Chapter 24

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Venice POV

I was going to change but I decide to stay in my earlier outfit, so I fix up my hair and makeup and wait on my bed for someone to come get me. I look at the messages through my phone, seeing I have two from Thomas, one from Liam, one from Sophia, and one Niall. Ignoring the rest, I open Niall's first and laugh when I see what it reads.

From Niall// Why have you cuddled with everyone except me??!?!? I demand a cuddle after the show.

To Niall// Of course we can Ni-bug. Just come to mine after the show! We'll have a slumber party :)

I reply quickly and look at my other messages. The ones from Thomas are just him wishing me luck and saying he loves me, and the one from Liam is asking where I am, while the one from Sophia is saying that we need to talk when I get to London. I suspect it's about Louis, because I took Zayn's advice and told her. I get off my bed and grab my room key, slipping on my shoes and exiting the room. I knock on Zayn's door and wait the few seconds for someone to open it. Zayn does and gives me a weird look when walk into his room like I own the place. I slip off my shoes and hop on Louis' bed.

"So I told Sophia," I begin and he raises his eyebrows at me.

"Really?" he asks and I nod, climbing under the covers of the bed. "Did you tell her everything?"

"Yeah even about Harry," I answer and the shower in the bathroom shuts off. I ignore it and continue. "She was shocked, obviously, but she said if I'm happy then that's all that matters."

"Is she going to keep your secret?" He asks, sitting on the opposite bed with his shoes on.

"She said she would," I sigh and pull the covers tighter around me. "but she texted me saying we need to talk when I get to London."

The bathroom door opens and a very wet Louis walks out with a towel slung low on his hips. My eyes get wide as I gaze over his toned and tattooed chest, my cheeks heating up and my mouth hanging open. My gaze goes up to his face and I see him staring at me, I squeal and duck under the covers. Zayn chuckles and so does Louis.

"What do you think she wants to talk to you about?" Zayn carries on like nothing happened.

"I don't know but I'm kind of scared," I voice loudly, keeping the covers over my head. "What if she thinks it's not a good thing? We did just meet like four days ago, plus he's six years older than me, not that age matters but maybe she thinks so."

"Well what are you going to say if she voices those concerns?" Zayn asks and I sigh.

"Just that," I answer, rolling onto my side and burying my face in the pillow. I take a deep breath, breathing in the scent of my boyfriend. "That I don't care, and they can't really tell me what to do."

"They are your parents," he says.

"Yeah but not really," I scoff, wrapping my arms around the pillow and cuddling into it. "They haven't known me long enough to play the parent card. Even if they tell me not to see him, I'm not going to listen."

"So why are you scared?" he asks.

"Because I don't want them to be upset with me," I say quietly. "What if that's what she really says? What is she going to say to me that can't be said over the phone?"

"Oh love," Zayn coos and the cover is lifted. I open my eyes to see Zayn poking his head inside, a giggle escaping my lips. He reaches up a hand and wipes the tears from my cheeks, I didn't even know I was crying. "I know they are very protective and they might start to get bossy, but once they see how happy you are with him I'm sure they'll back off. She is just trying to look out for you. They really feel like you are their daughter and they want to make you happy and show you love and give you all the things you never had."

I look at his eyes, searching if he is lying to me, the honey hazel orbs are wide and filled with love. He offers me a sweet smile and leans in, placing a kiss on my nose. "So you don't think I should worry about it?"

"No love," he says softly. "Don't stress, just have fun and worry about it when you actually get to London. Maybe she just needs you for school or something."

"I guess," I mumble. He smiles at me and opens his arms. I lean up slightly and throw my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He chuckles and wraps his around my back, holding me close. After a few minutes and a kiss on my cheek, he pulls away. I stay under the covers and continue my cuddle with Louis' pillow.

"You know you can come out now love," Zayn says.

"I know but it's warm and I'm kind of tired," I say quietly, in a childish voice. He laughs and after a minute there is a heavy weight on top of me. I grunt and attempt to push it off, failing miserably. The cover is pulled back, and Louis' is looking down at me with a cheeky grin.  "You're heavy."

"You're beautiful," he whispers and I blush.


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