Chapter 1

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The rain pelts down on the window hard and I watch as it creates a flash flood effect in the street. The calming tones of One Direction blast through the earphones hooked into my old worn down iPod. It's slow for a Sunday in the orphanage but I don't mind, it hurts to see all the little kids being adopted so fast. I've been here for over half of my life, 10 years, and have two years left until I turn 18 then I can be on my own. I mean it's great that they get to have a real life, not one where no one wants you, and every weekend you pray to anyone or anything that will listen that hopefully you'll get adopted today and have a real family. I've basically given up hope that this will happen, no one wants a 16 year old girl who is barely passing her classes.

"Venice! Will you please come and help with Lucy?" Sally, the house mother calls. I sigh but turn off my music, shoving my iPod into the back pocket of my worn out blue skinny jeans with huge holes in the knees, and drag my body to the back room where the little ones stay. Sally is holding the 8 month old Lucy in her arms while two other kids hang on her legs.

"I got her," I say, taking the baby from her and holding her close to my chest. Sally sighs a thanks and I leave the room before she can wake up. I walk into the large lounge where Thomas is taking a nap on the couch. He's only a year younger than me, really sweet guy. I'm pretty protective over him, especially at school, lots of the older kids bully him. Bouncing the baby to calm her I watch as Thomas gets restless, whimpering and twisting in his sleep. He suddenly sits straight up, eyes wide, panting slightly, sweat glistening on his forehead. "You okay love?"

"Yeah," he mumbles in his thick Texas accent. I'm from California myself but we all ended up in a Orphanage in New York. "Bad dream."

"It's alright babe," I pat his head softly while balancing the baby in my arms. "I'm here if you want to talk."

"Thanks Vee," he smiles, standing and hugging me before walking up to the room he shares with some of the younger boys. When Lucy falls asleep, I shoo the smaller kids out of the nursery and lay her down in the crib. I play with the smaller kids until lunch is ready, they are especially rowdy because of being cooped up in the house all day. After lunch, there is a knock on the door, I put some of the kids down for nap while Sally opens it. After they are all in bed I walk into the kitchen and clean up lunch.

"Venice!" Sally calls my name and I walk into the living room. When I see who is in there my heart stops. I freeze in my steps unable to move. Liam Payne and Sophia Smith are sitting on the couch, looking at me with soft smiles. I remember how to breathe and slowly walk to Sally, keeping my eyes on them. I hope I didn't just make a fool of myself in front of a member of my favorite band. My eyes finally drift to Sally, who offers me a warm smile and pats the seat next to her. I sit down warily, wondering what the hell is going on and why the fuck a world famous pop star and his girlfriend are sitting in an orphanage. "This is Liam and Sophia, and they want to talk to you."

"O-okay," I reply in a shaky voice, mentally face palming. Sally smiles at them then stands and exits the room.

"So love," Liam starts.

Oh fuck me now. His accent is amazing! I'm dying! EEP!

"What's your name?" he finishes the thought while my brain goes into over drive.

"Venice Gray," I answer. My voice sounds foreign in my own ears and I inwardly cringe.

"How old are you?" Sophia asks in a sweet voice.

"Um, 16," I reply bashfully.

"How long have you been living here? If I may ask," Liam asks and I giggle in my brain at the way he says 'been'. I don't mind this question, my life wasn't terrible before I got here.

"I came here when I was almost 7," I begin to tell my story, my heart rate slowing down and my body relaxing. "My mom died at childbirth, my father became an alcoholic and my aunt took care of me until I started school then I went back to my dad. We moved to New York and he got violent, my teacher found out and called Social Services, and I've been here ever since."

I shrug and see pity flash behind their eyes. They glance at each other then look back at me, Sophia talks first, "Where are you from originally?"

"L.A," I answer and they nod. We talk about school and my nonexistent friends, and anything else for about an hour. Sally comes in then, asking me to help with one of the kids. I give my idol a smile and get up to care for one of the kids while she chats with the couple. When I return they are all standing and smiling at each other. "What's going on?"

"Venice," Liam says softly, taking a step closer to me but staying a safe distance away. "We wanted to know if you would like to come with us?"

"You want to adopt me?" I look at him with wide eyes and a small pout to my lips. This can't be happening. This isn't real. I'm dreaming.

"Of course we do love," Sophia says, taking a step to stand next to Liam. "We would love to be your parents."

My mind goes fuzzy and I forget how to breathe for a moment then the news hits me. A huge grin spreads across my lips and I run to them, throwing my arms around both of their shoulders. "Thank you so much."

"It's okay love," Liam coos softly and I pull away.

"Go grab your stuff while we sign some papers, then we'll go to the hotel and meet everybody," Sophia says and I nod excitedly.

I run to the room I share with some of the other girls and throw all my clothes, which isn't a lot - only a few pairs of pants and shirts along with a jacket and two pairs of converse sneakers, which I hate but that's all we could get - into a small bag and grab my backpack and iPod charger. I'm not even worried how two 21 year olds are going to take care of me, I'm just pumped that someone wants me. I run back down the stairs and walk casually into the living room.

"Vee," a soft voice comes from behind me and I turn to see Thomas standing there, sheepishly ringing his hands. I set my stuff on the ground and pull him into a bone crushing hug.

"Stay strong baby," I mumble into his ear. He's really the only one I'm going to miss. "Stand up for yourself and if you can't do it, tell someone."

"I will," he murmurs and holds me tighter. "Be safe. Don't forget about me."

"Never," I whisper and kiss the side of his head. "I love you."

"I love you too Vee," he says and we pull away. Thomas offers me a smile before turning away and going to his room. I turn and hug Sally thanking her for everything she has done for me then turn to my new parents.

"Is that all your things love?" Sophia asks and I nod bashfully. She offers me a smile and Liam grabs my bags then we walk out of the house, hopefully for the last time ever. As much as I owe this place, I never want to return.


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