Cliché Capture: Part 2

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        (Dedicated to MysticalFanfictionz)

         (Lucy's P.o.V.)

I arched an eyebrow towards him.
"Did you really think I wouldn't notice? When you kick, you have that habit of looking at where your leg is, not your target."
"Of course, only you would notice that." Loke exasperated.
"Hm, then mind telling me why you're trying to fight me, and exactly who wants me dead?" I glared at my former second-in-command.
"I'm sorry," Loke shrugged his arms in a care free way. "Unfortunely I did that, I'd be dead."
I observed Loke carefully. "What is with him?"
And then I noticed it. The small signal that was our trademark.
Smiling good-naturedly, I decided to get this over with.
"Hiya!" Jumping on top of a nearby balcony, I spun in the air, doing another drop-kick. But this time, feeling my leg being held onto firmly. In the end, Loke mangaged to stop my kick in midair, flip me into the ground, and pin me there until I was knocked out with chlorofoam. Oh joy.

(Natsu'd P.o.V.)

Okay, the one time I'm actually considerate and thoughtful, it turns out to be a bad decision.
When Lucy ran out like Sonic the Hedgehog, I'd figure it'd be best to leave her alone. As Mira and Erza would say "girl's privacy and alone time".

So even though I wanted to run after her and tackle her down, I remained put so maybe she could have some peace and quiet.

And then I heard "kyahs" and battle noises.

So I was like, "Okay, maybe Lucy's a little more pissed then I thought and she wants to take it out on some poor pieces of furniture and flowers."
And then I heard the silence. That unnatrual silence as if two people were doing a showdown.
And then I started running like Shadow the Hedgehog.

I arrived just in time to see a guy that looked oddly familiar pick up an obviously not-moving Lucy.
"Oi, what are you doing with Luce!?" I yelled.
The man looked up. "Oh, I'm just simply capturing her."
"Hey, let her go and give her back!" I prepared my sword...
"Ha! "'Give her back!"' Hyprotical words coming from the pirates that captured her in he first place!"
"Oi-!" I tried to think of a comeback but my words failed me. I looked at the man, now illuminated because of the moon.
"Hey, you're that dude who was part of the Marine Police!" I recongized him.
He nodded his head in a cocky bow.
"Pleased to meet you. Unfortunely, I can not stay, but obviously you'll cone after me, so I have no choice until given the all clear to kill you."
"To kill me...?" I echoed. "Fairy Tail doesn't have a death warrant, so even if you're part of the Marine Police, you can't kill me!"
"Hmm, well that's about to change in 3... 2... 1!" The man grinned and all of a sudden, police officers were surrounding the place, and a radio was yelling: "All citizens, beware! The extremely violent and ruthless Fairy Tail is out on the loose! They have often attacked without any reason and may ambush an unprovoking citizen. If you see a member of Fairy Tail, please report them as soon as possible! It has now been authorized that deadly force is now, and encouraged to use against these outlaws! They have also captured and held hostage Lucy Heartfillia, Captain of the Marine Police, so please beware their deadly force! Fairy Tail..." And then it repeated the same message.
"No... Way..." I mumbled to myself. Fairy Tail was now fugitives of the fugitives. We now had a death warrant. I was in shock, I couldn't move. I couldn't move when I had the perfect chance to get Lucy back.

Suddenly, I heard the footsteps of many people stampeding towards the garden.
"Get the leader!" I heard a husky voice yell.
"Ah well then, adieu Natsu Dragoneel." He then leaped into the darkness out of sight.
"Lucy!" Recovering from shock, I tried jumping after them, only to be dog-piled by many guards.
"Natsu Dragoneel, you're now under arrest!" A heard that same husky voice yell.
"Crap, crap, crap, crap, CRAP!" I yelled in my head.

And then, all of sudden, I felt anger I had never felt before. Adreline that pumped so hard I felt like it was going to burst through my skin.
"The only person..." I said deathly calm.
"Hm?" Said that man with the husky voice.
"Who I want to hear "'Natsu Dragoneel, you're now under arrest from..."
I suddenly stood up, brushing the roughly 2,000 pounds the guards were as if they were nothing. I turned around and glared at the now scared-looking husky-voiced guy.
"IS LUCY!!!!" I yelled furiously. I walked away, nobody daring to stop me.
Once I was out of the garden and inside the hallway, I stopped, and hollered with all my might,
"Fairy Tail! Don't stand down! One of our own has been captured, and we can't stop now!"
My message was heard loud and clear, because pretty soon, I heard the sounds of battle cries and fighting.
I smirked, my lips twitching.
"This is how we are in Fairy Tail, and when you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. Now, what are you going to do now? Loke...."

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