Operation: Dance Boys, Dance!

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(Dedicated to AriannaCervantes1998 ddaaannng you spam. Lol)

                (Gajeel's P.o.V.)

   In usion, all the boys groaned. We were already at the ball, waiting for the girls when Warren got a message. Through him, we learned that the girls had failed at the plan, and that it was out turn to 'shine'. Quoted from Mira.
I sighed in exasperation. "Geez, how annoying. Bunny Girl sure is a handful."
'''Bunny Girl?'" Gray asked, a confused look on his face.
"Hmmph." I just gruffly ignored his words.
Gray sighed. "Alright.... Natsu, you ready for the plan?"
As if on cue, Natsu smiled and said his famous phrase. "I'm all fired up!"

   The ballroom was huge, with a huge amout of lighting from the several chandiliers hanging everywhere. The whole place gave a feeling of class, but it felt like it was smothering me. Lucky me, though, for there were several small balconies that you could easily use and have some privacy.

   "By the way," Gray clapped his hands. "Does everyone know how to dance?" In reply, there came several small groans fron the boys. Gray looked infuriated.
"THIS WHOLE PLAN WAS ABOUT DANCING AND YOU GUYS DIDN'T EVEN METION THAT YOU CAN'T EVEN DO THE SLOW DANCE?!" I caught the look of gultiness on several people. He took a deep breath in and out, and tried to regain his composure.
"Alright, there isn't alot of time, so we can't do any dance lessons. So only the boys who already know,"  Gray glared at the boys. "Can dance with Lucy."
"Guess that means me." grinned Natsu, looking pleased about something.
"And Gajeel, Laxus, Romeo, Jet, Droy, and I, ash-brain." growled Gray.

   "Shut up, why are you so bossy, you're my second-in-command for crying out loud!" yelled Natsu, looking annoyed.
"Because I'm more obviously mature than you, Captain." growled Gray.
"Don't you dare say 'Captain' in that tone.!" Natsu was seriously looking so pissed, I could steam coming out of his ears.
"Oi! For crying out loud, the girls are coming any minute now! Shut your traps or they'll walk into a full-scale arguement and Lucy'll find out about the plan." I guffly moved my head. "Ya dig?"
Natsu and Gray looked like they were about to burst but, again, lucky me, the girls walked in.

   "Hi-hi everyone, you ready?!" cheered Mira. "The Fairy Tail girls are here!"
Now before, the guests had been already staring at us before, (and I can't really say I blame them), but they stared even more as the girls walked in. I did too. They looked amazing. There dresses sparkled and such, but my eyes followed a paticular blue-haired orange-dressed mage who was dressed as a parrot, and really showing off the look.

   "Ohhh... Levy's so pretty!" cooed Jet, who'd been standing beside me. I started; I forgot the two bozos Jet and Droy were here.
"Levy, dance with me!" cried Droy, already racing over.
"Uhmm, sure!" agreed Levy, always too nice.
"Hmph." I sighed. I'd actually been wanting to ask her. Ah well, maybe the next dance.

"Ah Gajeel!" said Gray, walking towards me. "I had an idea! Since your usually straight to the point, why don't you have the first dance with Lucy?"

                (Gray's P.o.V.)

   I must be pure evil. Seriously. I knew that Gajeel wanted to dance with Levy, but I made him go with Lucy first. I must be the essence of the word evil. No more 'Mr. Ice-Guy'.

  I also knew that he couldn't refuse. If he did, I would ask why, and when he couldn't answer why, I would just assume he wanted to dance with Levy, or  he was just a wuss. But Gajeel didn't know that I knew he wasn't a wuss and he wanted to dance with Levy. Ahhh, the fruit of an evil mastermind plan.

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