Chapter 2

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Liam POV

Sophia and I decided that we were ready for something big. I planned on asking her to marry me later this month and this sounds like a good idea. Venice is very lovely; long blonde hair, light, almost transparent blue eyes and a bright smile. She's very confident which is great for someone with her past. Sophia couldn't stop cooing over her so we decided she was the one. We didn't tell any of the lads that we were doing this but I know they will love her.

"Okay love so do you want to go to the hotel first or do you want to go shopping or grab a bite?" Sophia asks her. We are in the back of our car, Paul knew we were doing this so there are some guards with us.

"Shopping?" She gives us a quizzical look then widens her eyes. "You don't need to get me anything."

"We want to love," I smile. "You'll need a phone and maybe a laptop so you can do you're school work. You'll finish the tour with us and we'll get you a tutor to finish high school. I'll call the school tomorrow and get your records. And you can get a whole new wardrobe if you want."

"Why don't we take your things to the hotel then you and I, and maybe Lou and Lottie, will go shopping and Liam, you can get her a new phone and laptop," Sophia suggests and I nod. "Then after you can meet everyone."

"That sounds good," she says with a small smile. "Thank you."

"You're welcome love," I smile to her. By now the car is pulling up to the hotel, we all get out and I grab her things from the trunk. I really hope she gets some new clothes, I think it will make her feel better about herself. "So you can stay in your own room or you can stay in the same room with Sophia, what do you want to do love?"

"Probably with Sophia," she looks at her and Sophia nods and smiles. "I've never had my own room."

Sophia gives me a soft look then hooks her arm with the younger girls, "Let's go in then we'll gather the girls."

I follow the pair inside, smiling to myself. My girlfriend and my daughter. Oh my gosh I have a daughter. I'm a dad. Why is this just now hitting me? I'm starting to freak out on the inside. What if I lead her astray and she does something bad? She's already pretty much grown up though. Stop worrying Liam. We stop at the room and Soph opens the door, I hold her back while Venice walks in looking around in awe. Pulling out my wallet, I hand her my credit card so they can get whatever she needs.

"Make sure she gets whatever she wants, and if she tries to say no get it for her anyway," I mumble and she smiles at me, taking the card and putting it in her purse.

"Yes dear," she leans up and kisses my lips softly. We walk into the room and see Venice staring out the window.

"A lot of the hotel rooms are going to be like this one," I mention and she startles a bit.

"Fuck you scared me," she clutches her chest and Sophia giggles.

"Venice mind your words," I scold and she smirks.


"Alright let's go," Sophia leads her out of the room. I sigh and fall on the bed, my first parenting moment went fairly well. I mean real parenting, I've been keeping the boys out of trouble for 5 years. Speaking of the boys I better tell them what is happening. I hurry and text Niall to find they are all in his and Harry's room, playing video games. I walk over and knock on the door, Louis answers with small pout.

"It's good to see you too," I tease, patting his shoulder and pushing past him.

"Sorry Li I thought you were the pizza guy. I'm starving," Louis whines and I take a seat on one of the beds next to Zayn.

"What've ya been up to today mate?" he asks and I gulp, suddenly very nervous.

"Um I actually need to tell you guys something," they all give me their undivided attention and I take a deep breath. "Sophia and I have been talking and we decided we wanted to adopt a kid."

There is silence and eyes so I finish, "So we went to an orphanage today and now are the parents of a 16 year old girl named Venice Gray."

"What?" Louis asks a bit dazed and I start to panic.

"Congratulations Li," Zayn, says, wrapping his arm around me. I smile and cuddle into him. "When can we meet her?"

"She and Soph are shopping, so later tonight," I smile at him. "You guys will like her. She's such a sweet girl and very caring and beautiful."

"You look very happy," Niall comments. "If you're happy then I'm happy."

"Thanks Ni," I sigh and sit up. "I've got to go get her a phone and laptop so she can finish school."

"Tell us when she gets here," Harry calls after me and I agree. Preston gets a driver for me and we go to the apple store, getting Venice an iPhone 6 and setting it up so she can use it right away, I add mine, the lads and Sophia's numbers to it, and then go to a different electronic store and I get her a new hp laptop. I take it all back to the hotel and wait patiently with the lads for her to show up.

After around three hours Sophia texts me saying their trip was a success and she has a ton of new clothes and luggage and accessories. I text back a smiley face and mention getting her phone set up and a new laptop. Another 45 minutes and there is a knock on the door. I stand and answer it, seeing a bright smiling Lottie and a smirking Sophia.

"What did you do?" I ask cautiously and she laughs. They move aside and I'm tackled in a hug by a young blonde headed girl.

"Thank you so much!" her arms are around my neck and mine are around her waist. I hug her tight, then let go, taking a step back to look at her.

"You're welcome love." She is holding her new phone in her hand and I gaze at her appearance. She is wearing very tight black skinny jeans, a maroon tank top blouse and grey velvet ankle boots. She looks way better than she did before, I can definitely see a figure on her. "I put mine and Soph's and the lad's numbers in and texted them so they have your number."

Lottie takes the phone away from her and quickly types away then hands it back. "And now you have mine."

"Thanks babe," Venice replies cheekily and Lottie laughs, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the room.

"You know you're daughter here has got quite the mouth on her," Lottie voices cheekily and Venice slaps her arm.

"Shut up," she hisses earning a laugh from the girl. I walk over and place my hand on the small of Venice's back, offering her moral support.

"Lads this is Venice."


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