The Villians Who Revealed Their Plans

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(Lucy's P.o.V.)

"So, why did you capture me?" I asked, glaring at my captors. "Because I'm the former leader of the Marine Police? Because of my connections to Fairy Tail? Because I'm Natsu's-" I blushed, realizing what I was about to say. "Forget that last part. But, it's futile to hold me or use me as hostage, Fairy Tail always finds a way to rescue me."

"Oh, we don't need Fairy Tail to go after you." The guy who tried to act emo, (who I think was named Midget...???) snarkily replied. "We need Jellal."

"Jellal?" I asked confused. "His name sounds familiar, but why can't I remember him..." I reminsced.

"Oh don't try to play dumb!" The girl who was dressed like a mutant, white bird piped in. "Blue hair, cloak, red tattoo over his eye, and oh, don't forget, THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE!" The girl shook her arms frantically, spreading feather everywhere.

"What? The love of my life is-" I quickly shut my mouth again, blushing furiously. "Idiot, idiot, idiot, i-d-i-o-t!!!!" I thought. I hit my head against the nearest wooden post near me.

"Oi, are you okay?" The guy who was dressed like a monk asked.

"Ya, ya." I cleared my throat, and suddenly, I remembered where I had heard the name Jellal before. "Jellal, he's that wanted criminal that attacks by the shadows, right? He also caused the Tower of Heaven incident?"

"Well yeah, duh." The mutant bird girl rolled her eyes. "How could you forget about that incident? We were all there, including YOU."

"What?" I asked.

Erza's P.o.V.

Pacing up and down the swaying ship, I nervously chewed my thumbnail while trying to think of how to solve the dilemma. What was I supposed to do? Should I tell Natsu and the crew Lucy's kidnapping was my fault? I grabbed my scarlet hair and pulled it nervously in a twirl, stressing about the whole incident. Suddenly, I felt a strong hand on my back.

"Jellal-!" I quickly turned around and grabbed the collar of his shirt only to realize it was only Gajeel, with a rather surprised expression on his face.

"Jeez, I was just gonna ask you if you were okay, but you know what, I'm just going to leave..." Gajeel nervously said.

I quickly let go of him and muttered a quick apology. "I've been nervous of Lucy's kidnapping, that's all." I explained. I guess I was telling the truth, well, only half of it.

"Okay, gotcha, a-okay, understood, over-and-out." Gajeel put up a nervous smile and slowly inched away.

I sighed exasperatedly, frustrated at myself for not being able to focus. I was going to blow my whole secret, my whole past. Gazing at the sky, I looked at the sun, already starting to slowly set. I remembered something I used to think to myself as a kid whenever I needed help. "What would Jellal do?"

(Lucy's P.o.V.)

"Wait, so you all think I'm Erza Scarlet?" I asked confusingly. I'd never heard or knew that Erza was part of the whole Tower of Heaven incident.

"Well, aren't you?" The lightning guy asked. "I mean, we never actually met you during our childhood, but we just assumed it was you."

"And so what if I'm not?" I asked worriedly.

"Then we'll have to kill you! You're worthless to us! Killing is love!" The monk guy cheered.

"Crap!" I thought panicly. "What am I going to do? Well, they're just some idiots, so I'll just to have to make up some story." Fortunately for me, years of police training had left me with the nifty ability to lie and act well, so fooling these dimwits shouldn't have to be so hard.

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