Chapter 46

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We spend the next day exploring parts of Belfast and visiting shops. I notice quite a few people recognize them or watch us with cameras and because of that Louis doesn't hold my hand or make any physical contact with me while we are out in public.

I don't mind though, because he still gives me a lot of attention, and as Liam put it when he first found out, us dating is technically illegal. We spend one more night there, then take a train down to Dublin.

Dublin is very cool. We visit the castle, and little shops, even a flee market, and when we get to the hotel, Louis goes swimming with me. After three days of adventures I the city, we take a ferry back to England.

It's pretty exciting! I've never been on a boat on the ocean before! Luckily the weather was nice so the ride was smooth, which I was grateful for. I'm not sure if I get sea sick, but I don't want to find out.

When we make it to England, we take another train to London, and then our vacation is over. Louis hugs me goodbye, whispering that he'll call me later and we take a taxi home. I don't have time to wallow in my sadness though, because Sophia hurdles into wedding planning mode.


Over the next few weeks, we plan every detail of the wedding, with the help of a wedding planner. Mum wants to keep it small, so there isn't as much pressure, but there is still a lot to do. Louis comes over often and helps where he can, though he mostly just distracts me.

There's only one week until the wedding, and the most alone time I've had with Louis, was when he came over to watch a movie with me. Liam is everywhere, always checking in on us and if he's not there, Sophia is needing my help with plans.

Finally though, we are done. Everything is taken care of, and in one week my parents will be married. I'm exhausted and I miss Louis. I miss sleeping next to him, waking up in his arm, cuddling without prying eyes or interruptions, and kissing him.

Louis is coming over later to hang out, and I walk into the kitchen with determination. "Mum?"

She looks up from her computer and I take a deep breath. "Is it okay if Louis spends the night?"

"Hmm," she hums, looking me up and down, then back to her computer. "Let me talk to dad first, okay?"

"Okay," I sigh, turning and walking to my room. I miss when we were on tour.  I had so much freedom, now I can't even watch a movie with my boyfriend without them checking in on me.

I still have everything I've ever wanted, so I'm not complaining, I'm just pouting. Since Louis is coming over, I clean my room, then mess around on my computer. I've transfered all my pictures to the laptop so I can watch them in a slide show, and to make sure they are saved.

After about an hour, I hear someone walking up the stairs and my dad steps into the room. He smiles and walks to me, petting my hair back and kissing the top of my head.

"Hi baby. How are you?" He asks sweetly.

"Good," I mumble, looking up at him. "How are you?"

"I'm good baby," he smiles, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Listen, I don't mind if Louis stays the night, but I don't want you leaving the house, okay? I know Louis is an Adult, but you're still underage and there's no reason for you to be wandering the town in the middle of the night."

"Okay," I nod, trying with all my might not to grin at him. My heart is racing, I'm so excited. "I understand."

"Good girl," he smirks. I bite my lip, no longer able to contain my grin and he chuckles. He leans down and kisses my nose, then my cheek, then the corner of my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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