The World From Erza's View

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(Erza's P.o.V.)

"People come and go, but strawberry cake will never leave you." That's what I've always liked saying to myself whenever painful goodbyes, deaths, and betrayals happen. Through my life, I will always suffer, but at least there's a pastry to look forward to, right? Food solves feelings. But I don't think I've actually ever believed that. Sure, stuffing sweets into my mouth whenever I'm sad is always great therapy, but I don't think there is nothing in this world I could depend on more than family.

Family. My companions in this life and the next, people who have my back when I have theirs. They're the ones closest to you, so if hurts you the most when they're hurt. But it's always worth it, to see them happy and safe, cheering and having fun, smiling so much it hurts your own cheeks. My family has always been disperse, from friends to companions to even cell mates. But it's never changed. The people from the Tower of Heaven are my family, Fairy Tail is my family, Jellal is my family. But now, I'm not too sure.

Of course, I knew Fairy Tail is my family, they're always out for me, creating bonds stronger than life. And, of course, although we had to say good-bye, my friends from the Tower of Heaven will always have a special place in my heart. But Jellal, Jellal seems to be a special case. I mean, you've known someone for so long, been through so much with them, you kind of know everything about them. I mean really, it's true. I know that Jellal always tries to play it cool and act like nothing can bother him, basically a bad-boy model with a "tragic" past. But I also know that Jellal can be easily embarrassed, and be an honest and simple guy. He tries to play the dark "bad-boy" thing with me and impress me, but it never works. Because when he acts like that I start mention a cringey thing he did when was a kid and he shuts up like a spoiled kid scolded for once.

So because I know him so well, I'm starting to wonder if he feels the same with me? Whenever he sits next to me, I wonder if he can feel my hand shaking a little and my resistance not to start smiling and laughing. I can never control how much I want to laugh when he's near me, it just feels like because I'm so happy,I have to express it. When we joke and have small talk, I want to cherish those moments forever, like the fleeting winter days that quickly become cold. I feel like butterscotch ice cream around him, like all of a sudden I'm happy and sweet and actually cute. It's weird, and I don't know what to do with that energy that goes through me like a rocket whenever I brush by his shoulder. Is there something else between us? I'm not clueless, no, I can get the memo. The problem is if Jellal gets it. I mean, before, up on that roof, he told me he loved me. But then again, I was drugged and seeing strawberry ice cream everywhere (for whatever reason.)

So what to do? Pretend like nothing's going on? Well, we are in the middle of a rescue mission and run aways from Fairy Tail. Still, it'd be nice for once if we could just rest. Take a break. Have a little of bit of peace for once. I know being a pirate is a dangerous job, and I'm lucky to even have Fairy Tail as my crew, but, I'd love it for once, that we could be a little selfish. Go somewhere. Not have to keep a constant lookout for police, enemies, and who knows what.

Of course, that's just a fantasy. And we have to rescue Lucy as soon as possible, because Jellal and I both know. Her kidnapping is our fault; the past is catching up with us.

"Hey Erza." Jellal walked out groggily, in a pair of casual cotton pants and a shirt.

"Mornin's blue head." I replied, too engrossed in my thoughts too really look up. Jellal sat across from me at the makeshift table we had made, toast in hand, and I finally looked up to see his sullen expression. "Are you okay? You look terrible." I concernedly looked at his pale face.

He waved his hand. "I'm fine. Couldn't be better." He sighed and looked me in the eyes. "Though, I wish you were the same too, because today, we rescue Lucy."

We quickly suited up afterwards, now words between us. This was the most serious matter we'd probably ever faced.

"Hey Jellal." I stopped him before we left the tiny boat we had stolen earlier.

"Ya?" Jellal looked at strangely.

"If, if we don't come back from this." I swallowed hard, and gripped my sword's hilt tightly. "IF. Is there anything you want to say now?"

I looked at Jellal's eyes, dark brown and full of worry, his glassy blue hair clashing with his red tattoo.

Jellal did something unexpected, something I'd never thought he'd do, again. He kissed me. On the lips. Smack dab on the suckers (and a little past that.) I kind of just jerked up and died, right at that spot. This was unlike anything I thought he'd do. The last kiss he gave me, it was a good-bye kiss. A finale forever. But now... This was Jellal, though! The guy who tried to be the villain and the scapegoat, the brat who thought he was stronger than me, the one who always tried to look cool and dark. The guy who was also incredibly sweet, hurting himself because he thought he needed to redeem himself, the guy who'd do anything for his friends. The guy I liked.

When he finally pulled away, I was seeing stars and vision was blurry. I'm not going to describe the kiss, because if I do, I'll probably die of embaressment.

"Jellal, did you give me drugs again?" My voice was as shaky as my knees. "I'm seeing double."

"Nope." He chuckled, holding me close. "Don't worry, not this time." He rested his head on mine. "If you're seeing double, than just close your eyes and trust me."

I hesitated. Trusting people, I could do. But I've learned that sometimes the people you think you can rely on the most can backstab you without a second thought. A moment of vulnerability was all they needed. Still...

I was against his dark shirt, being pulled tightly against. I breathed in the smell of the faded black turtleneck he wore and smile; despite him being a runaway he was still hygienic. He smiled like lilac soap. I decided to trust him, after all, we'd been together for what seemed forever. I closed my eyes and relaxed, sighing deeply and relaxing into his chest.

"Erza, I have nothing to say." Jellal said. "Because you are coming back, I promise you that."

"And what about you?" I asked, muffled into his shirt. "You're coming back, right?"

"Of course I am." Jellal reassured me.

I smiled. "Then we don't have anything to worry about, do we." I broke away, practically leaping through the door. "What are we waiting for." I smiled. "We have a friend to rescue."

Jellal smiled and followed after me. "Wait up! You're too fast." We ran towards the rolling green hills next to the bay, where we planned to meet with a mage who would make us invisible. A first step in our plan, but it'd all be worth it, because it we'd be able to finally rescue Lucy.

I looked over to Jellal on that warm, clear spring day, the salty spray coming from the wind, the grazing sun drifting light at us, and I clenched my hand over my heart, smiling.
"For whoever's listening, Jellal makes anything worth it."

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