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Hi guys! It's been a while! Like an entire year! :D Lol I am a failure. To the few of you who will be reading this: congrats! Pretty big news coming up! I'm giving my aacount away! Well sort of. I need another pair of hands for my story, because as you can probably tell, I'm fairly busy. Sorry for just putting a bunch of excuses, but details for this is on my MAIN BOARD. Go to my profile, and click on my message board. There, you'll see all the details for it! I will not accept random dm's or comments saying "Hey I wanna have your account." Please fill out everything carefully and nicely. Also, I've realized I've stirred up some hate (can't blame you I'm annoying) but confront it with me. Honestly. Lay on the hate. I love haters. But please don't spam because I've got applications to deal with. Thanks for understanding, you're lazy and dearest author-
Sirenia Wolf
Instagram: Im.not.a.pipe

A Pirate TailTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang