Chapter 3

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Venice POV

"This is Venice."

My heart starts pounding a million miles a minute as I look around at the faces of my favorite band. I cannot believe this is happening; first Sophia buys me all these cute clothes and shoes and bras and luggage and jewelry, then Liam gets me a phone and I have their numbers, now I'm meeting them. Someone pinch me, I'm dreaming. I'm so thankful they stopped at the orphanage, not only because my life is now amazing but because I actually feel complete.

"It is very nice to meet you," I smile at them sweetly, not letting my freakout on the inside show. I glance at Soph who is smirking at me. I may have told them I love One Direction so that was our topic of the day.

"It's lovely to meet you Venice," Harry speaks up first and my heart swoons at his voice. Damn I love him, well all of them really, I don't even have a favorite I just adore them.

My new iPhone dings in my hand and I startle, almost dropping it. I look around at some of them gazing at me curiously or trying not to laugh, "Sorry. I've never had a phone before."

I look down and see Lottie's name on the screen.

From Lottie// Venice and Harry sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g.

I look up and glare at her before quickly replying.

To Lottie// Shut up bitch.

From the way Liam's hand is tightening around my waist I take it he read the messages. I look up at him with an innocent expression and he softens, possibly sensing it is a joke from the way Lottie is giggling next to me. He smiles down and pushes me to take a seat on the edge of the bed.

"So tell us about yourself," Louis speaks first, sounding a bit annoyed. From the look on his face I can tell he is a bit wary about me being here. I look to Liam who offers an encouraging smile so I begin.

"Not much to tell. I was born in L.A., moved here when I was five then a social worker found out my dad was violent so I got sent to the orphanage and have been there ever since," I begin with my life story but change the subject fast, not letting them dwell. My past never bothered me, I always just thought that's how things worked. "I like to longboard, and I like to run and I like music ... um, I don't know, I think that is everything."

"What kind of music do you like?" Zayn asks and my tummy flutters at his accent.

"Anything really," I mumble, slight nervous about where this is going. Lottie giggles and I shoot her a death glare.

"Who's your favorite band?" Niall asks and my cheeks heat up. It doesn't feel like too deep of a blush but they notice.

"Um ... you guys are," I say softly and they beam at me. I smile back, feeling my body relax. "Liam I'm hungry."

"Vee, we just ate," Lottie teases and I start to feel bad. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it. There was never really enough food at the house for me to just eat whenever.

"Oh right," I mumble, staring at the phone in my hands. I need to figure out how to transfer my music from my iPod to here.

"Shush Lottie," Sophia scolds and grabs my hand. "Come on love let's get you some food."

She pulls me up and starts to lead me out of the room. As we pass Lottie I stick my tongue out at her, she scoffs and rolls her eyes. I allow Sophia to drag me out of the door and into our room. We order room service and she helps me set up my laptop and my iTunes to my phone so I have all my music on it. I really should know how to do this myself but there wasn't much electronics in the house. Didn't have the money. My phone beeps and I look at it curiously.

From Harry// Are you ever coming back or did we scare you away?

I look up Sophia who has just finished eating like myself. She is texting someone on her phone but she looks up when I speak, "Can I go back over there?"

"Of course you can dear," she smiles and we both stand and go over to the other room.

Liam POV

Louis answers the door and Sophia walks in followed slowly by Venice. She's doing something on her phone while everyone stares at her. The boys went crazy when she left, firing questions and questioning my sanity. Louis even wondered if she was just here because she loves One Direction and wants money. I yelled at him obviously because, really Lou? She's a sixteen year old girl who had barely the clothes on her back. I think I've made the right choice.

Venice locks her phone and looks around at the group. Suddenly she spots Lux and her face lights up. I should have known Lux would make her comfortable. Sally said there were quite a few kids back at the house.

"Hey Venice," Lou smiles at her and she, smile back.

"Hey Lou," she walks over to her and squats in front of Lux. "And who is this beauty?"

Lux blushes a tiny bit and Venice bites her lip. "This is Lux. Say hi to Venice Lux."

"Hi Venice," she answers in a small voice and Venice coos.

"Awe you are just the most adorable thing I've ever seen," she pokes her tummy and Lux giggles.

"I helped her set up her laptop and move her music to her phone," Sophia murmurs next to me drawing my attention from the young girl now sitting on the floor and talking to the preschooler. "She has this really old like 1st generation iPod, so she knows a bit about technology but not much. We're going to have to help her."

"That's alright," I say kissing her head. "Maybe it will be a way she can bond with the lads because Louis is a bit wary."

"I understand but, really?" She gives me an irritated look. "She is like the most innocent thing ever, despite her potty mouth, which I think is just a protective mechanism. She's never even been kissed."

I hum in wonder but don't say anything so she keeps going. "But I got her like a ton of stuff Li. She had like nothing. She got a new straightener and hair supplies and all of her clothes and stuff but I also had her get new deodorant and a new toothbrush, just so she starts out fresh. But she really is so innocent. When we went into Victoria's Secret she was blushing like mad. Lottie kept holding up provocative underwear and she just was bright red. She got a whole bunch of cute things though."

"That's good," I give her a small smile.

"Liam," a soft voice to my right interrupts my train of thought. I look over to see Venice standing next to the bed and looking at me sheepishly. She's still afraid to ask me for things.

"Yes love?"

"Do you think it would be okay if I called the house and talked to Thomas. Bedtime isn't until 9 and it's only 8:30," she rushes out and I smile at her. She told us in the car that Thomas was her very best friend.

"I don't see why not," I say and she beams at me. "Do you need the number?"

"No I have it memorized," she answers happily. "I'm going to do it in my room."

Sophia hands her the key and she leaves in a skip. Harry is the first one to speak, "Who's Thomas?"

"A boy from the house, her best friend," I answer softly. They all hum in acknowledgement and continue playing the game. Not more then 10 minutes later there is frantic knocking on the door.


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