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(Dedicated to nalu_fanlover for having a really kawaii profile pic. Oh ya, and also for reading my stories)

(Natsu's P.o.V.)

"Ahhhh" I sighed in relief, as I limped down slowly from the ship onto  Fiore's dock. "It feels so good to be on land again. I don't wanna sound like a land-lubber, but I was getting kind of... sea-sick."
"Natsu, you're always the one who gets motion, air, and sea-sickness." Exasperated Happy, my flying, blue cat companion.
"Don't rub it in Happy..." I grumbled.
"Captain Natsu, isn't this weird?" said Erza, who had flipped into the air and landed down besides me. Showoff.
"What's weird Erza?" I asked.
"Oi, Captain Clueless, she's talking about how the people are looking at us so weirdly." called Grey, who had just climbed down from the ship. It was true, a crowd of people had gathered, pointing and whispering at us strangely.
"But people always look at us weirdly." Happy giggled. "Especially you guys."                                              "Oi, thats harsh Happy." I cringed.                                                                                                                               "Yes, I have to agree to that Happy, but, people are looking at us like we just murdered someone." Erza said thoughtfully. "Or we were the victims..."

"Don't really get how Erza makes any sense..." I thought to myself. "Hey, you guys, I think I've figured out what's the weirdest part of the situation right now." said Grey. "What, the fact you've already stripped?" I snorted to Grey.
"No, the fact there isn't a single Marine-Mininion in sight..." he said dead serious.

(Lucy's P.o.V.)

"What? They've just docked straight out on Fiore?! Where they know Marine Police H.Q. is?!" I yelled,  and the terrified face a sergeant looking back at me. I sighed, exasperated and collapsed into a nearby chair, face in my hands.
"Are you sure you and the other spies saw the Fairy Tail ship dock here, on the same day and time we plan to attack them, just having the right setting and timing for our secret plan?!" yelled Loke, half-crazed. He had a rather strange expression for someone wearing sunglasses, but it was my wake-up call to get it together. Calmly leaning back on my chair, I regained my cool facade as the leader.
"What do you think, Loke?" I asked, turning to my trusted advisor. "They're either doing 3 things. 1, setting a trap, 2, mocking us and planning suicide, or 3, being complete idiots and the heavens are finally on our side and giving us luck."  I sighed again, giving the illusion the whole situation wasn't anything big, and the whole room seemed to relieve of tension.
"Lucy-san..." He exhaled a frustrated breath . "I can honestly say I don't even know anymore. For all I know, stressing us out could be part of their master-plan."
"Uhmmm... I'm going to take the chance their total idiots and start commencing the plan." I said as I put on my Celestial Weapons. Standing up and loading my gun, I nodded towards the crew. "Get ready boys, we've got ourselves some Fairies to catch."

(Natsu's P.o.V.)

"Hey, whats that over there?" asked Grey, pointing over to the sky. I was about to comment that he couldn't get me with that dumb trick when I noticed some movement coming from above.  I looked over to where he was pointing, and the sight even made me scared. Khypes, the kind that contains bombs in it. But no, not just any bombs. The kind of bombs that erase magic. And people. (Khypes are extremely small ships that people can use to try in the sky for a small period of time. Its often used in sport, delivery, and even military purposes.)

Erza tsked. "I should've guessed they had something up their sleeves. But it's weird, Khypes take weeks to prepare. Its almost like they were expecting us..."
"Doesn't matter!" I yelled. "Get everyone back on the ship, all hands on deck. Prepare for weapons and fighting. We've got an emergency!" I practically pushed the two. "Hurry!"

(Lucy's P.o.V.)

I allowed myself another weird, half-made smile. Those Fairies never saw it coming. Or at least they'll never see the new surprise attack coming...

Loke, I, and the rest of my "Celestial Crew" had been preparing for this. The plan has genius. We would prepare Sky-Ships with magic-erasing bombs in it, but that was the only expensive part. It would be remote-controlled by a Marine Officer and sail straight toward Fairy Tail, destroying the ships and releasing the bombs inside it. The plan for bait was for a rumor to be released that the Marine Police was transporting a huge amount of treasure. But this was perfect, we didn't even need to do anything about that. However, there was the kicker. Actually two kickers. I already knew magic-erasing bombs would destroy them all, including the "Celestial Crew" and I, so the bombs were just bombs that would release a fog... letting all my officers, (including I) attack them surprisingly. We the advantage of surprise and out-number them. Perfect plan. Since we needed the Sky-Ships to crash into Fairy Tail, we would be have dummies that looked like officers attached to the ships. It was all the perfect set-up, with the perfect disguise, as all the officers had been dressed as beggars and fishermen. It was all so brilliant, yet I feel like I'm forgetting something...

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