Chapter 30

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Liam POV

We get in the car and Venice curls up into my side.

"When are you going to ask Sophia to marry you?" she asks softly, turning her head to look up at me.

"I was actually going to ask her in Australia," I answer. "We're going there after our small break in London."

"Do you have the ring picked out?" she asks happily.

"I do yeah, but it's still at the jewelers," I tell with a smile. "You can come with me to get it when we get back in London."

"Really?" she asks excitedly.

"Of course darling," I chuckle and pull her toward me. She snuggles into my chest and we sit in silence for a minute.

"Would you want me to change my name to Payne?" she asks quietly, as if afraid to say it out loud.

"I would like that very much actually," I answer honestly. Venice changing her name is something I've been thinking about for a few days. "Only if you're comfortable though. It's your choice, but Sophia and I want you to be with us for a long time."

"Really?" she asks with watery eyes.

"Of course love," I say, pressing a kiss to her head.

"I'll change it after you get engaged," she mumbles. I smile to myself as my baby falls asleep on my arm.

Louis POV

I turn on the game after Venice leaves, very confused as to what is going on. She'll tell me though so I'm not really worried. After a while there is a knock on the door. I open it to find Liam standing there with Venice asleep in his arms and a grocery bag in his hand.

"She fell asleep in the car," he chuckles. I stand aside so he can walk in and watch as he lays her on the bed and sets the bag on the desk.

"Is everything alright?" I ask slowly.

"Yeah, she just needed to go to the store," he says, walking back to the door. "See you in the morning."

I nod and he leaves. Turning off the game and the lights, I curl up behind Venice and pull her to my chest, falling into a deep sleep.


The next day goes by really fast. Venice and I spend a wonderful morning together, eating cookies and fruit, then it's time for sound check. When we get to the venue, Venice spends most of her time with Sandy, Dan, and Josh. It doesn't bother me, I'm glad she is spending so much time with them. I can tell that Liam is too.

I do sort of wish she spent more time with me, but as a new member of the group she needs to get to know everyone. Plus we'll get to spend loads of time together in the future. Probably not during the break because Liam said something about taking her to meet his family, but after. I think I'll go see my family as well, get my mind off of things.

Venice's laughter pulls me from my thoughts and I look up to see her clutching her stomach, bent over from laughing so hard. I don't realize I'm smiling until she looks over and winks at me. I feel my cheeks heat up and an elbow lands in my ribs. Looking over I see Niall wiggling his eyebrows at me. Rolling my eyes I turn my back to the room and grab a water, taking a swallow.

Soon we are called to go over our songs. We go on stage and begin to go through the set but everyone is distracted because Venice is riding through the arena on Mikey's skateboard. Micheal is chasing her on Luke's and Calum is videoing them.

We're almost done and I turn my attention to Venice who appears to be texting while she's skating. She's headed straight for a wall and doesn't seem to realize it.

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