Chapter 16

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Sophia POV

There is a loud thud on the door and I stand to open it. Liam is standing there with Venice passed out in his arms. I stand back and let him enter, setting Venice on one of the beds and taking off her shoes before tucking her under the covers.

"She fell asleep as soon as we got into the car," he smirks at her sleeping figure.

"Awe," I coo, looking at her.

"Yeah," he sighs, taking off his own shoes and sitting on the opposite bed. "So I learnt what you asked me; she loves sparkles, and the colors pink and gold and aqua. I think that's all right?"

"Yes thank you," I smile, kissing his lips softly. "I just want to know how to get the person to decorate her room."

"She's 16," he says with a small smile. "Just like any other teenager, not too little kiddy. Tell the guy what she is like and have him run with it."

"Good idea babe," I reply with a smile and cuddle into his side. We watch a movie and cuddle then it's time for me to get to the airport. I walk over to Venice and smooth her hair off her forehead, leaning down and kissing her hair line. "Goodbye sweetie."

She whimpers and then her eyes open. "Mom ... where are you going?"

I smile at her words, "I've business in London. I'll see you in a week."

"Okay," she sighs, closing her eyes again. I smile and kiss her cheek before stepping away. I turn to Liam who is standing at the end of the bed. "Please pay attention to her. I know she acts okay on the inside but she really craves attention."

"I will, don't worry," he smiles and kisses me deeply. We hug one last time then I gather my things, along with some of Venice's, and leave.

Venice POV

The next time I wake up its dark outside. I groan and roll over in the bed, spotting the alarm clock and seeing it's around 5 in the morning. I smile to myself, perfect time for a run. Sitting up in bed I see I'm not in my room, but Liam is in the next bed. I look around and spot his jeans on the floor and my vans. Slipping them on I dig around in his jean pockets, thankfully finding my key card. After writing a note on the pad and setting it where he will see it I quietly walk out of the room, running into Mark in the hall.

"Sneaking out of someone's room I see," he teases and I gasp.

"It's Liam's!" I clutch my chest in fake hurt. "I'm a good girl."

He cackles with laughter and shakes his head. "Where ya headed?"

"I was going to go for a run," I answer.

"Not by yourself I hope," he cocks his eyebrow at me.

"If you or someone else want to join me that would be great," I smile. "Or else I'll just go in the gym downstairs."

"I was actually just about to get Niall up for a run if you want to join," he smiles.

"That would be lovely," I smile in return. "Knock on my door when you're ready."

He nods and continues down the hall. I turn to my door and card it open, walking inside with a sigh. Slipping off my shoes and clothing, I pull on a sports bra and work out tank along with spandex Nike shorts, white puma socks and my pink tennis shoes finish off the outfit. After brushing my teeth and pulling my hair up into a high bun, I find my phone where I left it before lunch yesterday, plugged into the wall charger. I have just enough time to see there are 5 unseen texts before there is a knock on the door. I quickly grab my old iPod and earphones and keycard, then answer the door with a smile.

"Lookin good Veny," Niall says with a smirk and I roll my eyes.


The run was fabulous. I got to see so much of the city while doing something I love. We ran about five miles in a circle, I could have gone longer but I'll do something later tonight. Upon walking into the hotel Niall makes a b-line for the food, I'm not really hungry but peak inside the cafeteria and spot the boys. Smiling I walk toward them, Zayn, Louis and Harry spot me but I hold my hand to my lips and sneak up behind Liam. When I get close I clamp my hands on his shoulders and shake him a little while voicing a loud 'rawr'.

He shouts a little and shrinks making the lads and I laugh hysterically. He looks at me with a pout and I lean down and kiss his cheek then plop my body down on his lap.

"I'm sorry dad, had too," I smirk up at him and the corners of his mouth twitch upward.

"Where have you been little missy?" he tries to sound stern but fails and I giggle.

"Say been again," I giggle some more and he cracks a smile, shaking his head before saying it one more time. I giggle harder and he huffs, pretending to be annoyed. I calm down and look at him with a small smile. "I went for a run with Niall and Mark."

"This girl can run," Niall says, taking a seat next to Liam.

"How far did you go?" Harry asks.

"5 miles," he huffs and I laugh.

"I coulda done at least 5 more," I giggle. "I might just have to do that actually. I saw a hot guy in the gym earlier, Imma go check it out."

I grab a piece of Liam's toast and finish off his juice before giving the table a wink and waltzing away.


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