Chapter 8

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Zayn POV

I wake up to pounding on my door. Groaning I roll off the bed and trudge to the door, pulling it open with a glare, "What the fuck is wrong with you! I was sleeping!"

Liam barges in, his hair a mess. "Have you seen Venice?"

"No. Have you tried calling her? She's 16 Liam, not 12," I answer, still annoyed.

"Oh yeah," he takes a breath and pulls out his phone. "Forgot she had a phone."

"You're a great dad," I reply sassily and duck as he goes to hit me upside the head. The door opens suddenly and a laughing Louis and Venice nearly fall in. They look winded, pink cheeks and panting breaths, each holding a couple bags in their arms.

"I told you we should have taken guard," Louis' voice is loud as usual and I wince, still somewhat asleep.

"And I told you my hat would work and it did," she takes the hat, which I just barely realize was on his head, and puts it on her own. She slides her fingers along the brim and gives him a cheeky grin, he laughs and shakes his head at her then turns to walk toward us, but stops in his tracks. Liam looks relieved but still a bit frantic and angry.

"Venice Marie, where have you been?" his voice is loud and she frowns, shrinking a bit. I place my hand on his shoulder to calm him down, he visibly relaxes and steps toward her. "I was so worried."

Her shoulders fall in defeat and she looks at him with a puppy pout that would warm anyone's heart. "I'm sorry. I told Harry and Niall and Louis I was going out because you were .. um .. busy."

Her face is bright red and Louis smirks, only to shrink back when Liam looks at him. Ah, so that's why his hair is a mess, nice. "And then Louis decided to come with me. I told them to have you text me but I guess they didn't. I'm really sorry. I just wanted to say goodbye to the city because I probably won't be here for a while."

"Oh love," Liam sighs, pulling her into his arms. "I'm sorry baby. You just scared me."

I move forward to stand beside Louis, observing this affectionate moment and smiling. They pull away and Liam smiles down at her, she offers a small smile in return. Liam looks her over as if making sure nothing is broken or missing and notices the bags.

"What have you got there?" he asks and she looks at Louis.

"Um Lou drug me into this store and got me some tennis shoes and a swim suit even though I told him not to he wouldn't hear me out and got them anyway," she sounds like a little kid. Louis smiles at her fondly, making me raise my eyebrow at him.

"Alright, go find Sophia, she's very worried," Liam says with a smile and she exits the room happily. Once she is gone Liam turns on Louis with a hard stare. I move out of the way, not wanting to be a part of this. I like Venice, she's a sweet girl, and I hope we can be very good friends. After a couple minute stare down, filled with aggressive tension and worry, Louis speaks up.

"Would you just calm down, she's 16 for fucks sake."

"Exactly Lou. She's 16," Liam's voice raises.

"I'm just being her friend, getting to know her," Louis raises his as well. "You told me to give her a chance and that's what I'm doing."

Liam sighs in defeat and softens his expression, "You're right. I'm sorry."

"It's alright mate," Lou pulls him into a hug. "I understand. Would have been the same if it was my girl."

Sophia POV

I pace around the room, cleaning it up a bit and opening the balcony doors to get some fresh air in. A knock comes on the door and my heart leaps, hoping it's her. Upon pulling it open I see it is and bring her in for a tight hug.

"Venice baby I was very nervous," I mumble into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I told the boys where I was though and Louis went with me," she murmurs and I pull away at this information.

"Really?" I look at her surprised and she nods happily.

"We snuck out and walked around town," Venice walks further into the room, setting her bags on the bed that is made properly. "We got a coffee then he pulled me into different stores and he got me these tennis shoes."

She pulls some neon pink Nike shoes from the bag and I give a fake smile. Why didn't she tell me she wanted shoes? and Why is Louis buying her clothes?

"And he got me this," she pulls out a red, fairly small, bikini top and matching bottoms. Anger pumps through my veins but I push it down for her sake. I might kill Louis if I catch him looking at her the wrong way. She pulls out a white cover up and holds it to her body. "And this."

"Those are very cute dear," I smile. "That was nice of him, but why didn't you tell me you needed this."

"I didn't even think about a suit or shoes until today," she answers sheepishly.

"Its okay sweetie," I look at the clock and see we have around three hours until the boys need to go over. "Why don't you put it on and we'll go swimming for a bit."

She nods excitedly and takes off her hat and boots before running into the bathroom with her new suit. While she is in there Liam walks in looking a bit upset.

"She's back," I say, pulling on my own suit to go down with her.

"Yeah I know," he sighs, not even looking at me. "I caught her at Zayn's room. She was out with Louis."

"Hmm," I hum, tying my top and puling on my cover over my suit. "Did she show you what Louis got her?"

"No I sent her here," he gives me a quizzical look. "Was it expensive?"

"Probably not terribly," I say as she walks out of the bathroom, her street clothes folded neatly in her arm. She looks very good in her suit, it accentuates every curve in her body and she's not as thin as she thinks, but could still use some meat on her. She eats a ton though so I don't think that will do it. The suit is as small as I thought but still fits, her bum hangs out in the back but that's to be expected with an ass like hers. Surprisingly with a bum like that she doesn't have very big boobs so there isn't any cleavage.

"Oh hi," she greets Liam with a large smile. He smiles back but it looks more like a grimace.

"Hi love," he says in a weird voice and I give him a look. "That's a nice suit."

"Thank you," she smiles, pulling her cover over her head and slipping on her flip flops. "Louis got it for me. I'm going to see if Zayn wants to come down with us."

"Okay love. I'll meet you down there," I offer a smile as she walks out.


Adopted by Sophiam ||l.tOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara