Chapter 20

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Liam POV

"M'cold," Venice whines.

"I'm sorry baby," I mumble and she nuzzles her face in my neck. Andrew comes out of his room right then and I sigh in relief. "Andrew, will you please go down and have the front desk make a new key for Venice's room? She locked herself out."

He nods and turns around, headed toward the lift. I lean back against the wall next to her room, she starts to whimper.

"Have to pee, let me down," she squirms in my arms, burying her face further into me.

"Love you can't get down," I wrap one arm around her waist to hold her in place, lifting her weight with my other. She makes a soft sobbing sound and I hold her tighter. "You're not wearing pants or socks."

"Oh no what if people see me," she mumbles.

"No one will see your underwear," I reply softly, knowing that is what she is worried about.

"Promise?" She asks in a sleepy voice.

"Promise," I kiss her head.

"Pinky promise?" She asks in a more awake voice.

"Pinky promise," I mumble in a low tone.

"You didn't even hook your pinky with mine?" She whines, her breath tickling my neck.

"You didn't give me your pinky," I counter and she groans.

"Ugh, I have to do all the work?"

"Who's holding who here?" I counter and she giggles.

"Well you're the best," she turns her head and I see her peek at me out the corner of my eye. Andrew walks over to us and opens the door. I thank him and he leaves.

"Okay love get dressed and we'll go eat," I set her down on the bed. She whimpers at the loss of contact and gives me a pouty face. "Hurry."

She jumps off the bed and runs to the bathroom. Chuckling to myself I leave her room and go to mine, taking her new key with me just in case.

Louis POV

We are all waiting in Liam's room to go eat, the lads from 5sos wanted to go out so we all agreed. We're just going downstairs because of the crazed fans but it will still be fun. There is a knock on the door, which Zayn answers and Vince swaggers in. She is wearing a black crop top that shows of the area of skin from her belly button to the waist line of her low hanging sweatpants. Her hair is wet and curling naturally, a snapback holding it back, and she has on black and white sneakers.

My heart is racing at the sight of her, the exposed skin making it hard to breathe. She walks in, ignoring us and heading straight for Liam. After mumbling in his ear, he looks up at her with small smile and stands.

"Let's go lads," he says and Venice latches onto his arm, staying close to him. We walk to the lift and get on, Venice staying on his tail.

"So Venice how did you sleep?" Zayn asks with a smirk and Venice cowers behind Liam, burying her face in his arm. He gives her a quizzical look then looks around the lift at each of us.

"Well thank you," she replies, barely above a whisper. The lift opens and we walk out and into the room. The lads are already there so we all sit down.

"Hi babe," Calum smiles at Venice and she smiles back.

"Hi Cal," she answers bashfully, nuzzling into Liam's arm.

"Hi Venice," Luke greets with a smile.

"Luke," she gives a curt nod and practically sits on Liam's lap. Luke gives me a curious and hurt look but I shrug like I don't know what that was about. I do though. She's angry for the first time they met. We sit and chat while waiting for food, Venice is supper clingy to Liam the whole time.

"Love why are you being so cuddly today?" he coos as the food comes. She notices that we are all looking at her and buries her face in his bicep.

"Idehuionw," her voice is muffled and Liam laughs. She looks up at him with a glare then turns to the plate of food in front of her, glancing at it with distaste before cuddling back into Liam.

"You need to eat love," he mumbles to her, wrapping his left arm around her shoulders. She shakes her head and curls up under his arm. "Yes Venice."

"M'not hungry," she mumbles, cuddling closer.

"What do you mean you're not hungry? You're always hungry," Liam questions, his brow furrowing. "Are you getting sick?"

He lifts his head to her forehead and she giggles, shaking her head to get rid of his hand.

"M'just tired," she mumbles again, fisting his shirt in her hand.

"What scary movie did you watch last night?" Liam asks her with a smirk and she lifts her head up quickly. I watch as Venice stands and walks around the table, glaring at Liam the entire time.

"I don't want to talk about it," she says in a low voice, sitting right on Calum's lap. He looks at her shocked by this action but quickly recovers and wraps his arm around her waist, pulling her back against him. A pang of jealously settles in my stomach as I watch her turn in his lap so she's sitting bridal style all the while glaring at Liam.

"What if he doesn't want you to sit there Venice?" Liam asks with a hint of something in his eye. I seriously think he is trying to get under her nerves. He and Zayn share a look then both turn to Venice with a slight smirk.

"Why won't you tell us about the movie you watched?" Zayn pushes and Venice buries her face in Calum's neck. "You seemed quite frightened when you demanded to sleep with me."

"Oh she demanded?" Niall questions, getting in on the teasing.

"I'm sure Calum doesn't need you hanging on him while he is trying to eat," Liam voices with a small smile and Venice curls up farther into Calum.

"I don't know he seems to be enjoying himself," Michael joins in with a smile directed at Calum.

"He better not be," Liam says in a low voice and Venice giggles. Calum continues eating like nothing is happening and I see Luke glare at him.

"You were hanging onto me for dear life last night," Zayn continues.

"You never let me cuddle you like that," Niall whines and Venice peaks over at them.

"Ah Ni," Zayn puts his arm around Niall's shoulder. "We can cuddle tonight."

Niall smiles at him widely, "Promise?"

"Of course he promises," Venice joins the conversation, looking at the pair. "Look at you. You're adorable."

Niall blushes and hides under Zayn's arm and Venice turns on Calum's lap and grabs a muffin. "You're definitely one of my favorite Bromances. Of course I like Zayn with any of you and Niall with any of you and Liam with any of you."


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