Chapter 25

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Niall POV

The boys of 5sos have just finished their set and now everyone is hanging out in the dressing room.

"Let's play 20 questions Ven," Calum suggests. They have all been trying really hard to get to know Venice better, and she's happy they are.

"Alright," she answers, locking her phone and setting it beside her. Calum asks her all sorts of questions, her favorite season, favorite movie, anything.

"Favorite sport?" he asks.

"Baseball, basketball, and hockey," Venice nods.

"First kiss?" Calum asks and Venice's eyes widen.

"She hasn't had her first kiss," Liam calls from across the room.

"Yes I have," Venice defends herself, glaring at the older man.

"Sophia said you hadn't," Liam informs, raising an eyebrow at his daughter.

"Well Sophia is a liar," she says turning back to the boy in front of her. I look at Harry whose eyes are wide with worry. He and Zayn share a look, Louis watches the exchange between father and daughter silently, face blank of all emotion.

"Who was it then?" Liam questions the child.

"I'm not telling you," she huffs, turning her attention to her phone. "You're being a brat today."

"You're being a brat today," he counters.

"Good comeback mate," Louis mumbles and Liam glares at him.

"How old were you?" Liam continues his interrogation.

"16," she answers in a bored tone.

"You're 16 now," Liam comments

"That is true," she mumbles nonchalantly. I glance at Harry and Zayn then look back at Laim.

"So tell me," Liam urges. "Who was it?"

"Thomas," she says, glancing up at Harry then looking down quickly.

"You did not kiss Thomas," Liam argues.

"And how would you know?" She counters, turning to look at him. "You weren't there."

"Because he is like your brother," Liam responds smugly. "You wouldn't kiss your brother."

"You might," she says glancing at Harry. "Maybe you didn't think of them as a brother before, then it happened, and it might be your fault, but after the fact, you didn't feel any different toward them. He's just one of your best friends and now he's more of an uncle, because some things happened and hopefully you are both okay with it because you don't want to lose him."

The room is silent and Harry winks at her, causing her to roll her eyes but smile, a faint pink brushing her cheeks. Louis notices and looks toward the direction she is looking, glaring when he sees its Harry.

"You're uncle?" Liam asks, slightly confused because he has no idea what has been going on.

"You're not in charge of who I kiss," she sasses loudly, sounding a bit like Louis, and turning her attention to her phone. The keyboard clicks are sounding furious as her thumbs fly across the screen. "How old do you have to be to drive in the UK?"

"17," Harry answers, just as eager to change the subject as she is.

"Lame," she grumbles and Calum and Louis' phones go off.

"But you can drink at 18 and here you can't drink until you're 21," he reasons.

"Well that doesn't matter," she scoffs. "I don't drink and I never will."

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