Chapter 22

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Venice POV

Everything just feels right with Louis. I fit into his side perfectly. He makes me feel safe and he makes me laugh and he makes me feel good.  He's still asleep so I lift my head and place a chaste kiss under his jaw. I've never done something so bold in my life, but I couldn't help myself. He stirs and looks down at me, a small smile on his lips.

"Can I help you?" he teases and I giggle, shaking my head.

"Nope," I say in a sweet little voice. "You're very cute when you sleep."

He chuckles and smiles down at me, leaning in and kissing my forehead, "You're cute all the time."

"Do you really mean that?" I ask, my heart pounding. I hope Harry doesn't think I lead him on, I like him but not the way I like Louis.

"Of course I do love," he says softly. "You are very beautiful and amazing and smart and ... I really like you Venice."

I sharply intake a breath and move slightly so I can look at him better. He looks sincere, certain that this is what he really wants.

"I like you," I whisper and a wide grin spreads across his lips. He reaches up and cups my cheek, brushing some hair off my forehead. Slowly he pulls my head up, glancing from my lips to my eyes, asking permission. I nod my head and he leans forward, bringing his lips to meet mine. My body tingles and my mind goes fuzzy at the contact. Harry's kiss was nice, but Louis' makes me feel a whirlwind of emotions. His lips nudge mine and I move them, following his actions. My hand goes to his side, fisting his t-shirt and trying to draw him closer. The kiss is sweet and slow, just lips on lips. After a while he pulls away for air, both our breaths panting, a smile on our faces. He looks in my eyes and pecks my lips again.

"Go out with me," he whispers and I smile.

"Like on a date?" I ask. "Or like be your girlfriend."

"Both," he answers cheekily. I laugh and wrap my arms around his waist, burying my face in his chest.


Zayn POV

After Harry told me what happened, I immediately called Niall. We had a good laugh and a fangirl session over the situation before calming down to discuss what we should do. We can't tell Liam, he'll flip out. So we decided to just remain quiet and let things settle how they may. Currently we are in the cars, on the way to the stadium; Harry, Liam, and Niall are in one and Louis, Venice, and I are in the other. I watch the pair closely, observing their movements. They are talking to each other quietly, their hands brushing every so often, their knees knocking together. They are sitting quite close, their thighs touching, one arm rubbing against the other's. Finally I look up at their faces, Louis hasn't stopped smiling and Venice's cheeks are slightly pink at his gaze.

"What is going on here?" I ask loud enough they can hear me and break apart. They both look at me, fear in Venice's eyes and pleading in Louis, along with mischief.

"Don't tell Liam please Zaynie," Venice whispers, begging me to not tell her dad. I sigh and glance between the two, finally nodding my head.

"Alright, I won't," I answer. "How long has this been going on?"

"We started dating today," Louis answers, a small glare directed at me. I cock my head at the word dating but thank the maker this isn't just a physical relationship. I nod my head once and look out the window for a moment before turning back to them.

"Well I'm very happy for you both," I say sincerely. "And I will keep your secret."

"Thank you Zaynie," Venice smiles at me and I return it. The car finally stops and I get out first and wait for Venice. When she exits I grab her hand and pull her away, leading her in a different direction. Once we are in a small room I let her go and turn on her.

"Venice, what about Harry?" I ask, knowing the events that transpired earlier.

"What about him?" She asks, giving me a confused look. Then her eyes get wide and she covers her mouth with her hand. "Oh my gosh. It was just a kiss. Did he think it was something more? What if he thinks I lead him on! I didn't mean to, I just wanted to have my first kiss. Shit! That is leading him on. I need to speak to him. He's going to hate me now. I know it! It's just different with Louis. I feel alive with him. Harry was good and I liked it but Louis ... UGH!"

She goes off on a rant and I take a step back, letting her mind work on its own. I'm glad she figured it out on her own.

"Babe, he won't be mad, he won't hate you," I reassure her, pulling her in for a hug. "Just tell him what happened and explain the situation."

"Are you sure?" she looks up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sure love," I kiss her forehead and hug her for a minute. She takes a deep breath and pulls away, looking up at me.

"When should I tell him?"

"As soon as possible," I answer and follow her out the door. "You should also tell Sophia, then at least one of your parents knows and it won't be as much of a shock."

She stops me in the doorway of the dressing room and wraps her arms around my waist. "Thank you Zaynie."

"You are welcome love," I kiss the top of her head and we part. Everyone in the room is looking at us, my eyes meet Louis' and he glares. I flash him a side smile as Venice walks over to Harry.

Harry POV

"Harry can I speak with you?" she asks quietly and I nod, following her out of the room. She leads me to an empty room and closes the door behind us. My heart starts to race as she takes a step closer, but I remind myself of what Zayn told me, to not let my urges get the best of me. I need to push those feelings down. "Harry ... about the kiss."

I know that the next thing she says will break my heart but I tell myself not to get too worked up about it. She really isn't the one for me and I need to be happy for her.

"I'm really sorry if it seemed I was leading you on," she begins and my suspicions are correct. I take a deep breath and fall back to the person I was before I let my body control my actions and feelings toward her. "It was really nice, I enjoyed it a lot but I really like Louis."


"I'm sorry if this ruins things between you and your best friend or if it messes with our relationship. I hope it doesn't. I just can't control how I feel, it's different with him," She rushes out and I chuckle.

"Venice love stop," I say over her ramblings. She looks up at me with puppy dog eyes and I pull her into a hug. "Don't be sorry love, sometimes it doesn't work out. I'm just glad I could be your first kiss. You are a lovely girl and I know Louis will treat you right. If he doesn't, I'll beat him up."

She laughs and squeezes me tightly, "Thank you Harry. You're a great friend."

It doesn't hurt like I thought it would when she calls me that and I smile. Now I really feel like her uncle or her brother, I'm going to take care of her.

"And we can still have cuddle sessions," she announces, looking up at me.

"Oh good," I smile and kiss her nose. "That's what I was most worried about."

She giggles and gives me another hug before pulling away and walking toward the door. She turns to me before opening it, "And please don't tell Liam. I know that he is very protective and he is really sweet. Really the only reason I swear is to make him all flustered because he is just so cute and cuddly all the time."

I laugh at her explanation, agreeing with it completely, "I won't say a word love."

She smiles and opens the door, I follow her out and back into the dressing room. Zayn catches my eye immediately and I nod, telling him that we are okay. He visibly relaxes and I watch as Venice walks over to Louis and looks around making sure no one is watching before placing a small kiss on his cheek. Louis smiles widely and he looks away from her, his eyes meeting mine. This eyes widen and he looks at me with a silent plea. I send him a wink, and he smiles at me gratefully. I'm really happy my best mate is happy once again.


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