Chapter 13

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Venice POV

Someone is gently shaking me awake. "Venice you gotta get up."

"Dad no five more minutes," I mumble, turning back over.

"I'm sorry love but you can sleep on the plane," Liam says, shaking me again.

"Mmm," I whimper sleepily. "Will you just carry me there?"

"All the way to the airport? In your underwear?" he giggles slightly.

"Ugh," I groan, rolling so I'm facing him but not opening my eyes. "I have to wear pants! This is the worst."

"If I have to carry you out there, all the boys will see you," I open my eyes at his words and sit up. He chuckles and walks away. "Get dressed quickly."

I groan as the door closes and will my body to get out of bed. I pull on black short shorts and a big maroon sweater with white stripes on the arm, paired with black slip-on vans. I quickly pull my hair in in a messy braid and brush my teeth before packing the last of my things and texting Liam.

To Dad// Where are you?? I'm ready and packed.

From Dad// Eating downstairs. Come down.

I exit the room and take the elevator to the main floor. Entering the breakfast area I spot Liam and plop down next to him, leaning my head on his shoulders.

"Are you still asleep?" he teases and I nod, closing my eyes. "Go get some food, it'll wake you up."

I look at him with a puppy pout and he sighs. Kissing my forehead he stands up and walks away. I lay my forehead on the table with a groan.

"You've got that boy wrapped around your finger little missy." I look up and see a middle aged couple sitting next to me. The lady is looking at me with a soft smile and I blush. She has a strong southern accent, reminding me of Thomas. "He's looking at you like you're the most important thing in the world, which you probably are in his. Don't let someone like that go. It doesn't come around very often."

I look at her in awe, not sure how to respond. A smile forms on my lips as I ponder her words. "Thank you."

"Make sure that he treats you right," the man adds, his accent thicker than hers. He's a thin man with a thick mustache and tight Wrangler jeans on his body. "If he don't, you kick his ass to the curb. Someone will protect you."

"And what makes you think I need protecting?" I tease and his wife shoots me a smile.

"I think she can handle herself John," the lady slaps his arm playfully and I laugh.

"I'm not saying she can't," he almost shouts and I laugh harder. Liam comes back with a plate packed full of food. "Anyone who can eat all of that can certainly take care of themselves."

"Oh I can eat it John," I tease again and Liam kisses the side of my head.

"I see you've made friends," he observes loudly and I look at him, seeing the rest of the boys behind his shoulder, watching me.

"We were just telling your girlfriend that you two are a cute couple," the lady responds with a smile.

"Oh we're no-" Liam starts but I elbow him and shake my head. He smiles softly and nods. "Thanks."

"Are you ready for this John?" I challenge and he laughs.

"Go ahead," I eat and they tell me stories of their lives. When I'm done I lean back in my chair and pat my belly. "Well I got ta hand it to ya, I'm impressed. You got yourself a fine young lady here son."

"Thank you sir," Liam smiles at the man, shaking his hand. "She's pretty great."

We stand up, the boys following our lead. The man and woman stand as well, she comes up and rests her hand on my arm. "You take good care of yourself honey. You are a very beautiful girl and don't let anyone tell you different."

"Thank you," I say quietly. She nods and offers me a soft smile.

"And if this boy or any boy treats you wrong you remember what I said," John says with a nod and I smile widely.

"I will sir," I give a single nod and they smile and walk away. I stand there for a minute, watching them walk away, pondering everything they said.

"What did he say to you?" Liam asks, putting his hand on the small of my back and urging me forward.

"He said if you or a boy mistreat me to kick your ass to the curb," I smile and turn on my toes, waltzing away from them.

Harry POV

Damn. I don't know if I'll be able to control myself. She looks so amazing in those shorts. I just want to shove her up against the wall and give her a proper snog. I don't though because Liam would definitely kill me. Not a bad way to die really but I want to live.


We've been on the plane for a total of ten minutes and Venice hasn't stopped giggling since we took off. She's sitting in the back, her earphones plugged into her laptop, giggling quietly to herself. I'm not bothered by this because her giggle is so adorable, but I'm very curious. After another five or so minutes, Liam has about had it.

"Venice!" He calls and she looks up, hitting a button and taking an earphone out so she can hear. "What are you doing?"

"I'm watching a movie," she smiles, looking at the screen and giggling again.

"What are you watching that has you giggling so much?" He asks, his brow furrowing. Louis and Niall are listening in as well but Zayn and Sophia are passed out.

"Kungfu Panda," she answers with another giggle.

"Can I watch with you?" I ask, sitting up in my seat. She nods and I mentally fist pump, this is a great opportunity to get close to her. I sit next to her so I can see the screen, the laptop propped on a table, and she hands me one of her earphones. Once I'm situated she hits play and immediately giggles as Jack Black's voice fills our ears.

I had forgotten how funny this movie is. As we watch I move my arm around her shoulders and she cuddles up to me, draping her leg over mine. Before I know it the plane is landing in Boston.


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