Cliché Rescue

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(Yes, I've used "cliché" again. Sorry, but these chapters came to me by the fact, with every fanfiction, THEY ALWAYS HAVE THE GIRL IN TROUBLE AND ALL OF A SUDDEN... THE GUY ALWAYS WALTZS IN A 'MIRACIOUSLY' SAVES THE DAY! Everytime they had this, I was just like... *does facepalm* well, pretty much Fairy Tail when someone spells 'Fairy Tail', 'Fairy Tale'. But in every fanfiction, they have that 'rescue', so I've decided to do that same thing, but just my style. *does exaggerated anime pose* I know, I'm so great, aren't I? XD, relax, I'm joking. Merry Christmas!!! Dedicated to Stormcutter1 So without further ado, please enjoy!)

(Gray's P.o.V.)

"So the blonde's been captured, huh?" I mumbled to myself as I narrowly dodged a spear to my head and threw it out of the way.
"And now a death warrant..."
"Ah well, that's just what happens to Fairy Tail." Erza, who had been fighting next to me, had heard me talk to myself. "Challanges and these sort of things, well, we just tackel them, like we always do."
I nodded my head in agreement as I froze someone in midair.
"Hey, now that I'm thinking about it..." I sucker-punched a gaurd.
"Where were you?"
"Huh?" Erza asked innocently as she slashed several opponents.
"You've been gone for almost 1 and a half hours... And you only showed up when the radio announcement was broadcasted... Where were you?"
I turned my head a little to see Erza smile sadly.
"Oh, just some buisness, nothing much."
Suddenly, she punched very closely towards my left, behind me, hitting an enemy.
"But please, stay on gaurd."
Erza smiled a again, instead this time more devilishly, as if saying 'keep out of my buisness.'
"Aye." I sheepishly laughed.

(Lucy's P.o.V.)

"Hey..." My subconcious nagged at me.
"Oi! Wake up, you're vurnerable!"
My eyelids popped open as I realized I was open. I groggily realized I couldn't stretch at all, as my hands had been tied to a chair that I was sitting on, same with my legs.
"Loke....?" I hoarsely whispered, remebering the previous events.
"Who is it...?"
"Who's what?" Loke suddenly appeared, smirking.
"Must be still sleepy. Well, we have to wait until my boss gets here, so continue with your ramblings."
"Loke..." I managed to hold a stare with him.
"A quick universal anomaly rising in upturned sanctum." He randomly rushed. He winked at me. "See, now I can ramable too."
I just nodded my head, understanding. So that's what was happening.... I smiled to myself.
"I know I can always trust you... Loke!"

(Flashback to Fight)

"Hm, then mind telling me why you're trying to fight me, and exactly who wants me dead?" I glared at my former second-in-command.
"I'm sorry," Loke shrugged his arms in a care free way. "Unfortunely I did that, I'd be dead."
I observed Loke carefully. "What is with him?"
And then I noticed it. The small signal that was our trademark.
That small signal, 2 fingers raised in a victory sign, our shared trademark. As partners, after our victories, we started doing victory signs, until it became a habit. This small signal... I smirked.
"Loke's still on my side."
I knew what I had to do. If Loke had been forced to do from higher-ups, someone important was probably being held hostage. Loke, being the leader of the Celestial Squad, probably had a Zodiac being black-mailed against. I had to go along with him, or else we'd all be dead. Allowing myself to be knocked wasn't the best part, but it was worth whoever it was....

(End of Flashback)

"A quick universal anomaly rising in upturned sanctum, huh?"
I grimaced.
"Taking the first letter of each word makes 'Aquarius'. Really Loke, you couldn't make a better code? So cliché."
Well, I couldn't blame him, we were short on time. We would probably being watched, lacrimas? I looked around and spotted one gazing down at me from the ceiling.
"They didn't even bother to hide it, idiots."
I struggled with my bonds, but they firmly refused to be broken. I sighed.
"Well it's no point struggling, I better think why someone would want me dead. Probably someone in the army or in politics, if Aquarius was captured."
"Hey, could you at least tell me why someone wants me dead?"
I arched an eyebrow towards Loke.
He coughed, a bit nervously.
"That information must remain classified."
"Tell me." I dead-panned.
"No." He glared.
"Tell me."
"Tell me."
"Tell me."
"Tell me."
"If you don't shut up I'll tie a gag around that big mouth of yours."
I sighed in exasperation. What happened to my amazing presuading skills?
"Pllleeaassee?" I whined.
"I'm getting that gag..." Loke walked away.
"No wait!" I pleaded. "I was just joking..."
"Since when did you start joking?" Loke asked. But he stopped searching for a gag.
"Huh." Loke sighed. "Well since your going to do die anyway, maybe I should give a little info."
I nodded my head eagerly.
"Well, first of all, maybe it's because your too good."
"Huh?" I said confusingly.
"Your father set a good image to the Marine Police, he was tough, determined, strong, and well, he was a man."
"Oh no, I know where this is going."
"So when his offspring took over the Marine Police, they were expecting a someone strong and, well, a boy. Instead, they got a pretty blonde who was extremely secretive, discreet, and anti-social."
"Hey..." I grumbled.
"So the people who weren't happy with you, of course, wanted to get rid of you as soon as possible." Loke completely ignored me.
"But imagine their suprise when they found out that weak-looking girl had had years of training and had almost super-human strength. No weaknesses and a cool attitude. Respected by her colleagues and always organized, jailing thousands of outlaws. What could they do? They wanted some problem, some tick about you that they could use against you. An excuse to take away your posistion as Captain. Or just getting rid of you."
"So that means..." It dawned on me.
"That's right. Your capture from Fairy Tail was the perfect of oppurtunity for them. Making a plan, a stragety, they put this all in motion, putting a Death Warrant on Fairy Tail, seemingly putting them as people who could kill, and then capturing you. With you gone, they could just blame your death on Fairy Tail, and get away clean. Fairy Tail would get convicted at the capture and death of Lucy Heartfillia, and everything would work for them. Killing two birds with one stone."
I shook my head. A master plan, a trap, and I completely fell for it.
"There's no way..." I whispered.
"Ah well, that's just how it is."
Loke sat unconernedly on a counter.
"Anway, everything's according to plan."
I glared, suddenly getting my spirit back.
"Fairy Tail doesn't do 'according to plan.'" I laughed.
"Instead, they "improvise"."
"Improvise, huh?" Loke smirked.
"Let's see them improvise with a death warrant on their heads."

(What will happen next!? Who's the mastermind behind this complicated planning? Lets see in the next chapter!!)

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