I Get It, Don't Worry.

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Okay, this is just a quick complaint from poor IA-chan who can't keep up with every single "Update" comment. Okay, I get it, you want me to continue my story, and I'm truly flattered, really. But I check  your guy's reviews everytime you comment, and imagine how tiring it is for almost half of them to be "Update" comments. Okay, before you post a "update" comment, please look at the other comments, and you'll see that at least there are three more comments like that. I'm sorry, but it's kind of irritating after a while. Also, a bunch of you guys have been asking about going back to the main plot, and I will. The OAVs and were just something fun I wanted to write, and "Pitiful Past" was to help clear a bunch of stuff up. Also, my creative juices are starting to slow down...

But thanks, really, for commenting such awesome compliments and saying how much you love the story, and telling your hilarious reactions. I swear, I can't stop laughing everytime I review you guy's talks. Love you my precious readers.

Finally, the talk of the typos in my story, okay the incident with Toriko779, I have to say I over-reacted. But I was really pissed at the moment, and I chose the wrong moment to vent, I'm sorry. Please don't point out typos, unless you want to face the wrath of pissed off author-chan. Thank you, and please vote and comment.

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