Operation B: Check Lucy's Arm

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(I didn't know who to dedicate this to, so many people, so I'm dedicating this too lilly354 for the spammies, and Internal_Nightmare and @Mollyluvsbooks who are the reason I have an idea for this chapter at all. THANK YOU ALL MY MINIONS! XD ENJOY!)

"Alright, at the ball tonight, we'll find a way to check Lucy's arm!"
"Why are you helping her so much?"

                 (Lucy's P.o.V.)

   After the girls had stop staring at me dumbfoundly, Mira, Erza and Juvia dragged me towards the costume dresses, with Wendy and Levy following.
"I... am... going.. to... make.. sure... you... WEAR THE BEST DRESS AT THE BALL!" Mira huffed, pulling me along with the strength of a demon.
"You will be the best!" shreiked Erza, determination in her eye.
"But not as good as Juvia so Gray won't notice you, but me." she said confidently. Levy, Wendy, and I sweat-dropped at Juvia's semtence; I still haven't gotten over Juvia's determination of her obbsession.

   Pretty soon, the girls had quickly picked out a dress (without my choice!) and dragged me into the nearest room. Thats when the torture began.

                (Wendy's P.o.V.)

   When the hoard of wild animals (sorry the Fairy Tail girls) dragged Lucy over to the dressing room, I had never felt so sorry for someone.

   Levy had advised me to stay outside so I wouldn't have to witness the torture (again sorry, changing) of Lucy, and I gladly took it. Now I was patiently waiting outside with Carla, flinching at the every 'Stop! You're killing me!" and 'So much muscle and bone! We can make the dress tighter!' Poor, poor Lucy.

   Maybe I was over-caring and sentimental, but I sincerly cared for the well-being of Lucy. I really wanted to check out her arm, but she wouldn't let anyone check it. Which made me even more determined.
"Let me guess, you're feeling sorry again?" said Carla, a haughty look on her face.
"Hehe, ya, how'd you guess?" I scarched my head nervously. Was she physic?
"You had that guilty look on your face again." She raised an eyebrow and sighed. "Honestly, how soft. You can't feel bad about everything."
"You're truly Carla-chan." I smiled guiltily. Carla smiled back.
"By the way, how is it between you and Romeo?"
"Eh!" I cried, really suprised by her words. "Nothing- no wait not nothing... I mean we are friends, but not like- I mean we 'like' each other but no 'like like'- I mean-"
"Haha, don't worry Wendy." Carla's eyes sparkled. "I already got the drift." I thought she had gotten the point that she didn't know my crush on him, and was leaning back, relaxed, when Carla said "The drift is you like him."
I blused so hard my face became a tomato. "No! How many times do I have to say it?"
"Hehe, really, you're so cute when you're mad." chuckled Carla.
"Hey-" I was about to yell when Lucy and the rest came out of the changing room.
"Woah..." I gasped. "Lucy, you look amazing..."

   She wore a small headress in her hair, a glittery, hand-crafted head of a blue bird, with a blue viel gliding down her hair all the way to her back. White stars were decorated onto her blonde hair, giving the look of the night sky. Her dress sparkled, a mix of dark blue, purple, and black. White and light blue sparkle covered the dress, looking like stars. But the most creative piece were the feathers that decorated her dress, the same color as the outfit. She looked like a bird of the stars, so graceful and shining. Her dark blue gloves were covered in light blue and purple feathers, making her look like she had wings. Everything looked silky, ingeniously looking not tacky, but classy. Everything about her made her look ready to soar into the sky.

   "Lucy.... you look amazing." I gasped, awe-taked.
"Thanks..." grumbled Lucy, looking around her outfit. "I should've worn something simpler!" she groaned to Erza and Mira. "This is too much, I don't know how I can thank you. A black dress would've been fine!"
"Its fine, dear." giggled Mira. "You look so pretty! And don't even think about paying us back, got it?!"
"Indeed, you look absolutely stunning Lucy." Looking at me up and down in a satisfied way. "I would say we did a good job girls."
"Juvia thinks so too!" Juvia cheered, eagerly agreeing.
"Lu-chan, its so pretty that all the boys will notice you!" Levy said, but nervously looked at Juvia and added "Except Gray, of course."

   "But Lucy... what is it?" I asked, not sure she was dressed as. It was beautiful, but not something that you could easily name.
"Its a Celestial Phoenix, something my mom used to tell me about." Lucy blushed. "Somehow Levy managed to sneak out alot of my secrets out earlier..." She shot a look at Levy, who grinned guiltly.
"Aye, but the story is about the Celestial phoenix is cute." said Levy. "Thats how I chose your outfit."

   "Anyhoo!" said Mira, clapping her hands. "Time to pick your guy's accerssories."
Immeadiately, all of us gave Mira an evil expression. In usion, all of us said "Wait Mira, what about your dress."
"Ha-ha! Funny story, I already have my dress!" she creepily smiled. She looked so smug even I could scream. All of us hung our heads in defeat. We had to face the ultimate truth. She had been one step ahead of. Again.
"Of course you do." Sighed Juvia, shaking her head.
"We've been beaten..." exasperated Levy.
"Agreed." I said.
"Now, now, time to get our jewelry and masks!" Mira cheered, obviously not affected.

                  (Lucy's P.o.V.)
  Slowly, everyone recovered, and raced about, looking for the final touches of their outfits.
"Lu-chan!" cried Levy. "Does this look good?!" she raised an orange eye mask with a small dark beak forming at the bridge of the nose.
"Its perfect!" I exclaimed. "What about this?" I held up a sparkly blue mask with a dark beak like Levy's.
"Beautiful!" rushed Levy, scrambling around for anything else she needed.

   I smiled to myself. When was the last time I had fun like this? Father had always wanted me to be a boy, so I was raised in a rough manner. Girlish things, things that made me happy, were always a no. This experience was more than I could ask more. To relive my fantasy life that  I could never have. Maybe I was to much of a softie, but I wanted to cry. This kind of joy... having something generously given to you, something that you've always craved and wanted, it was truly, truly, truly a dream come true. Shoot. I wanted to cry too much.

  I reached for my face and found a wet tear gliding down my face. I quickly turned away from the others and wiped my tears away, pretending to fix my mask.
"Hey Lucy, do you need help with your mask?"asked Erza. I panicked for a minute. Would my voice crack if I answered?
"Uhmm, no I fine." I rasped. I quickly coughed to cover up my weird voice. At least my voice hadn't peaked.
"Kay!" replied Erza, probably busy again. But maybe I did need help, because as I wiped away my wet eyes, I glanced at my gloves, and they were red.
"What the-" I whispered, glancing around to see if anyone noticed. Thankfully, everyone was too preocupied. I wiped one of my eyes with the finger of my glove, and looked at it. It was dripping red, wet and watery and staining the cloth. But that didn't matter, for I realized something. My eyes were bleeding.

   "Ahhh." I grinned to myself insanely, feeling frustration welling inside. "The spell's coming undone is it?"  The curse that gave me wretched powers... unbelievable, it was wearing out now? "Haha" I giggled. "Even from death, Father tortures me. I'll unwind on the happiest time of my life. But.." I glared determindely. "One last night to go out in a bang. I'll go out in style."

              (Normal P.o.V.)

  Pretty soon, the girls got ready. Lucy managed to get the stains out and told no one of her situation. The girls quickly realized that they had been so busy and giddy they had to check Lucy's arm. They arrived to the ship momentarily only to get Mira's outift. Afterwards, they quickly got to the ball on time to meet the rest of Fairy Tail. Its the boys' turns' now to check Lucy'z arm. Will they succed? Will they find out Lucy's secret? Find out in next chapter of "A Pirate Tail".


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