker girl's too weird." I grumbled.
"Ohhh, then why are you never mean to her?" he taunted.
"Because she's an ally." I retorted.
"How about alot more than an 'ally'?" he chuckled. I swear he was rasing his eyebrows.
"Of course not! Not like how you and Lucy are all Lovey-Dovey!" I counter-acted. Ha-ha! I seemed to have won.
"I don't know, it seems Lucy doesn't have any feelings towards me." said Natsu in a less mocking and more somber tone. Then he walked towards the dressing room door, his tie finished. "See you at the ball." he said as he exited.
"Oi," I thought. "What did I do?" I looked in defeat at my own sorry excuse of a tie. "I guess I'm going to have to ask Juvia..." I sighed in my mind.

                (Levy's P.o.V.)

   "Lu-chan!" I yelled happily as I burst through the door. Lucy stood up, startled.
"What is it Levy?!" she cried.
"Relax." I giggled. "I only wanted to get your attention." I walked onto the deck, followed by Erza and Wendy.
"Guess what?! Erza and Wendy are going to go shopping with us!" I chirped.
"Really?" asked Lucy, awkwardly eyeing the two. "Actually Levy, I don't think its such a good idea for me to go-"
"No!" simultaneously said Erza and Wendy. Erza rushed up to Lucy and looked her firmly in the eyes. "You are going to come!" she yelled. Poor Lucy, she looked like she was about to have a heart-attack.
"Uhmmm, sure." she wheezed, the shock getting to her.
"Perfect!" she cried, wrapping her into a rib-crushing hug.
Poor, poor Lu-chan.

                    (Lucy's P.o.V.)

   After a few minutes of rushing about getting money and such, Erza, Wendy, Levy, and now Juvia, and Mira, we headed off the ship and onto the town were the ball was being held.
"Hurry girls!" said Mira, looking at the clock in the townsquare. "We only have about 1 and a half hours."
"Juvia wants to hurry and get a pretty dress so Gray-sama will notice her!" chirruped gleeful Juvia.

   I had learned that Mira was like a mother, Juvia was a stalker, Levy was a book-worm, Erza was a fercious she-warrior, and Wendy was a sweet, naïve healer. I hope that was about all I had to learn about the Fairy Tail girls.

   "Uhmm... so, how do you shop?" I awkwardly asked. "I mean, you just get what you want and buy it, right?"
At once, all the girl's head (excepts Wendy's) looked at me.
"The art of shopping... Is a lot more than just 'buying what you need', its requires imagination, creativity, precision, and the ability to tackle other shoppers to get that last silk dress on the shelf." Mira's eyes glittered. "Are you telling me you've never shopped?"
I scratched my head nervously, regretting what I had just said. "Uhmmm... No..." I mumbled.
"Oh then, we're going to show you a great time." Erza's eyes glittered masciously. Oh boy.

    From that time, the girls dragged me around, making me wear the weirdest dressses, funky make-up, and bizzare hair-styles. Finally, they decided to get serious, and get real for the dresses.
"Ohhhh, Erza this one suits you!" cried Levy, holding a gorgeous light blue dress. But it wasn't just the color, but how the layers of cloth was designed to look like waves, toppling over each other. It looked powerful, but beautiful, just like Erza.

   I looked at Erza's expression and could tell she was awed by it.
"It-its like its calling to me..." whispered Erza. Levy and the others giggled as she slowly grabbed the dress and then ran to the nearest changing room.
"Ai, even though Erza's strong, she still's really girlish." chuckled Mira.

   "Now," she said, facing Levy with a devious expression on her face. "Time to find your outfit."
"Mi-Mira- san..." Levy sweated nervously. "I'm fine, really!"
"Don't worry Levy, we'll find your dress!" crowed Mira, completely ignoring her previous remark.
"Help me!" cried Levy as Mira dragged her away, with Wendy and Juvia following.
"These girls..." I mumbled to myself as I walked to find Erza. There, I found her picking out shoes and a mask.

    "Lucy! There you are!" said Erza, waving me over. "Quick, which one of these look best?" She held two masks over her face, one dark blue the other light.
"Uhmmm, the dark one, it matches your waves." I said.
"Thank you!" said Erza. "Your superful helpful!" I felt myself blushing. When was the last time someone thanked me, much less compliment?
"Uhmm, your welcome." I muttered, looking down.
"Don't worry, we'll get your dress too!" chirped Erza. Oh shoot, she must have gotten the wrong idea about my sudden shyness.
"Oh no-" I was about to say, but Mira, Levy, Juvia, and Wendy came. I was startled by the beautiful clothing they wore.

   Juvia wore a fake fox head over her head, with fake white fur trailing down and around her neck. Her dress was gorgeous, light blue, but with a lot of fur. It ended at her knees and surrounded her knees, giving her the impression of being quick and nimble. The fur was beautiful, making the dress look snowish but not tacky.

   Levy was dressed as a parrot. And although to most girls the outfit would look ridiculous in, Levy natrually pulled off the look. Her sleeves floated beautifully, with some feathers to give the impression of wings. The dress orange and the feathers a beautiful yellow, it matched Levy. A small feathered hat sat in her hair, completeing the look. It had a second layer of yellow, looking live several feathers, and the whole thing was fancy, yet somehow simple.

   Wendy wore a blue butterfly dress. Her hair in pigtails, they looked like antenna with black bows on them. Her entire
dark-blue dress silkly clinging on her body, she truly look looked a butterfly. She had wings the flowed gracefully behind her, silky and light blue, it was like the wings were part of the sky.

   "Oh wow..." I gasped. They all looked so pretty.... and wonderful...
"Do you think Gray-sama will like it?! " giggled Juvia, swishing her dress around.
"Definetely, your so pretty Juvia." said an awed Wendy.
"You too!" she replied.
"Now," said Mira. All of the Fairy Tail girls looked at me. All of them said in usion, finishing Mira's sentence, "Your turn, Lucy!"
"Uhmm, no, I've never worn a dress before..." I muttered.
Levy gasped. "Not ever?!"
"What suffering..." Erza said gravely.
"Poor you!" condenced Mira.
"It's no biggie." I grumbled.
"No biggie?! Juvia knows it is a biggie!" shrieked Juvia.
"C'mon." said Wendy, grabbing/dragging me along with the rest of the girls. "We're going to pick the best dress for you!"

Ohhh! Wonder what Lucy's dress is gonna be! Actually, you readers can know by commenting what you want her dress to be! Whatever idea is liked the most, I will use. Get creative! Swans, peacocks, and the other girls' dresses are not allowed as ideas. Swans and peacocks are too clíche for dresses these days. Comment, vote, share, and check out my other stories!


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