Chapter 34

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Venice POV

I get woken up by my phone ringing on the nightstand. Groaning, I attempt to crawl over Louis, which is really just me dragging my body over his and putting all my weight on him. I groggily reach over and pat the nightstand, trying to find my ringing phone. When my hand finally lands on the vibrating device I attempt to answer it, finally getting it after three tries and hold it up to my ear.

"Hello?" my voice is rough and full of sleep.

"Ven baby, are you awake?" a sweet, deep voice asks.

"No," I sigh, letting my head hang off the edge of the bed, along with my shoulders and arms.

"Love we need to be at the airport in fifteen minutes." I realize it's my dad and huff out a sigh.

"What?" I ask, slowly starting to come to consciousness.

"Darling," Liam sighs. "It's 6:10. The jet is leaving in 50 minutes and we need to be there at least 20 minutes early, at the latest."

"Okay," I breath out sleepily. "Okay. I'm up. I just need to get dressed and then I'll be ready."

"Okay," he says softly. "Call me when you're ready and I'll help you with your things."

"Okay dad," I mumble and accidentally drop my phone on the floor. A puff of air leaves my lips and then a hand lands on my bum, patting it with a medium amount of pressure.

"What's happening?" he groans in a husky voice that twists my stomach.

"Apparently," I yawn. "I'm late waking up."

"Well," he exhales. "He always was a stickler on time."

I groan wiggle around like a fish out of water, trying to get up. My energy is gone though and I end up giving up and lying there breathing heavily. "I'm stuck."

Louis starts cackling with laughter, which makes me crack a smile, my eyes falling shut as sleep takes over my body again. Its a few minutes before he calms down, his hand rubbing from the middle of my back to my mid thigh, going over my bum. I'm not even embarrassed or nervous, or anything, it just feels natural and I like when he touches me softly like this.

"God you're cute," he sighs. He spanks my bum lightly, jolting me awake. "Come on baby. Stop snoring and help me help you get up."

I groan and go up on my knees as Louis' arms wrap around my waist and pull me until I'm sitting up. I smack my lips tiredly, tasting my tongue, and look at him in slow motion, offering a cheesy smile, more grimace, that makes my eyes squint shut. "Thanks babe. Couldn't have done it with out ya."

He giggles and leans in, pressing his lips to mine hard, leaving them there for a few seconds before pulling away. "G'morning love."

I giggle as his "love" sounds like "louve", and climb out of bed in slow motion. I walk sluggishly to my suitcase and plop down on my bum, not having the will or energy to stand. Louis starts giggling again but I don't look at him, just continue my actions.

"What should I wear today?" I wonder aloud, mostly to myself. Lou hums but I don't look at him, just start digging in my suitcase. "I think these leggins," I pull out black leggins and toss them on the ground next to me. "Which means I'll have to change my pants, so I'll wear these," I pull out a white Calvin Klein thong and toss it in the direction of the leggins. "And as much as I don't want to wear a bra because it's boob jail, I don't know Liam well enough to not, so ..." I dig around in my suitcase until I happen upon a bralette that Sophia insisted I get and pull it out.

"Ah-ha! I'll wear this! It's like a bra but not really! It's perfect." I toss it with the other clothes. "Now for a top. Well, I'll be on a plane basically all day, it may be cold, but what if it's hot. I could always just wear a jacket, or I'm sure there will be blankets, and I'm sure Liam will want a cuddle ..." I trail off, looking lazily through my clothes.I find a soft, cotton, blue button up blouse and pull it out. "Ah here we go. Then I only have to do up half the buttons if it's hot. It's perfect."

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