Chapter 38

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Liam POV

This week at my parents has just been lovely. They are really excepting Venice, just like I knew they would, and she's starting to open up to them. She hasn't called me Liam all week, just dad or daddy, which I'm ecstatic about. It means she has become so comfortable with me that she feels she can be herself, and she accepts me as her parent which means that she is hopefully going to stop putting herself down.

Sophia has been a bit bummed because Venice has yet to call her mum. I keep reminding her that she will when she's more comfortable, and it helps a bit but she still looks like a kicked puppy when she calls her Sophia.

It's our last day here, then it's back to London for a quick nights sleep and off to Australia. I'm super pumped for this leg of the tour, partly because that means that we only have the UK next and then it's over, and partly because the crowds are always brilliant.

I can't help but think about how much I have to do once we get back to London. I still have to go to the jewelers' and get the ring. Venice is just thrilled about that part, can't stop bugging me about it, discreetly of course. Just like she is now.

"What color is the band?" she whispers in my ear, her breath tickling me as is her hair on my neck. "Is it rose gold? That would be so pretty. Does it have a lot of diamonds? Is it a family heirloom? Vintage? Princess cut? Cushion cut?-"

I tune her out, as awful as that is I just can't listen to her anymore. Sophia and I had a conversation last night, and we decided we wanted to get her something nice, like really nice, just as a sort of 'we're so happy you are with us' gift. Sophia said I should take her out to Tiffany's or a jewelry store when we get back, which is a perfect set up for me to get Sophia's ring, and see if Venice likes anything.

I think it's a wonderful idea, something that reminds her just how loved and special and wanted she is. Something simple but meaningful. I'm pondering what to get her when I'm startled by a weight in my lap. Pulling my focus to the outside world, I see Venice straddling my lap, looking at me expectantly. We remain silent, and just stare into each other's eyes, blue meeting brown.

Finally, Venice scoots up so her chest is pressing against mine and wraps her arms around my neck, burying her face in the crook of it. "Love you dad."

"I love you baby," I mutter, wrapping my arms around her and squeezing. Before I know it, her cute soft snores are filling my ear. I chuckle and rub her back softly, relishing in the feeling of her being close. She's like a little kid, just so innocent and cuddly, I love it.

"Baby, we need to leave right now if we want to get back before dark-" Sophia calls, walking into the living room. She stops when she sees me and a soft smile graces her lips. "Is she asleep?"

I grin at her and nod, rising to my feet with Venice wrapped around me.

"I'll go get our things, say goodbye then put her in the car," she says and I nod.

Carefully walking into the kitchen, I say goodbye to my parents, and they kiss Venice's forehead, telling me how proud of me they are. Sophia comes back with all our things and takes them out to the car while I buckle Venice in the backseat. After some quick hugs, we get in the car and start the long drive home.


"Dad!" Venice whisper shouts in my ear, making me flinch away from her breath and the loudness. She just giggles and wraps one hand around the back of my neck and the other around my bicep, pressing her lips against my ear. "Dad. When are we going?"

"Don't whisper like that," I pull away, giving her a silly look. "It tickles."

She giggles and cuddles my arm, looking up at me with puppy eyes that just melt my heart. This girl has got me wrapped around her finger and she knows it.

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