Chapter 18

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Harry POV

FUck me! She's wearing white lace panties. I can feel my pants get tighter and I call up the disgusting thoughts.

"That was weird," Liam comments quietly.

"We better find some way to entertain her today," Zayn says and I pull out my phone.

To Venice// Hey do you want to hang out today? x

From Venice// I would love to :) Come to mine in say 10?

To Venice// See you then. xx

I smile to myself and turn to leave the room. I feel Louis' eyes watching my movements but I don't care. I go to the room I'm sharing with Niall and spruce myself up a bit, waiting exactly 10 minutes before I walk to Venice's room. She answers the door with a smile.

"Right on time Mr. Styles," she steps back and I smirk while walking in.

"I try," I smile and walk farther into the room. She follows behind, slipping off her jacket and hanging it in the closet. She toes off her shoes next and I do the same then follow her lead, sitting on the bed.

"So what do you wanna do?" she asks with a giggle.

"Well I could really go for a cuddle right now," I say with a small sigh.

"A cuddle?" she giggles more. "At 10 in the morning?"

"It's never to early for a cuddle love," she rolls her eyes and looks around.

"I think there's a game on, we can watch that and cuddle," she nods, going up on her hands and knees. I close my eyes and look in the opposite direction. She has no idea the affect she can have. I feel the bed dip down and look to find her sat back down properly. She switches on the telly and looks through the channels, after a minute she starts wiggling around. "I have to pee. Pick something."

I chuckle and grab the remote she throws at me. I'm still looking through the guide when she comes out. "You haven't found one yet?"

I roll my eyes and she giggles, taking the seat next to me. After a minute she squeals with delight, "Can we please watch The Princess Diaries?"

She clutches my bicep happily and I smile down at her, "Of course we can love."

I click on the one she wanted then set the remote aside. Luckily it's just starting, Venice grabs my wrist and opens my arm, draping it around her shoulders and snuggling up into my side. I chuckle and tighten my arm around her.

"The blinds," she exclaims and puts her hand on my upper thigh, dangerously close to my manhood. I hold my breath as she pushes herself up and climbs over me, straddling my lap momentarily before swinging her other leg over and jumping off the bed. She hurriedly shuts the blinds and stands on my side of the bed, using the remote to turn up the telly before crawling over me like she did before. She lays her head on my shoulder, pulling my arm around her neck and over her chest, intertwining our fingers above her tummy. Her body is diagonal to mine and she hums in delight.

Venice plays with my fingers while we watch the movie, giggling at the funny parts. "Her hair is so ridiculous. Like they make a conditioner that will fix that honey."

I chuckle at her logic, my eyes gazing over her enticing figure. She has pulled her knees up so her skirt is falling around her waist, gulping I turn my attention back to the program. After a while a commercial comes on and Venice heaves a sigh.

"Commercials are the worst," she mumbles with a sniffle. She sniffs several more times and I turn her head to look at me.

"Are you getting sick?" she giggles and rubs her nose, sort of resembling a cat.

"No I have to sneeze and it's not coming out," she whines and I chuckle.

"You know the best way to get out a sneeze right?" I grin wickedly and she turns her body so she's facing me.

"How?" a cute crease between her eyebrows forms as she looks at me curiously.

"A tickle," my grin widens, my dimples showing.

"A tickle?" her eyebrows scrunch more before she looks at me with wide eyes. "Harry don't."

I quickly remove my arm from around her and attach my fingers to her waist. She shrieks with laughter and tries to get me off of her. I don't listen to her, just continue tickling her. She is gasping for breath, her legs kicking in the air, her skirt lifted above her waist.

"H-H-Ha-rr-ry!" She screams a laugh. "Stoooopp!"

I let her go and sit back like nothing happened. She pants, trying to control her breathing, her outfit a mess. Not surprisingly, I'm getting turned on by this. She is so cute all tuckered out. The show starts again and she scrambles to sit upright, leaving at least a foot between us.

"Stay on your side Styles," she growls but I see a small smile on her lips. As the movie continues I slowly scoot closer to her until our thighs are touching. I see her smile out of the corner of my eye and smirk to myself. Deciding to be super cheesy, I fake a yawn and rest my arm around her shoulder. Venice snorts and covers her face with her hand, shaking her head at me.

"Really Styles? Those are your moves?" she scoffs and looks at the telly, completely ignoring me.

"If you would like to see my moves Gray, you just have to tell me," I reach my hand up and brush my fingertips gently along her cheekbone. Her cheeks turn a faint hue of pink and I smirk, pleased.

"Do your worst," Venice counters and I smile to myself. After several minutes of watching the movie another commercial comes on and she stands up.

"Babe where are you going?" I whine and she giggles.

"I'm getting a drink," she goes to the fridge and grabs a bottle of water. She takes a drink and sets it on the nightstand. As she goes to sit down, I grab her hips and pull her onto my lap, bridal style. I wrap my arms around her waist and hold her in place, she giggles and curls up against my chest. We sit like this for the rest of the movie, I leave kisses on her hair and she places her hand flat on my chest.

When it comes to the part where the guy kisses the girl she speaks up, turning her head upward to look at me, "When did you have your first kiss?"

"I was 10. It was quite awkward," I answer truthfully and she giggles, her minty breath hitting my face. "You definitely want your first kiss to be with someone you know and actually like."

She is silent for a while, just watching the movie. When it finally ends she speaks up, "Will you be mine?"


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