Chapter 9

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Venice POV

I skip down the hall and knock on Zayn's door. He answers with a smile which I return. "Hi Zaynie do you want to go down to the pool with me?"

I give him an innocent puppy face that I've come to learn is very hard to turn down, not that I'm cocky or anything.

"I'd love to Veny," he winks and I giggle. "Go see if Niall wants to come down and I'll be there in a minute."

"Okay," I answer happily and turn to the direction of Harry and Niall's room. I knock on the door like before and wait for someone to answer. Niall pulls it open with a smile similar to the one Zayn was wearing and holds it open for me to walk in.

"Hi Ni-bug, can I call you Ni-bug because I'm going to," I realize I sound like a very small child but I'm feeling kind of hyper and silly.

"You can call me anything you want love," he says with a smirk, his voice husky and I smile, moving farther in the room to sit down on the bed.

"Well Sophia, Zayn and I are going swimming and wanted to know if you would like to join," I smile and Harry who was pretending to be asleep turns to look at me quickly. I ignore him but feel his eyes bore into me.

"Can I come?" he asks, getting out of bed and walking over to me.

"Sorry you have to be over 21," I give him an apologetic grimace and stand.

"You're 16," he almost shouts and I hold down my laughter.

"I lied. I'm actually 22," I nod and he glares then the corner of his mouth tugs up.

"Really, cause you act like you're 6."

"And a half," I say defensively, crossing my arms over my chest, turning away from him. He laughs and I crack a smile. "Hurry cause I don't want to go down there alone. I'll hide in the closet, hurry and change."

I walk to the full length mirror that opens into a closet and push the jackets aside to step in. There is a bit of mumbling and I sing to myself while I wait.

You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down (hey!)

When I've finished the chorus the door flies open and two boys are standing there smiling at me. I step out with a smile and move so Niall can shut the door. Once we are in the hall I slip off my shoes, mischievously.

"Race ya," I shout and book it down the hall to the stairwell, knowing it's faster. When I get to the bottom I pull on my shoes and walk casually to the pool, seeing Sophia and Liam are the only ones down here. I knock and she opens it for me, I walk in nonchalantly and sit on one of the chairs, relaxing into it. Harry and Niall bust through the door, out of breath and I smirk. "Took ya long enough! I've been here for like 30 minutes."

"You were fuckin haulin," Niall says in a thick accent. "How do you run so damn fast?"

"Skill bitch," I smirk.

"Venice! Mind your words," Liam says in a stern voice.

"Sorry," I frown a bit but it turns around when Zayn walks into the room, followed shortly by Louis. "Yay Zaynie!"

I cheer and he laughs, coming to stand by me. "Are we getting in?"

"Hel-ck," I change the word at the end, looking at Liam who is giving me a fake glare. "Yeah we are."

"Hel-ck?" Louis retorts and I glare, slipping off my shoes.

"Shush Lewis," I slip off my cover and set it neatly on the chair. The room is silent but I don't even notice, instead attempt to pull my hair in a pony, grateful I shaved last night. "Damn! Sophia do you have a pony tail?"

"Yeah babe," she slips the elastic off her wrist and I walk over and grab it.

"Thanks," I say softly and pull my hair in a bun on top of my head. When I'm done I bend over so I'm closer to whisper to Sophia. "Why is it so quiet?"

"It'll be louder if you get in the pool," she smiles at me and I stand up straight, smiling back and walking to the edge. I look around at the boys who are all staring at me, mouths agape, except for Zayn. "Let's get in."

I bend my knees and dive in, barely making a splash. I've always been a good swimmer, even did summer swim programs when I was younger. I come up for air, almost at the other end of the pool, my hair in my face, a bubble of laughter escaping my lips. I hear a series of splashes as I open my eye and wipe the water off my face. I look around and see Zayn sitting on the edge, I cock my head and swim over, standing on my tip toes so my head is above water.

"Zaynie why aren't you in the pool?" I ask and he smiles down at me.

"I can't swim," he says softly and I smile, grabbing his hand.

"You don't have to swim babe," he allows me to tug him into the pool. We stay where he can touch, splashing and laughing, having hand stand contests. Harry and Niall have a splash fight then the four boys have a chicken fight while I judge. After a while I climb out and grab a drink from the water fountain then walk over and try to sit with Sophia.

"Venice no," she tries to say sternly, pushing me away and laughing.

"Please I'm cold," I plead, shivering for affect, my arms crossed over my chest.

"I'll give you a cuddle, bug," Liam says, opening his arms. "Get in a towel first."

Sophia hands me a towel and I wrap it around my body, then attempt to squish on the seat next to Liam. The seat is too small so he spreads his legs so they are on either side of the chair and I sit between his legs, my back pressed to his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around me. I stay sat there contently, watching the boys splash around for a bit. My tummy growls loudly and I grab it, widening my eyes in embarrassment. Liam giggles behind me and leans forward to whisper in my ear.

"Are you hungry love?" I nod and he chuckles.

"Go to the room and order room service and shower," Sophia says and I nod, standing and walking over to my seat. I grab my cover and shoes then go back and get a key from Sophia. "We'll be up in a bit."

I nod and leave the pool room, riding the elevator up to our floor and getting into my room.


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