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(Dedicated to No_One_Actually, spamming all the way!)
              (Natsu's P.o.V.)

   Ha-ha! I'd fooled them all! My plan had been a success. If being a pirate didn't work out, evil genius was a good career choice. Okay, so there was the thing about what would happen to Lucy when they found out she wasn't me... But other then that... Hey, I'm now on the sheild right?

   The chair was a bumpy ride; the seat slick and perfect for me to fall out of if a rogue wind hit me. Thank god for the piece of rope tying me to the chair.

   Rain pelted hard against me, and though I was wearing a cloak, I still shivered. Water soaked me everywhere, and pretty soon, it was hard to distinguish sea from rain. If only if Happy was here, but I had forced him to stay in my room with a bucketload of fish, Happy sure was a good distraction for times like these.

   Finally, the chair stopped, and I guessed it was time to press the button. I groped around, searching for it through the blinding darkness and rain, my only source of light was lightning striking dangerously near me. "Ah-ha!" I thought. "Foouunnndd it!" I quickly pressed the button, and felt the vibration as the Storm Sheild closed, keeping Fairy Tail safe inside.

   But as I once again shivered, my thumb getting numb pressing the button, I wondered what my reason to protect Lucy safe was.

   I don't know why, but, the way she tried to keep calm, to hold every one's burden, to be a steady wall for every one to lean on, and yet not realizing how kind she was, it just made me go crazy. It wasn't just because she was pretty, but how she was so self-sacrificing, being mean for other's sake, it was that kind of thing that made me want to show her she didn't need to kill herself just so her friends could be comfortable. She was just so... generous.

   Where had I felt something like this before? This crazy emotion of protection... Ahhh, now I remember. I felt like this with Lissana. I had once asked Erza about how I felt like this with Lissana when we were kids...

"Erza! Erza!" I pratically bawled to her.
"Natsu! What is it?" asked Erza, suprised. "Why are you so upset?"
"Erza, I need to ask you something." I gasped, wanting my answer already.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Erza... I feel... weird around Lissana." I rushed.
"Well... I feel really protective of her, and feel so restless, excited, and happy around her. It's like... A rush of adrenline except the energy has to be used for Lissana. Its like... being bound, but being the freest you can be!"
Erza stared at me, her eyes widened in suprise.
"Natsu, I'm not suprised you feel that way around her, but I am suprised you can't figure out what the feeling is. You really are a dense idiot."
"Hey what-" I stuttered, now angry I came to her for advice.
"Natsu, you idiot, you like her. The feeling you have is love."
I just stared at Erza, my mouth hanging open. It was too much too comprehend.

             (End of Flashback)

   I grinned to myself. I wasn't as stupid as back then, then now. I knew what love was. I felt it for all of Fairy Tail, but the love I felt for Lucy was different. And I felt ready for anything with Lucy.
"Hey Lucy," I called, even though I knew she wouldn't hear me. "After this, I will force you to love me." Then, a huge wave crashed over the ship.

Omg! Will Natsu survive? If he does, how will he make Lucy live him? Will he find out that Lucy likes him too but tries to destroy that love?
Hey, why am I asking questions? I already know what happens as the author, XD. Find out what happens in the next chapter, readers!

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