Chapter 19

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Harry POV

"Will you be mine?" she looks up at me with wide, pleading eyes, her blue irises nearly transparent.

"You want your first kiss to be me?" I ask surprised. She turns so she straddling my lap, her knees reaching just past my back. Venice nods slowly and I placed my hands on her hips, leaning back against the headboard. "Are you sure? I don't want it to be awkward between us."

"It won't be awkward," she shakes her head quickly. "I don't really believe in awkward situations. It's the people that make it awkward and if you just don't care then it's okay."

I just look at her, my face blank of emotion. I want to kiss her, very badly actually, but I can't take her first kiss. Don't get me wrong, wrecking her is all I've been thinking about but I don't want it to be weird between us, I really like her. She is so sweet, and nice and caring and funny and loveable and amazing and adorable and beautiful-

"Please Harry," she pleads softly. I sigh hugely and nod, she grins from ear to ear and bites her lip.

"Okay love just relax," I instruct and she does so, straightening her back in the process. I raise my hands and cup her cheeks, I slowly lean in, going 90% of the way, just like Will Smith instructs on Hitch. I look between her eyes, the tension building, her breathing has stopped. "Please breathe baby."

She lets out a shaky breath that hits my lips delightfully, her eyes flutter shut and she leans in. I close my eyes just before her lips brush mine. We part for a second before she forces her lips on mine again. There is no movement, just lips on lips. Her lips are even softer than I imagined and my heart races. This is probably one of the best kisses I've had and after about 5 seconds it ends. She pulls away and I'm left with cold and tingly lips. My eyes flutter open and I'm looking into bright blue ones, full of hope and wonder. We just look in each other's eyes for a minute then she speaks up.

"How was it?"

"One of the best kisses I've had," I answer truthfully and she blushes. "How was it for you?"

"I don't have anything to compare it to, but it was wonderful," she grins. "Thank you."

Zayn POV

I'm so tired, I can't wait for this next break. It's half 10 and I'm almost passed out, the sky is dark and the stars are out. Right as I'm on the brink of sleep there is a pounding on my door and someone calling my name.

"What the actual fuck!" Louis grumbles, standing and answering the door.

"Thank the maker," I hear and then someone is standing by my bed. "Zayn can I please sleep with you."

I peek open one eye and see Venice standing there, a long t-shirt barely covering her body, no shorts underneath. "What?"

"I was watching a scary movie and now I can't sleep I'm too scared," she whines and I open the covers. She crawls in next to me, snuggling her face in my chest. Louis turns the lights back off and she sighs in relief. "Why were you watching a scary movie anyway?"

I mumble out the words and she does the same, "It looked interesting."

I chuckle and wrap my arms around her, pulling her close.


I wake up with a small body nestled against mine. Smiling, I peek open my eye and find blonde hair in my face. I kiss Venice's head and slowly pull away from her, rolling over and seeing Louis and Niall looking at me expectantly. I ignore them and climb out of bed, going to the bathroom to empty my bladder. When I come back out they are still staring at Venice, waiting to see if she'll move. I pull on some joggers and decide to have some fun.

"Watch this," I whisper to them and sit on the opposite side of my bed, so Venice is closer to them. I shake her lightly, "Baby wake up."

She does nothing at first but after a couple shakes she whimpers but doesn't wake up. I shake her a bit more vigorously, "Venice you need to get up."

"Dad," she whines, rolling so she's facing me, her head tucked under her arm, which is at an awkward position. "I don't want to go."

"You've slept enough," I say in a low voice and she makes a sobbing noise.

"Please let me sleep," she sounds like she's going to cry and I bite my lip. Before I can say anything else there is a soft knock on the door. Louis rises and answers it, Liam walks in.

"Has anyone seen or heard-" he stops talking when he sees her in my bed. He gives me a curious look and I just smile and hold my finger to my lips, going back to waking her up.

"Love please wake up," I shake her again and this time she takes a swat at me.

"Dad," she definitely sounds like she's going to cry. "Please. No!"

"Why?" Liam asks this time, taking a seat on the opposite side of her. She doesn't answer so I shake her again.

"M'tired," she whines louder, turning to face him. "I couldn't sleep."

"Because you watched a scary movie?" I ask with a smirk, poking her side. She whimpers and kicks her legs, the covers going with her legs. Her shirt is raised up around her waist and we can see her white lace underwear, the covers only starting to cover half her bum.

"Okay," Liam stands and pulls her shirt down, shaking her to wake her up. "Venice."

She whines and makes grabby hands at him. He sighs and leans forward, grabbing her waist. She wraps her arms around his neck and her pulls her up off the bed, her legs go around his waist.

"Did she bring anything?" He looks at us and Louis shakes his head. Liam interlocks his fingers under her bum and he walks out of the room. Louis heaves a sigh of relief and flops down on his back.


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