The Pitiful Past

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(Dedicated to anime_love_11, sorry, this is really sad though.)

"Layla..." Papa yelled tearfully. "Layla... Layla...!!!" The voice of tradegety pierced through the thick smoke. The small, surviving sparks seemed to respond to the tearful wailing that forever scarred the skies. The thick, usually regal voice was clouded with tears and sorrow.
"No way..." He collasped on his knees, gripping the ground in desperation. "No way..."
Near him lay that body of Layla Heartfillia, dead and cold.
"Mama...?" I slowly walked towards her, my mind numb. Like, people dying that were near to you was... Something that I had never thought I would expereince. She couldn't be dead, right? What would happen to the warm, loving voice that sung kind words through the lonely manor? The rich, protective kiss on the forehead at night that gave a sheild towards all evil creatures? The word 'love' wasn't enough to lament to what we had, it was like... A force, a bond, a connection, that made us family. And now... she was gone. All because of an raid. All because Momma had wanted to visit some friends. All because of some sleezebags that murdered and stole for fun... My fists clenched in anger and frustration.
HOW DARE THEY?! HOW COULD THEY? THOSE SCANDULOUS, PICK-POCKETING, LOWLIFE, THEIVING, COLD-BLOODED, DIRTY, MERCANARIES OF BLOOD! I wanted to cry, for the tradgety that had befold me, for the unfairness that justice would probably never be handled, and the fact that they had killed her so easily. Dad seemed to have the same murderous thoughts, and he stood up, grasping my hand. We both looked at the cold body of Layla, our minds over-flowing for a long time.
"Lucy..." He grumbled, his voice a little still choked up.
I just nodded, afraid that if I spoke, I'd start weeping. With that simple word and nod, we understood each other. We were all that we had now, and we knew what waited ahead of us.

             (Author's P.o.V.)

   As the years passed, Lucy became more and more pressed to fight and defend, losing all childhood inncocence and joy. Eventually, Jude became so full or hatred and desperation that he put an illegal spell on his own daughter, making her become more stronger, emotionless, powerful, and cruel, at a price. Her body would only last for a few more years. Slowly unable to take the sudden drain of energy, she would slowly fall apart, dying and collasping inside.
"Make use of that time." He had said. "I have gifted you with the power to take revenge."
What Jude Heartfillia hadn't found out was that the spell could be broken, once Lucy found who she was supposed to be destined with and had her 'true love's kiss.' Unfortunely, Lucy would be in extreme pain when first meeting her fated one, (This is to explain why when Lucy was captured, she was in a lot of pain whenever Natsu came nearby.)
Lucy's father worked hard, until he finally managed to acheive the job of Captain of Sea Marines, there end determindely trying to find aways to exterminate all pirates. After he died, Lucy took over, and remained in her stone-cold heart stage until she met Fairy Tail...

(The irony that her fated one is a pirate though, XD.)

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